helping you dissolve fear to discover true (creative) freedom from the inside-out.
Deconstructing the Veil of Victimhood.
Victimhood is a self-inflicted, self-perpetuating cycle.
It functions an integral software upon our unconscious programming.
If you are reading this, you have, to some extent, embodied victimhood.
The Art of NOT Going Viral: Revealing the Biggest lie.
The biggest lie we are told is that we have to DO something.
I have to do something to feel enough.
I have to do something to be accepted.
I have to do something to be loved.
Re-Programming Business and Spirituality.
You’re (likely) building your business wrong.
Here’s why…
Business is an extension of self.
The Form of Frequency : Finding the Authentic Self
The Soul holds memory.
Much more memory than the mind.
There is remembering and Re-Membering.
De-Mystifying your Dream.
To place your dream in tomorrow is to surrender your power away to an unknown benefactor.
There is certainly power in surrender, but this is not the surrender I speak of.
Authenticity and your Higher Self
Your authentic self is the part of your higher self that you can embody.
We have all known this authenticity whether we feel separate from it or nor, but we often have no memory of it.
Why mindset is not everything : Illuminating the falsehoods around mindset.
Mindset can work magic, if and only if there is balance.
The power of the mind is in fact incomprehensible.
Our ability to create something from nothing via the mind is inarguably magic, but
The mind is second to the body.
Returning to authenticity in 2023: Intuition and the Authentic Self.
We grow our trust in our intuition through creativity and art.
When we surrender to a gesture that must be made for no justifiable reason other than that it must occur, that is intuition expressing itself.
Whatever that gesture may be, it is creativity in alchemy.
Befriending Death to Begin Life.
Death is society’s secret.
Death is often little discussed and perceived to be shrouded in a dark impenetrable cloak.
Has anyone stopped and asked death how death wants to be seen and heard?
An alternative Structure to Thinking : Subtraction as Addition
The goal is not to think different thoughts.
The goal is to construct an entirely new way of thinking.
The system of thinking starts first with your way of being.
Creating Balance through Play: A Guide to a Liberated Life
Play is essential for a Healthy Brain.
It is also a non-negotiable for living your best life now.
Let’s talk playfulness and how to remember your way.
Cracking the Money Code : Your Pilgrimage to Abundance
Is money the true object of your desire?
Through working with many people intimately with their relationship to money,
here is the pattern and limitation that I see every time.
We are Algorithmic by Nature : How to Stop Comparing Yourself
Your algorithm is design collaboration between three parts of the same whole that is who you are now and how you operate.
You are one part divine, one part programmed, and one part directive.
A guide to Simplifying Life: How you can make life less complicated.
Why is we tend to place so much unnecessary mental pressure on ourselves?
Do you overcomplicate everything?
Here’s how to return to simplicity.
The Energetics of Money and It’s Relationship to Authenticity.
Money isn’t an exchange of value.
It is an exchange of values.
This is why becoming your authentic self is directly correlated to your relationship with money.
Repressed Creativity and Overcoming Old Subconscious Programs.
Are you repressing your creative expression?
Here’s how to find out.
Myths and Misconceptions about Stress : Conscious Collaboration.
Stress is not a product of what you are doing,
But rather a response to what you are not doing.
Stress is the biggest limitation to our freedom.
The Simple Art of Creating Space for Pleasure.
We are all after creating deeper intimacy with our selves, our purpose, our creativity, God, and the people we love.
We also yearn to have deeper impact on these as well.
Intimacy and Impact occurs when you allow yourself the freedom of pleasure.
Ancient Software and the New Human Operating System
You are the best piece of hardware ever designed.
Your capacity to create something from nothing, infer between energetic bounds, and to experience presence is remarkable.
But when was the last time you updated your operating system?
Sex, Money, and Self-Actualization : illuminating unconscious programs.
Here’s the foundation of this beautiful mess.
Freedom is the process of becoming aware of what you were previously unaware of.