Authenticity and your Higher Self

Authenticity and your Higher Self. The rediscovery of authenticity is your highest manifestation.

photo : Ivana Cook

Authenticity is spirituality.

There is no connection to your highest self without authenticity.


Here is how we lose our authenticity and how to re-invigorate your connection to it.


Your soul is woven in a way like no other soul is.

The pattern on your soul inscribes a mission upon your heart,

And that mission upon your heart becomes embodied as you, with the perfect blueprint to celebrate what is unique to you.



Your authentic self is the part of your higher self that you can embody.

We have all known this authenticity whether we feel separate from it or nor, but we often have no memory of it.


When you were a child, in the early years of programming,

You were an artist

And entertainer

A dancer

An athlete

An entrepreneur

A hero

A heroine

A princess

A goddess

Authentic beyond limit.


Some of us preserve this still small voice within as we traverse through conditioning and into adulthood and the conscious or unconscious awareness it entails.

The rediscovery of authenticity is your highest manifestation. Authenticity and your Higher Self

photo : Ivana Cook


Many of us, sadly, lose this channel to our authentic self.

Here’s why.


The fear of death.

(Kidding, not kidding)


We lose connection to our authentic self because of the gradual embodiment of self-doubt.


Self-doubt flows into the waters of a few rivers.


First, self-doubt taints the waters of self-worth.

When doubt is introduced into our inner inquiry, we are subjected to an entirely different world of the human condition.



Self-doubt opens the doors to awareness of self-lack.

The default operating system is self-love, albeit often very difficult to see this source code as many different layers of code are written on top of it.


When unconditional self-love becomes occupied by self-doubt,

The fear of judgement begins to flow.


There is no judgement in your soul, therefore the fear of judgement is a direct expression from sacrificing authenticity.



Many of the catalysts that discourage our authentic expression and encourage self-doubt and the fear of judgement are developed from defense mechanisms that we had little conscious agency over.


We knew no better than to dim our light in attempts to survive emotionally and even physically.


Authenticity and your Higher Self. The rediscovery of authenticity is your highest manifestation.

Photo : Ivana Cook



Authenticity never actually leaves you.

It is an underlying principle that cannot be eliminated; only masqueraded.


We build defense mechanisms on top of where authenticity once freely breathed.

A subconscious perception of authenticity is developed that aligns with these defense mechanisms.

We can begin to identify with these defense mechanisms as being authentic.

And they very much are, until they aren’t.



A life can feel authentic until self-doubt arises once again.

Self-doubt is a double edged sword.

What once dulled an authentic spark can now re-incite the authentic fire.



Sometimes one becomes lost for the joy of being found.

The power of awakening to a structure of life that no longer aligns with your desire of authenticity is equally frightening as it is exciting.

It activates latent aspects of your being.


When the inquiry of authenticity is re-invigorating, the intensity is amplified with our conscious awareness.

We have to truly want to change, to want to discover authenticity, in order to actually create transformation.


When we marry desire with inner work and outer action, we embark on a deeper path of self-actualization.


The cleansing rains of deep self-inquiry and renewal wash away the debris that covered up the source code of authenticity.

Once it is revealed to you once again, it becomes yours sacred duty to cherish it.

Authenticity and your Higher Self. The rediscovery of authenticity is your highest manifestation.

Photo: Ivana Cook

The rediscovery of authenticity is your highest manifestation.

It is the vessel for you to actualize,

To be of the highest service

To live your most fulfilled life

And to finally start living.


Welcome home.



Here is how I can help you connect to your authentic self.


The Re-Design Reality Program.

6 Weeks of live transformational guidance to deconstruct limiting beliefs and re-discover your authentic self.

Apply Below.


De-Mystifying your Dream.


Why mindset is not everything : Illuminating the falsehoods around mindset.