Why mindset is not everything : Illuminating the falsehoods around mindset.

Why mindset is not everything : Illuminating the falsehoods around mindset.

To preface this,

I want to paradoxically open with a quote from the Kybalion.


“ALL is Mind, the Universe is mental.”


The mind is everything, mentality is nothing. The mind is nothing, mentality is everything.

Paradox, Paradox, Paradox.

Here is what I wish to illustrate.


Mindset can work magic, if and only if there is balance.


The power of the mind is in fact incomprehensible.

Our ability to create something from nothing via the mind is inarguably magic,

However ;


The mind is second to the body.


The body provides the foundation for the mind to access it’s higher functions, and there are a lot of higher functions we CAN have access to.

Without the body silently working its sense of magic in us, our mind could not be given the space it needs to create.

Why mindset is not everything : Illuminating the falsehoods around mindset.


Mindset is simply spaciousness.

As I understand it, everything is spaciousness or lack thereof.

Expressions of abundance, inspiration, and creativity are products of spaciousness.


The power we understand about the success of shifting you mindset is not because the sudden thinking of new thoughts.

It is operating within an entirely different spaciousness of mind altogether.

I want to help you get there.


Here is an analogy.


You have lived much of your life in the same room.

As an architect, I firmly believe in the power of small changes to a space and it’s impact on our mental, emotional, and spiritual space within.

This room is yours, and from time to time you re-decorate.


You experience novelty in the re-arrangement, but the re-arrangement is merely thinking a set of new thoughts.


True “mindset” work is constructing an entirely alternative system of thinking.

IT is blasting the roof out, and re-designing an entirely new architecture.


The new space that you can create will completely transfigure your methodology of life.


Mindset is not everything.

You cannot get to that place with mindset alone.


The Mind is a system connected the larger mind that is the body-mind.

This is where the real “mindset” work occurs.


The body-mind is the realm of the somatic experience; it is the realm of reality, function, and balance.

The body-mind is the nervous system.

It is where all past pain is stored and where future fear is anticipated.

Why mindset is not everything : Illuminating the falsehoods around mindset.


The nervous system is the lock and the key to self-actualization.

Without a regulated nervous system, the standard operating procedure of the human is fear, scarcity, and inadequacy.



The nervous system is the real MIND.

Though often imbalanced, the power of the body mind is actualized through creating balance.

Balance is created through healing trauma psycho-somatically, and optimizing the natural functions of your body.


Health in the body-mind is balance.

The balanced body-mind creates the space and the conditions for your Mind to actualize the potential of entirely different operating system.


The mind cannot access actualization without first establishing bodily balance unique to the individual.

You must expand what you believe balance to be, it likely is not the balance you are told of nor of the balance your neighbor claims to embody.

Why mindset is not everything : Illuminating the falsehoods around mindset.

Mindset is not everything

Because without the somatic foundation necessary to move forward without attachments to past pain or future fear, the mind is rendered incapable of sustaining a system of thinking beyond the nervous system capacity.


Mindset is everything when we consider mindset as a derivative of balance and regulation throughout all other aspects of ourself.

Mindset is nothing if we depend on thinking different thoughts to create all the change in our lives.

The mind is indeed powerful, but it is not the only hero or heroine of your journey.

Balance is found though body which informs the mind which informs the spirit which in forms the body once again.

It is all interconnected.

Balance is Everything.

For Personalized Guidance on creating balance and actualizing your potential,

Why mindset is not everything : Illuminating the falsehoods around mindset.

Authenticity and your Higher Self


Returning to authenticity in 2023: Intuition and the Authentic Self.