Deconstructing the Veil of Victimhood.

Learning to live beyond the veil of victimhood.

 Here’s what it looks like.

Deconstructing the Veil of Victimhood.

Victimhood is a self-inflicted, self-perpetuating cycle.

It functions an integral software upon our unconscious programming.

If you are reading this, you have, to some extent, embodied victimhood.


There is a vast difference between being a “victim” and being within victim consciousness.

Let’s break it down as simply as possibly.


Being a victim is being tangibly affected by an event beyond any sort of control.

Victim consciousness is allowing circumstance to always affect you physically, emotionally, and energetically.



If someone breaks into your car and steals your beloved tchotchke, you are victim of the thief.

Thereafter, if you believe that you are someone embodying the identity of one who is robbed, then you are in victimhood.


The big bad question to ask is,

 "Am I the perpetrator of my own victimhood?"


Victimhood is believing that circumstance dictates your reality.

As triggering as it may be, the feedback loop of life is not outside-in.

It is outside- choice-in, so rather,


The space occupied with that choice is for the most part unconscious.

Let's re-wire it.


Say two people had money invested in the stock market, and there was overnight crash, nothing too crazy but a nice chop off the top.

One wakes up and is immediately sent into panic upon the news,

The other sees the news and chooses to go about his morning rituals in peace before assessing the losses. 


Is there not a small opportunity of choice embedded in between awareness and response?


The choice is perceivable.

Is it then categorically true that we are victims of circumstance if in fact we ALWAYS have the agency to choose a response or none at all?


The truth is,

We can take matters personally as much as we would like.


Inevitably, life is going to life you in your specific weakness.

The question is,


Does this leave you powerless or empowered?


I believe it encourages us to be empowered.

Deconstructing the Veil of Victimhood.

Life reveals our blind spots and attachments that directly correlate to our subconscious narratives that limit our potential.

Who actually wants to remain limited upon becoming aware of the limitation?

Read more on overcoming limitations here  

The biggest dilemma is,

It often takes an acute awareness and a high level of humility to arrive at a place where one can observe one’s own victimhood objectively.

Awareness is the lock and the key.


We are unable to change what we are unaware of.

That’s the easy part.

The difficulty is coming to terms with the fact that once you see your illusory shadow, you cannot unsee it.

So what do you do?


The veil of victimhood appears as a monolithic block in our unconscious.

When we become conscious of victimhood, we see the veil as a thin transparent film.

It is hard not to laugh because how illusory the veil is.

Apply grace rather than resentment.



The illusion feels real until it’s not.

It’s like the old public speaking method of envisioning everyone in their underwear to feel more comfortable in your own vulnerability of public speaking.

Its daunting, then it’s not.


Deconstructing the Veil of Victimhood.

Victimhood is the illusion that separates us from our own power.

It is what disseminates our power out into the world of circumstance, rendering us completely at mercy to circumstance.


What happens in life is real,

But that does not mean that it MUST dictate your internal operating system.


We respond to life through two means.


Unconscious Reaction

Conscious Creation.


(99% is reactionary)

 Read more on conscious creation and subconscious limitations here!

Observing victimhood is how we dissolve the stories that support it.

Victimhood, however, is a shapeshifter and attaches to parts of your identity you take as integral to who you believe you are.

This is victimhood’s survival adaptation.



Who you believe you are is not who you truly are.

Becoming conscious of exactly where you tend to victimize yourself and the means by which you do it is the very practice to dissolve these patterns that play out.


Dissolving stories of victimhood is dissolving aspects of your identity, which is…



We resist death, though we die many times in many ways in just one life.


The death of a fixed identity is the greatest transformation you can undergo,

Death creates space for re-birth.

A re-birthing of a story self beyond the veil of victimhood becomes possible.

For more on collaborating with death, read this post!

Deconstructing the Veil of Victimhood.

 I would be honored to facilitate the dissolution of who you think are so that you can live in the freedom and potential that you deserve.

You can book a free call below to discover if you are the right fit for the program.



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Deconstructing the Veil of Victimhood.

Freedom: Transcending Triggers and Subconscious Narratives.


The Art of NOT Going Viral: Revealing the Biggest lie.