A guide to Simplifying Life: How you can make life less complicated.

How can I make my life less complicated?

Why is it we tend to place so much unnecessary mental pressure on ourselves?

Do you overcomplicate everything?






Here’s how to return to simplicity.

Let’s set the stage. We need to understand how we work as humans so we can best observe where these workings get murky.



The mind,

The body,

The Soul.


These are the star players of your reality.


Everything that occurs occurs in real time.

Nothing occurs in the future, because by that time the future will be now.

Therefore, experience is here and now.


The here and now is in relationship with the physical.

It interacts with the plane of the body.

All that happens happens to you through the body.

The Mind is not the beholder.


You are literally made new in every moment.

The cells turn over in your body, new breath fills your lungs, and your central nervous does its diligent work.

Here is where the Mind enters the play.


The Mind Analyzes what Is here and now against what was there and then.

It does so in relationship as well to the projections of could become here and now.

The mind is in charge of the hypothetical.


The big dilemma is a s follows.

The Mind can create stories and illusory realities that create very real biological effects on the body even though those stories could be derived from the past or the potential future.

In other words,

Your mind can create reality from something that is not actually occurring.


The subconscious mind cannot differentiate between imagination and reality.

So if you create a story of anxiety about a hypothetical story about not being provided for in the future,

Your mind will send information to the nervous system and create very real responses.


There in that moment, in the wake of illusory projections of the mind,

The pure waters of our reality become very murky.


How can you differentiate your reality in this mixture of illusion and reaction?


The Soul observes this all,

Yet remains unchanged.

Do you think you soul perceives in terms of the mind?


Your Soul already has the blueprint of awareness before and after time.


But before we go too deep down the path of esoterics, lets draw back to the fundamentals.

how to stop overcomplicating things

Our perception of reality become complicated when we experience life through our body, but use our mind to creates overlays of hypothetical experiences on top of this one true experience.

Instead of experience one-ness, we experience many-ness.


The mind overcomplicates reality by attempting to project previous experience into the now as well as attempting to pull future fear into the now.

The mind makes these things real.

Just because it’s real, doesn’t mean it’s true.

 Why are humans so complicated?

Well here’s a story for you that will hopefully explain itself.

Two people are sitting on a park bench.

We ask what is happening.

One responds, “So much is happening, there is this and that and this and that and oh my goodness did you hear…”

The other, “Nothing is happening, I’m just sitting.”


This is a perfect example of what we believe to be happening is what is truly happening.

Both are completely right in their own perceptions of reality.

Truly I say that there is no wrong way to perceive because if it were to be otherwise, it would be otherwise already.


But now there is a moment.

That moment is asking, “well how do I want to be?’

To whom are you asking that question to…

Your soul.


You already inherently know something, because your soul knows there is always another way, yet paradoxically every way is perfect.

Inquiring to your deepest self is your return to simplicity.

It is the doorway for the many to joyfully become one again.


So we can see that the culprit of overcomplicating our reality is the mental stories that run on in the background, yet tend to focus on if in the foreground.


Why is existence so complicated?

It is highly intelligent of you to create such stories, they are safety mechanisms.

Paradoxically however, the more we keep focus on maintaining safety the more susceptible we are to danger.

The real danger is the perpetuation of these exhausting stories.


If we are constantly looking for ways in which we are in jeopardy,

We will only create more stories of reality of complications and jeopardy.

Life is not designed to difficult,

But is also isn’t designed to be easy.


Simple is not easy, because simple takes a lot of work.

Simplicity in counter-intuitive to our programming so therefore we have to rewire an entirely new mental pathways that dissolves illusory stories rather than supports them.


My line of work is helping you all turn some dials, rip some wires out, and recalibrate your mental operating system.

Many of the complications we face have some roots in truth, but most in the illusion.

Your birthright is to dwell in the truth.



We do not become stressed because we do stressful things.

We become stressed because we do not allow ourselves space, silence, and stillness.


Of course, you are probably aren’t going to live in a cave and meditate.

And I actually reject much of this idealism.

Finding balance in the ultimate dance of life and the best to find it is through living.


So if you want to live your best life now, and re-design your reality,

I’m running a live transformative program this spring to help you get free from the inside out and actualize your potential.

Book a call below.

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