The Art of NOT Going Viral: Revealing the Biggest lie.

The Art of NOT Going Viral: Revealing the Biggest lie.

Revealing the biggest lie in our lives.

The biggest lie we are told is that we have to DO something.


I have to do something to feel enough.

I have to do something to be accepted.

I have to do something to be loved.


Undoubtedly, this strife feels very real,

But in the words of Mind Architect Peter Crone,


“Just because it’s real doesn’t mean it’s true.”


Much of our culture is supported through the illusory ideas of what we think we ought to do.

The very structure of our culture is constructed as a fabrication of this illusion.


The word fabrication implies 2 meanings :

an invention

and or

a lie.


Humorously enough, metal fabrication is my passion and primary business, but nonetheless,


The contemporary idea of self, of culture, and of commerce is deeply intertwined with the fabrication, the lie of our lifetimes.



The lie can be dissolved from the truth.

The Art of NOT Going Viral: Revealing the Biggest lie.


What does going viral have to with any of this?


Going viral fixates upon our illusory idea of a condition that will to what we desire in the future.


First things first, the future is not real.

It is a hypothetical projection of this moment lofted into the expectation of the next moment.



A collective weakness of humanity is that we attach too heavily to conditionals.


“If I go viral, then I will be successful.”


The ever-so ephemeral truth is that so long as we remain putting a barrier between who we are now and who we want to be,

We will never actually align the two.



It is a sobering and triggering truth to awaken to.

The Art of NOT Going Viral: Revealing the Biggest lie.

IF you can’t feel happy now, how on earth can you feel happy in a hypothetical future that doesn’t actually exist?

At some point that hypothetical must become NOW, so what now are you waiting for?


It seems that an underlying objective that many people possess is to go viral.

The art of going viral holds the illusion that it will solve certain dilemmas in one’s life.


I wholeheartedly believe that going viral can be life changing when one has done the inner work and already possesses the inner essence of what they desire more of.


The art of not going viral on the other hand is a greater teacher and discipline.

Going viral is the illusory quick temporary fix to a dilemma that can only be struly solved from the inside out.

Not going viral is pure presence.


If the biggest lie we are sold is that we have to do something,

than the truth that dissolves this lie is to embody the state of being that we desire to feel regardless of circumstance.


The art of not going viral is a call to focus on who you want to be right here and right now in specific to how you want to:

Show up for yourself

Show up for your audience

Show up for you community

Show up for the world.



When one subscribes to the illusory idea that “ I must do this in order to be that,”

we are intentionally withholding our full self from showing up.

We subconsciously adopt the narrative that at some point, not now, I will fully show up as I want to.


Is that not the most limiting construct that we can consent to?

 It’s a tough pill to swallow that often I am the only one that limits myself.



The Art of NOT Going Viral: Revealing the Biggest lie.

The art of not going viral is literal and metaphorical.

In the literal sense,

It is not striving to go viral as a means to solving your problems.


In a metaphorical sense,

 It is showing up as your most healed and authentic self as possible every moment, giving grace where you feel like you could have showed up more fully.


The art of not going viral teaches us about our blind spots that largely have been steering the ship that is our life.

Devotion to the practice of showing up more and more authentically each day reveals to us the gold within ourselves that going viral will never teach us.


The get rich quick scheme of chasing vanity metrics leaves one lesser and lesser satisfied for it perpetuates the false belief that the answer to one’s inner journey lay on the outside.


The art of not going viral stewards us to reveal more of our authentic nature to ourselves without attachment to an outcome.


Paradoxically, this is the state of being that will create the most lasting forms of success.

The Art of NOT Going Viral: Revealing the Biggest lie.

Deconstructing the Veil of Victimhood.


Re-Programming Business and Spirituality.