We are Algorithmic by Nature : How to Stop Comparing Yourself

Your algorithm is the process of the building your natural blueprint.

We are all on our algorithm.

Your algorithm is unique to you just as another’s is unique to them, but why then do we tend to adhere most often algorithms that are not our own.


Let’s define your unique algorithm.

Your algorithm is design collaboration between three parts of the same whole that is who you are now and how you operate.

You are one part divine, one part programmed, and one part directive.


How you function is a function of how you arrived here, literally and metaphorically, what you have picked up on, and what you choose to direct your presence to.


Your algorithm may look similar to another’s, but it is infinitely unique in a multitude of ways.

Your algorithm is the process of the building your natural blueprint.

Don’t mistake similarity for comparison.


The problem is that we see others further along in the direction we desire to head, yet we want more than just guidance.

Unconsciously we want to abandon what is inherent deep down in our nature and exchange it for the algorithm upon which someone else is operating.


This is a slippery knife edge slope.

To one side is the genuine curiosity of how we can learn from others.

To the other side is a burning desire to escape our nature and copy another’s.


But you cannot copy another’s blueprint because you will never see it, live it, breathe it like the beholder does.

You certainly can gain some traction, momentum, perhaps even success to some degree,

But beneath all of that, you still haven’t addressed the unique blueprint that lives inside of you.


At the end of the road, perhaps what is built from your unique blueprint can have similarities to what is built from another’s unique blueprint.

But how will you ever know what yours will look like, feel like, smell like, sound like if you don’t start constructing it.


You can give the same construction documents to different builders and I can guarantee you that there is a multitude of nuances that each builder will express in vastly different ways despite the end product being close to identical.


Your algorithm is the process of the building your natural blueprint.

Your algorithm is the process of the building your natural blueprint.

Your process is intertwined with overcoming the struggles that have been programmed into you through your conscious choice to ensure that what you create is the best it can possible be.


Your ultimate act of creation is who you are.

Is it who lives before and after all achievements and hardships and makes it’s divine nature closer to the surface of your being across space and time.


Your ultimate creation cannot be given space to become manifest if you are trying to build someone else’s blueprint, unconsciously or otherwise.


This is where we must deeply reflect on how intimately we listen to our own voice.

It is amazing to listen to others, especially when guidance and insight is offered, yet we cannot allocate the primary position to someone, something outside of ourselves.

Listening to your own voice, your own algorithm  will give you far more than listening to anothers.


We are Algorithmic by Nature : How to Stop Comparing Yourself

What works for someone else need not be the same that works for you.

In fact, it is considerably more revealing to explore the nature of your own algorithm and the various nuances it leads you to glean.


What makes you feel good may not be the same source of goodness for another.

Iterate, explore, discover, but do not become attached to someone else’s methods, ideas, and way of being until you have made it inherently your own with all of your unique you-ness.

Even then, difficult though it may be, allow space to also not grasp too tightly to your way of being that is working currently.


The more space we allow ourselves to be intuitively led in any direction, the more we ultimately align to our most central algorithm, and design it’s expression as well.


You carry an algorithm that wants to express an inner blueprint that belongs to nobody else.

Trust that your process will bring out the manifestations of that blueprint that can only be brought to life through you.


This is freedom.

It is the path of understanding that nobody can bring into the world what only you uniquely have.

When you know this you deepen the freedom that nobody else can take away, because you and only you learned to give it to yourself.

We are Algorithmic by Nature : How to Stop Comparing Yourself

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