De-Mystifying your Dream.

De-Mystifying your Dream.

I would like to open with an un-related quote.

“Take seriously, not taking things too seriously.”

Thank you very much.


Now, let’s understand the power of the prefix in DE-mystify.

We are all mystics,

The gig is up.

Esoteric, fundamental, or some mix of the two; mysticism is baked into the cake of your life.

Only you can feel what you can feel in your life. That is pretty mystical to me, the fact that I will never truly experience what you experience.

Every part of our being includes some aspect of mystical awareness.

Example :

The way we hold a dream in our mind yet do not know if and when it will ever come to be, yet for some reason we still hold the dream in our mind.

Why are we aware of such a thing, regardless of us ever getting closer to it?

Dreams we often banish to dwell in the faraway lands of tomorrow.

Don’t even get me started about tomorrow’s tomorrow.

The truth is,

The only thing that is real is two days before the day after tomorrow.

All joking aside,

Your power is only ever in the present.

De-Mystifying your Dream.

To place your dream in tomorrow is to surrender your power away to an unknown benefactor.

There is certainly power in surrender, but this is not the surrender I speak of.

We can draw our dream closer to us in two ways.

1. Challenging our fears and going forth knowing that we have everything to lose at the same time as nothing to lose. (the F@$k IT methodology)

Read this post to overcome the self-imposed limitations between actualizing your dream.

2. De-Mystify the dream and dissolve the stories that separate us from the Reality of our Dream now.

Let’s talk about the latter.

De-Mystifying your dream is a practice.

“ A practice has space, and that space is sacred”

- Steven Pressfield from Turning Pro.

The space in this case is You, capital Y, You.

You are a mystic being remember?

The goal is not to reveal all of the mystery to our awareness, but rather to understand what parts of the mystery are being revealed to us so that we can De-Mystify those parts and bring them in our conscious awareness AKA Reality.

Our Dreams are expressions of the Great Mystery revealing herself to us.

De-Mystifying your Dream.

The Dreams we hold for some particular reason, and often without origin if your continue tracing them back, are the facets of the mystery that we have been entrusted to create and to follow.

There is a parable in the bible that iterates this idea physically.

It speaks of Gold being entrusted to humans from the will of God.

One buries the gold out of fear of losing it, and the other makes use of the Gold in creative ways.

The one who buried who the Gold received no more from God, while the one who used it creatively was given more and more to use creatively.

In this story, both had deep reverence for the gift, but one feared it losing so deeply that to suppress it and to hide it away from the world was deemed the best option.

The other understood the gravity of the gift and the opportunity presented and trusted it as was Trust placed in the Power that gave it as well. This human chose to create with it and therefore was given more to create with and more to create with and more yet to create with.

The Gold is our dream, our innate yearning, our gift un-manifest.

Dreams are uniquely inscribed upon our hearts in a way that no other heart other than your own bears.

The Dream is just the Beginning, not the End.

We fear our dreams because we fear the power of them. We only fear what has perceived power over us.

We fear our dreams because of

Story of Self

Sense of belonging

Our insecurities

Our degree of worthiness

Confidence, Clarity, Connection and lack thereof.

Despite the fears of the dream, the dream never dissipates.

It cannot be eliminated, only buried as it continues to emanate its energy in perpetuity.

This post will help you overcome fears of judgment and self-worth limitations.

These fears we have of our dreams are very much real, but that doesn’t make them true.

What is not true can be dissolved while only truth remains in tact.

Your dream is the Gold God entrusted to you.

That can be an overwhelming undertaking just as much as it can be the highest honor.

You cannot control what has been written, but you can take agency over how to write it.

De-Mystifying your Dream.

Writing our lives is a sacred act, and it requires space.

It requires physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual space.

Spaciousness is from where you came.

We have the ability to experience OUR unique abundant space at any time.

Whether it be a walk on a driftwood covered beach or listening to your favorite song.

When we enter our inner home of spaciousness we see everything outside of time.

Your dreams are right there with you, as are your fears.

Everything is one inside of that space and the distance that arises is self-prescribed.

This means that dreams can be as tangible or as intangible as we choose.

If you want to move far away and live off the land the rest of your life, you have access towards making the decisions necessary.

If you don’t feel resourced to do that, then perhaps your dream is even closer than you think.

Perhaps your dream is much simpler, much less mystified and readily available.

If you think you need something outside of yourself to live your dream, you can relax because your dream is much much more closer than you think.

It is likely right in front of you, just out of view from the object in front of your eyes.

If you can hear the ocean, smell the ocean, and feel the ocean spray, perhaps all you need to do is climb the jetty you built to see the ocean.

Perhaps we become used to filling the void between us and our dreams because we are just used to putting something there.

Its like having an elephant in the room just because you are accustomed to having an elephant in the room.

I personally love elephants and would not wish for any elephant to leave my home should that elephant have managed a way to make it there, but nonetheless (nonetheMore)

Our dreams are not a far off destination in tomorrow.

De-Mystifying your Dream.

They live with us here and now because they are inscribed upon our heart.

The only separation between us actualizing our dreams is the space we choose to occupy with other things; it takes the same amount of energy to place something there as it does to remove something that is there.

The dream we have is the Gold we have been entrusted to use in this lifetime,

How do you wish to use that gold for yourself?

For your family

For your highest service

For the good of all

For peacefulness

For prosperity

For love

If there is one thing I Absolutely know to be true in my life, it is this.

I am only ever given clarity on the very next step in my life.

Not two steps, not three, and certainly not 40 years’ worth of steps.

Self-mastery is a day to day experience. THis guide will help you master your way.

Perhaps the dream we hold is the clarity of the next step.

Perhaps it lingers and lingers and lingers because we can only move forward with our lives once we take the step that is being presented to us through our dream.

And perhaps we need to reduce that step down back to the purity it was given before we assigned so many complications on top of it.

That next step is not the complication of the context, but the feeling of removing the context and just being with the dream.

You can feel that feeling now.

It has never left you, and never will.

The Dream is the Beginning, not the End.

For personalized guidance on De-Mystifying your Dream and living your best life, Book a free call below!


The Form of Frequency : Finding the Authentic Self


Authenticity and your Higher Self