Returning to authenticity in 2023: Intuition and the Authentic Self.

We grow our trust in our intuition through creativity and art.


When we surrender to a gesture that must be made for no justifiable reason other than that it must occur, that is intuition expressing itself.

Whatever that gesture may be, it is creativity in alchemy.


Intuition is re-calibrating logic to come deeper into harmony with all the elements.


Just because you don’t always notice air does not mean that air is not present.

Air will always offer its subtle magic of live giving-ness whether we are attuned to it or not.


Intuition is like air,

Ever present,

Yet not always observed.


Intuition provides us the endless well of life giving energy so that we may express that energy into form that can only be realized through us.


Your intuition is in cahoots with your higher self.


Intuition is ALWAYS a call to discern our system of thinking, being, and doing in the moment.

I can easily become distracted in my own way of being if I don’t allow space for my intuition to speak.

Distraction leads to separation from authenticity.


IF I give my intuition no space to voice it’s unjustifiable whisper, I will probably go on thinking that the way I am currently existing is the best possible way of existing.


There is no BEST possible way of existing, especially if we are not collaborating with our intuition.

The story of who we think we are is vastly shaded by the reality of who our intuition knows our true selves to be.


Intuition is gently asking for a balance of all modalities,

Yet intuition does not want to be put on a pedestal either.


All your intuition desires is to feel trusted.

Intuition does not speak unless what is being spoken is worth hearing.

Your intuition does not care about who you think you are, but rather cares about who you truly are.


Your intuition is your personal guide connecting you to the highest version of you and to your highest service to your world.


The language it often speaks is encoded and translating fully when it becomes expressed through creativity.

Creativity moving through your body is your highest self collaborating with you now.

The creative act is a condensation of the space between who you are now and your most authentic self.



Trusting intuition = Trusting you most authentic self.

Trusting your most authentic self = Becoming your most authentic self.


Your authentic self is who you are before you started to think about who you are.

That authenticity has never left, we simply have supported a different story of self built adjacent to your authentic self.


Authenticity is your birthright.

Here is how I can help you become your most authentic self

Upcoming cohort on Becoming Radically authentic through deconstructing limiting beliefs and Re-Designing Reality.


Why mindset is not everything : Illuminating the falsehoods around mindset.


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