The Energetics of Money and It’s Relationship to Authenticity.

Money isn’t an exchange of value.

 It is an exchange of values.

This is why becoming your authentic self is directly correlated to your relationship with money.

The Energetics of Money and It’s Relationship to Authenticity


How authentically are you showing up for yourself and for life?

This is the leading question we must inquire more deeply upon each and every day.


Our underlying programming leads us to operate from the patterns that are habituated.

Our habits don’t always reflect our conscious becoming who we are authentically are.


Our relationship to money often falls into the category of an unconscious, outdated pattern language.

Because of the dense energy surrounding our understanding, interactions, and relationship to money, we are kept in the operating system of value.


Value is a beautiful concept.

It abides by the abstract laws of perception, and allows space for one to attempt to quantify something that is unquantifiable.

It provides a path for frequency to become form.


The energy that you put into something cannot be measured linearly, so we need to begin to create non-linear understanding of money and “value.”

The Energetics of Money and It’s Relationship to Authenticity


Money is extremely similar to water.

It is a foundational resource for human survival.

Money, as we understand it now--- or rather, misunderstand it now,

Is what allows for infinite amount of coordination, imagination, and creativity to ensue.


Why then, if money is a needed resource to survive, do we choose to perpetuate a shitty story about money?

Albeit often an unconscious story, I would reckon most people don’t choose to create shitty stories about water.

But this is all changing.


Currency, as established today, and the system of money is rapidly deteriorating.


It is a shift as esoteric as it is fundamental, and there lay a beautiful multitude of timelines converging to re-inforce the this idea in the physical, political, energetic, and astrological.


We will save this discussion for another day though…


Money, like water, holds embodied energy.

It reflects and crystallizes the state of being embodied by the beholder.


Water with the energy of joy and gratitude takes on a molecular structure that organized and harmonized.

Water with the energy of anxiety and fear takes on a disorganized structure, one of which is chaotic and rapidly agitates itself in attempts to find harmony.

Money is the exact same thing.


There is reason why there are traditions to blessing food, water, and new items.

The energy within what we consume affects us and creates more of the same energy.

The blessing is a ritual to align the energy to a desired state of being.


So clearly,

Money is much more than an exchange of value.

Money is primarily a reflection of your values that are embodied in who you are, and most importantly from which you are.

Are you reflecting from the unconscious values or your authentic self’s values?

The Energetics of Money and It’s Relationship to Authenticity

equator journal


Authenticity is reveled from within.

It is not created, it is rather discovered.

Your authentic self is discovered as you discover the deep principles and values that you align with in life.


If you are conscious of these values and focus on them, they will be reflected to you in all areas of your life, especially in the area of money medicine.

Your values are what drive your ability to give and receive value.

The underlying principles always drive the bus.

Creating and engaging with the world from the conscious awareness of your values is like shifting your life from the tail wagging the dog into the dog wagging the tail.

Consciousness first.


So how does this specifically harmonize with money?

When you focus on exchanging value, you will be met with the world of value.

Nothing wrong with this world, but here you are limited to the extent as it focused on linear transaction.


When you focus on exchanging values, you are entering into a realm closer to the truth, closer to the heart, and closer to the world in which you deeply desire to interact with.

The Energetics of Money and It’s Relationship to Authenticity

equator journal


Exchange of value is linear.

Exchange of values is non-linear.

I will trade you a goat for the boat.

As opposed to ,

I will give you integrity and you will give me commitment.



Both are beautiful,

But you can see that the latter leads with the values which create exponential more space for value to then be established on top.


To build the relationship with money that you want, you MUST begin at the foundation.

Don’t accept the status quo for your foundation as a means to create.

Question the shaky foundations that much of your world, our worlds, have been built upon.


When you consciously build your authentic foundation for exchanging values, and therefore making the money you want to make, you immediately speak to the heart of what you want to create and how you are going to create it.

This gives the universe only one option; to support.


Here’s the problem.

When we operate from a foundation that have been put into us rather than brought out of us,

We are unconsciously building someone else’s dream.

This is the collective spell of modern money energetics.

(And we all have to reprogram this)

The Energetics of Money and It’s Relationship to Authenticity

equator journal



Authenticity is brought out and revealed from within you.

Everyone’s journey, unless your innocence was remarkably preserved through your life, will include the inquiry and hopefully pursuit of this revelation.


The word revelation comes from the latin root,


Which means to veil again.


Here, we reveal to ourselves our true nature momentarily until it must become embraced by the mystery once again.

Our job is to create, radically, from the glimpse that we receive.


These moments of awareness allow you the unspeakable understanding that can only be spoken to you from within your own self.

How we then create the life we want to create is by using this understanding to re-wire the unconscious foundations from which we operate.



Your authenticity revealed informs you naturally of the underlying principles that you are to imbue into the hardware of that foundation.

These are the values that allow you to finally close the gap between your dream and the money that is perceived to separate you from that dream.


When you align with the highest forms of your expression that are the values are rooted in your authentic self,


You, like water, become harmonized.


You gain access to clarity, confidence, and connection within your mission so that you can go out and radically create it, and feel damn good about it.


If you’re ready to reprogram your relationship to money, create a new foundation for success, and put your heart forward,

Book a Discovery Call to apply for the Re-Design Reality Workshop.

A live transformative program to help you condense the space between who you are and who you want to become!

The Energetics of Money and It’s Relationship to Authenticity

equator journal



A guide to Simplifying Life: How you can make life less complicated.


Repressed Creativity and Overcoming Old Subconscious Programs.