Cracking the Money Code : Your Pilgrimage to Abundance

Is money the true object of your desire?


Through working with many people intimately with their relationship to money,

here is the pattern and limitation that I see every time.


I can guarantee you that money is not what you truly want.


By the end of this article you will :


-        Create separation from outdated beliefs about money.

-        Gain Clarity on what it is that you truly want.

-        Discover your path to cultivating money your way.


Let’s boogie!


The most triggering truth about money is this.


Money is literally not real.

Anyone who has truly created wealth will understand this.


Money is not real because it is a layer detached from truth.

Money is merely a representation.

It is a derivative of what it represents, but it is not that which it represents.

This is the golden thread.


When you truly understand that money is not what it represents, you finally are able to see the target that you are aiming for.

I always say that if you archer and you are aiming for money; you will always lose your arrow.


As long as you focus on trying to generate something that is not real, you will try to no avail repeatedly.

And you will expend copious amounts of precious energy and time chasing this illusion.


To create the amount of money you desire, you have to become exceeding clear on answering just one question.


“What is it that you want that is being represented by money?”


If your answer to that is something physical, I can save you decades of time right here and right now.


You are the same person now as you would be if I gave you $1,000,000, right now.


How do you feel?

Does that solve the problems and patterns you’ve faced all of your life?

How long will that satisfy you?

How would nervous system respond?


If you climbed to the top of the million dollar mountain,

How long do you realistically think you are going to stay on top of the mountains?

How long before you yearn to climb the next one.



To be extremely clear,

Money is extraordinary.

Money is deep, deep healing Medicine.

It’s also the psychedelic that we are all addicted to.


I fully support everyone on their journey of collaborating with money,

But with this awareness, your relationship with money will change from night to day.


Money is representation.

When we perceive money as the object of our desire, we are perpetually in lack because there will always be more that you don’t have.


I do not deny that having money can tremendously help in foundational ways, but I am not speaking to the needs of survival.

I am speaking to the needs of self-actualization.

Self-actualization is your birthright.


Your Journey of self-actualization, if you are reading this, will most likely include cracking the abundance code.

This is exactly how you crack that code:

1.      Inquire deeply upon what money represents to you, until you can reduce it no further.

2.      Embody that representation now and express your heart out from that place.


Money is medicine that is calling us into our heart, so that we can translate money in terms that the heart can understand.


When your heart understands this language, then and only then do you create wealth in this age.


Money is all embodiment.

Clearly, if money represents cars and houses to you,

You may find it very difficult to embody yourself as a car or a house.


I don’t like to say impossible because I am always blown away by human potential, but that is pretty darn near to impossible and that’s not what you desire.


Money is not what you desire.

What you desire is beneath what the energy of money points to you.

I would reckon it has something to do with freedom,

But only you know what it is.


You can also join the spring cohort of the RE-Design Reality Workshop where we completely reorient the direction of your reality so that you can live the life you want to live.

Book a Call below.


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