The Form of Frequency : Finding the Authentic Self

The Form of Frequency : Finding the Authentic Self

It is written that form follows function,

But before something is assigned function it exists as frequency.


Vibration precedes matter.

Form follows frequency.


You desire a certain function in your life, focus on the energy that most clearly articulates that function. 


The Soul holds memory.

Much more memory than the mind.

There is remembering and Re-Membering.


When we remember, we access a memory.

When we Re-Member, we piece ourselves together with awareness that makes us more whole.

The Form of Frequency : Finding the Authentic Self


Your authentic self is not found through what you like to do, but rather how you like to be.

The doing naturally interconnect to the being, but being precedes doing.


The state of the being is the object, and the state of doing is it’s reflection.

To alter the reflection, the state of being must first change.



You are a mathematical equation.

You are the inverse of the universe. 



The Form of Frequency : Finding the Authentic Self


Who you are is the outer reflection of what the universe created because of your presence,

And the universe is the inverse of who you are as your inner reflection.


You are everything turned in on itself,

And everything is you turned in on yourself.

The Form of Frequency : Finding the Authentic Self

Re-Programming Business and Spirituality.


De-Mystifying your Dream.