Re-Programming Business and Spirituality.

Re-Programming Business and Spirituality.

You’re (likely) building your business wrong.


Here’s why.

Business is an extension of self.

In specific,


Your business is an extension of who you are.

Second that,

Your business is a reflection of who you think you are.


So who do you think you are in light of the business you want to create?


If who you think you are is subject to certain fixed identity, then so too will your business be subject to the limitation of that identity.


You are NOT building a business,

You are building the best you.


Business is personal development, I disagree.


Business is the expression of your consciousness,

Re-Programming Business and Spirituality.

It is deeply deeply spiritual for it is an entirely an act of offering service.


The most important audit you can run for your business is to check in with yourself and your WHY.


You and your WHY need to be in total agreement and alignment in order to function efficiently and to create the foundation for expansion.


Why is alignment crucial for your business?


Because alignment is crucial for you.

If you believe that you are speaking and acting from one intention while there is an underlying motive that you are not fully owning and bringing to light,

You are not in alignment.


Alignment is wellness.

Re-Programming Business and Spirituality.


When a living being such a business is not well, how can it be expected to perform at a certain caliber.

The problem is that it becomes easy to overlook or ignore underlying subconscious motives for the pursuit of our desires.


There is NOTHING wrong with your desires.

The only thing wrong, the only blockages on creating the reality of your desires is keeping them hidden even to yourself.


Right now we are at a clash of new-age, old-age, and ancient thinking.

The common obstacle I see is that people use the language of the new-age to cover their old-age motives.

Then people wonder why old patterns play out?


You can say fuck you in whatever language you want to make it sound nicer, but it is still the same.


What prevents one from running a successful business is thinking one is running a business from x foundation because they are using certain words and certain designs when in actuality,


What undermines the endeavor are the principles that are not being fully owned. 

Re-Programming Business and Spirituality.


If you just want to make money by whatever means,

Own the fact that you JUST want to make money by whatever means.


Money is beautiful, it is a technology and a psychedelic, but don’t believe for a second that you can make honest money from dishonesty.



Dishonesty in my eyes is acting from the out of alignment inauthentic aspect of self.

It is creating a illusory story of what you think you are doing to cover the underlying narrative that you just simple want to make money.


I, heretically, am under the opinion that if we gave ourselves permission inwardly to be completely content in living in the radical truth of what it is that we actually desire,

then many of our desires would transfigure.


What I mean by this is that many of our desires manifest in ways that are not for the highest good of all because we are pre-occupied with trying to make our intentions appear as something they are not.


This is as esoteric as it is fundamental.

I am not speaking to the idea that if we garnered full embodied honesty of our intentions inside and out that there would be no negativity or wrong-doing in the world.

There must always be balance between both light and shadow.


Re-Programming Business and Spirituality.

A world that is pre-dominantly run on commerce can be transfigured in many ways.


The very obvious way is through the conscious evolution of the way commerce is conducted.

This of course starts with the very conscious evolution of self and how we relate to service, to money, and to our desire.



The reason why the business space often lacks a certain depth or integrity is not because of the mechanism of business itself.

Business, like money, can emulate whatever energy and principles you imbue unto it.



Business does not have to be done the way that it has been done.

The future is ancient, your ancestors were all creative entrepreneurs.

Re-Programming Business and Spirituality.


The beauty is that we can connect to them and Re-Member their ways while integrating this awareness into contemporary channels of technology.



So long as we view business as a separate entity from ourselves,

So long we will remain disconnected from actualizing the true purpose of what our soul is trying to offer the world through us.



You are doing commerce wrong if you are not focusing on growing in your own personal capacity.

Business is the reflection,

You are the object being reflected.


To meaningfully renew the reflection, you must meaningfully renew the you.


Success in business is cultivating success in you.

Success is an inside job, and only you can create the conditions necessary in your unique life to feel aligned with what you are creating for self and for the world.



Business is the vessel for you to express inner success out into the world as medicine for others.

Re-Programming Business and Spirituality.

The Art of NOT Going Viral: Revealing the Biggest lie.


The Form of Frequency : Finding the Authentic Self