Ancient Software and the New Human Operating System

Ancient Software and the New Human Operating System

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You are the best piece of hardware ever designed.

Your capacity to create something from nothing, infer between energetic bounds, and to experience presence is remarkable.

But when was the last time you updated your operating system?


I love the allusion of the technological human.

But we must address the common misconception to begin this discussion…


Technology is ancient.

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What we call technology today is a complete subset of contemporary technology deriving from the technology that is ever present.


Things like states of beings are technologies, they are programs.






It all derives from the primordial program that is the human.

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So for all y’all that have certain connotations about technology and the contemporary, hopefully that lays the foundation to be able to discuss the evolution of human consciousness more holistically as juxtaposed with computer jargon!


The mind is the operating system.

Consciousness is the software.

The body is the hardware.


Balance is a practice.


Your operating system is critically important because it determines the user face upon which you perceive the world.

Unfortunately, most people are still running Macintosh-1 or Windows 1.


Perhaps I should not say unfortunately, because it is exactly as it should be.

But my ego yearns for the potential that could be actualized with updated operating systems.

But here is the dilemma.


Your operating system is your mind. But what part of the mind is it?

The subconscious! Yip Yip!

Ancient Software and the New Human Operating System

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Your conscious mind is about 5% of your operating systems capacity. This is the space from which we actively participate in creating our lives.

The other 95% is where you are not an active participant in your life.


My work is to help you dissolve the constraints that impose an illusory barrier to accessing that 95% of your operating system.

Imagine what you could bring into form with just a little bit more access to that potential.

Imagine the freedom that would ensue, that you otherwise didn’t know existed.


This is why updating your operating system is crucial.

Updating the system is clearing the stored codes of previous narratives that were developed as defense and survival mechanisms.

The very codes that are now holding you back.


These codes are stored in your subconscious through the reinforcement of the stories that support them, which have been occurring all of your life.

I am offering you permission to object to your automatic thoughts.

Ancient Software and the New Human Operating System

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I believe 110%, especially upon seeing the liberation that occurs within my clients, that it is more than possible to erase these limiting codes.

The subconscious codes of limitation are merely false constructs that hold you back, that some aspect of you is attached to.

In the words of the Mind Architect Peter Crone, “Just because it’s real doesn’t mean it’s true.”

These codes have very real affects in your physiology, but the mind can create tangible responses in response to an illusory constraint.


So what does updating your operating system look like?


1.      Diving into the dialogue that you have with yourself.

You are always listening, despite the tone and intention of what you say.

The subconscious doesn’t get sarcasm.


Become more intentional with the language you use mentally, and verbally.


2.      Use your triggers as a doorway into underlying subconscious narrative.

Triggers are programmatic responses to stories that you have reinforced your whole life as behavioral adaptations.


They offer acute access into your unconscious.

Go ahead and rip out a few wires whenever you’re in there.


3.      Lean into what you resist.

From where does resistance originate within you?

Resistance is a tool to play back and forth with.

Push the threshold and observe your responses and especially note if that perceived barrier is real or merely a façade o’ papier.


Updating your operating system allows you to have a more harmonized experience with life, but most importantly within yourself.


Heart-brain coherence is the lock and the key.

Ancient Software and the New Human Operating System

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This work is not easy, but it will make your ability to actualize potential more available.


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Part 2 coming soon…

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The Simple Art of Creating Space for Pleasure.


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