Repressed Creativity and Overcoming Old Subconscious Programs.
Are you repressing your creative expression?
Here’s how to find out.
equator journal
Repression lays on top of a more primal fear.
That fear is the fear of your own power.
The fear of our power derives from the moments in which we expressed our truest and fullest creativity as a child and we were not received.
Perhaps we were even rejected, shut down, or told that our expression was undesirable.
This is a deep deep wound.
Many of us go much of lives unconsciously keeping a healthy gap between who we are and who our most liberated creative self truly is in lieu of this primal wound.
We can begin to observe where this manifest itself into our lives by looking into our fears.
When we discover a fear inside us that simultaneously excites us and lights us up, there we find the heart of repressed creative expression.
It is merely hidden behind the fear that has taken up the space of the freedom that once lived there.
Repression exchanges freedom for fear in hopes to create a sense of security and safety.
People will like me more like this.
It’s more comfortable to play it safe.
I don’t want to be hurt again.
These are all unconscious stories that prevent us access to the creativity that is our birthright.
But your journey would not be complete if it didn’t come full circle.
Often, in our conscious awareness we have to realize what has been lost to fully re-claim it back in our name.
This post below is all about that.
So here is the REAL dilemma about repression.
It did not originate inside of you.
Your natural state was one of openness, freedom, and imagination.
We just didn’t know how to deal with formative criticism,
So we shut off the majority of the system.
John Zabawa
Repression occurs because we believed what others said, thought, or believed about us.
Now, we continue to repress ourselves because of the potential fear of a something similar occurring,
But many of us still hold onto the dream of “one day.”
If you believe that “one day” you will awaken the artist within, you could simultaneously be correct and greatly mistaken.
One day is purely hypothetical, there is no one day unless that one day is today, and I hope it is for you, but nobody will ever live in tomorrow and tell the story today.
We say “one day” because it keeps both our fears and our dreams at equal separation.
If we limit feeling our fears, we limit feeling our dreams.
You have to befriend your fears to create your dreams.
Your dreams can only be realized when you untether your repression from your expression.
You must fully express yourself in order to create the life that you truly want.
In this moment here and now,
You can begin your path of becoming radically conscious of the stories that are holding you back, the stories of future fear that inhibit your actualization.
“Past pain informs future fear.”
- Peter Crone.
equator journal
Befriending your fear is the prequisite your dreams look for in collaborating with you.
I struggled deeply with the fear of not living up to what I am being called to create in this life.
The fear of failing on my mission.
And I know so many other people struggle with the fear of living their purpose and their dreams.
Once I fully understood that I literally cannot fail,
Because failing is one moment of an infinite story,
and that I have so much more power than I believe to write that story,
I became free.
In that exact moment, a whole new dimension to what I thought I wanted was given to me.
Clarity beyond what I could imagine, and a burning need to create more than I had ever experienced ensued.
The collaboration with fear is your doorway to your dreams.
Discover the blockage in your channel, give compassion to the limitation, and let it dissolve.
If you feel that you are ready to un-limit your creative expression and actualize more your freedom and potential,
Check out the details of the Re-Design Reality Program below and book a free discovery call to see if you are the right fit for the program.
Thank you so much for reading these words and supporting my mission.
I appreciate you all so deeply.
equator journal