Sex, Money, and Self-Actualization : illuminating unconscious programs.

1 practice that will change your life in 7 minutes.

This 1 practice will :

-        Lead you to have greater impact (make more money.)

-        Reveal the freedom within you.

-        Deepen your intimacy with life, self, and your partner (better sex!)

This practice is your birthright.

Sex, Money, and Self-Actualization : illuminating unconscious programs.

equator journal


This practice is grounded in freedom,

And Freedom is an inside job.

By the end of this article you will be better resourced to make the money you want to make, embody the freedom you want to feel, and make the love you want to make!


“We cannot continue to seek outside of ourselves for the things we need from within.”

-        John O’ Donohue


What do we need from within ourselves?

Short answer, EVERYTHING.


What do we need specifically,

 The practice of illuminating your unconscious operating system to yourself.


The power of this practice need not be vouched for; it is the very premise that changes the lives of every single human on the planet.

When you become conscious, you become a creator.

So what are you when you are living from the unconscious?


You are limited to the extent of which you are unaware.

To your relief, there is not 1 human beyond this, yeehaw!

We all deal with a certain level of awareness that reveals to us the nature of where we are not yet free in timing perfect to us.


Here’s the foundation of this beautiful mess.

Freedom is the process of becoming aware of what you were previously unaware of.

Sex, Money, and Self-Actualization : illuminating unconscious programs.

equator journal


When you really understand this, you begin to understand the silliness of how you have been limiting your life purely by the nature of what you think freedom to be, with all the conditions we place upon it.

Freedom simply is.


Yes, freedom has manifestations in the realm of time, money, space, and feeling.

But before all of that, freedom already exists, and you reveal more of its nature to yourself through becoming conscious of what was otherwise unconsciously operating you.

 Learn all about overcoming subconscious narratives here.

So what are we becoming conscious of?

We are becoming conscious of how WE have not been operating our lives, but rather that underlying subconscious narratives have been operating US.


Here are the two biggest examples I see with all my clients.

(Hint they both have to do with money and sex.)

First is money.

Second is sex.


So let’s understand money from our unconscious.

Sex, Money, and Self-Actualization : illuminating unconscious programs.

equator journal

We live in a society of illusory scarcity.

(Yes, scarcity exists but not in the sense that it is projected.)


Because of the culturally programmed scarcity, we are all exposed to it’s constraints whether we have a lot of money or not.

Those with riches deal with scarcity in a sense that spills into other territories of life, while those without tend to see scarcity primarily in the physical.


What is the effect of scarcity on our consciousness?

-        Keeps us operating from flight or flight mentality.

-        Increases levels of cortisol. (stress hormone)

-        Entraps us into in believing we are inadequate.

-        Dwindles the light of creativity

-        Reinforces the illusion of separation.


Can you see how much pressure this narrative puts on our mind, hearts, and bodies?

Scarcity literally makes you unhealthy, robs you of your passions, celebrates separation, and attempts to take away what only you can give yourself, which is the freedom to be.

Sex, Money, and Self-Actualization : illuminating unconscious programs.

equator journal


The problem is that many of us believe to be conscious of our scarcity operating system, but here’s the dilemma.

You wouldn’t remain in scarcity if you actually found the root cause,

because the very instant we truly discover the root of our limitations, the majority of their powers over us dissolve.

How groovy is that!


Now, of course, doing the inner work to clear the space to even access the unconscious operator within is plenty of work.

But Alas, when you truly get to the bedrock of your inner landscape upon which the false constructs that hold you back take power over life, you win.


You gain the power to re-write the operating manual, not from the unconscious conditioning from your formative years, but from your conscious awareness NOW.

Check out this post on re-writing your life. 

So now let’s dive into sex.

Sex transcends beyond sex itself.

It is sexuality which is your creativity, your life-force energy to create.

Sex, Money, and Self-Actualization : illuminating unconscious programs.

equator journal


Our culture has a thick program of shame, guilt, and repression around sexuality because it is directed too heavily towards the sexual act itself. For sake of this discussion, we are not diving explicitly into that.

But sex is much more than sex, so what happens when you dam up the river?


Sexuality is the purest expression of flowing creative energy.

IF you repress a portion of it, you repress much more than you believe.

If you limit your sorrow, so too you limit your joy.

Check out this post to read all about creativity.

Much of us have an unconscious operating system around sex that is imbalanced.

Sex, Money, and Self-Actualization : illuminating unconscious programs.

equator journal

The majority of people I have worked with have discovered that they had either been repressing their sexuality in shame and guilt, or had been over-expressing their sexuality to compensate via a scarcity from childhood.



When that very truth is accepted, it immediately gives its power back to you.

Can you imagine how liberating it would be to unveil such an unconscious program that you had been operating from your whole life?

My God, no wonder we are where we are today!


So, what ensues when we liberate the false constructs about ourselves that we have believed to be true for so long?

Freedom. Pure freedom.

Though the mind may try to speak of something in specific, the foundation upon what it tries to speak to is freedom.

 Check out this post all about freedom from fear.

Mother of Pearl, this is so life-changing when you really get it.

Even typing this, my whole being feels electrified.


Freedom is your birthright, but to access it we have to strip away all of the constructs that we have placed on top of it.

Freedom is not a conditional “If this, then that,” state of being.

Freedom just is.

Sex, Money, and Self-Actualization : illuminating unconscious programs.

equator journal


Let’s imagine what happens when you get down to the root of scarcity and repression and dissolve their powers.

Naturally, you become much more available to make more money (and feel damn good about the way you make it) and have heart-opening, expansive, life-giving sex.


Can you see how much more free, creative, and energized that makes you?

When you are liberated from constraints that have stored purely within the subconscious, you immediately become more of the person you always hoped to become.



If you want to work with me to transcend these false constructs, I have a live 6 week transformational course to help you get free from the inside out and actualize your potential.

The cohort will begin sometime in March 2023, let’s actualize together!

As always, love you all and subscribe to the newsletter!

 Con amore



Ancient Software and the New Human Operating System


Self-Actualization and Rewiring the Subconscious Mind