helping you dissolve fear to discover true (creative) freedom from the inside-out.
The Evolution of Relating to Yourself
in 2020 i had a choice.
1) to continue down the path i was on and make $100k
2) grow this beast of a summer squash
Finding Freedom Through Boredom
Boredom teaches us heaps about freedom, resistance too. I guess that’s the hard part…
6 Tiny Design Secrets to Nervous System Regulation
Design has a tremendous impact on the state of your nervous system,
and the nervous system IS the lock and key to how you experience your life.
6 Tiny secrets to Re-Designing your Life towards nervous system regulation.
Psychologically Unemployable : 5 Lessons from a Self-Employed Architect.
I did in fact try to get a job a few times before…
A Call to the Ambitious Artist Inside of You.
Beyond the veil of the trappings of modern safety.
The Fear of Authenticity. Part 2 : Liberation
Life is all about creativity and the challenge of becoming all that you could become…
The Fear of Authenticity
Invite your fear inside for a nice cup of tea.
Your authentic self will thank you, or the other way around, or…
Bridging what is and what could be.
The underlying structure to God’s code of life is the mysticism of creative flowing energy.
Whether you want it to or not,
It never stops flowing through you.
Where is it trying to take you?
The Presence and Reverence of Day.
Reverence for day as a gift creates the presence to live your life as fully lived.
Play and the Inner Child as Artist
The child is the creative within you.
The inner kid is the exquisite artist that eagerly awaits for your permission to create the masterpiece.
The Heart and Soul in the Truth of the Now
The precious resource of the present is all we have.
Yet, unlike all other life, we as humans tend to limit this moment by wishing it otherwise.
Let’s begin to come into the Truth of the Now through understanding the Full Self
Living Heart Forward in a Heart Backwards World.
It is easy to become disenfranchised with reality these days.
All it takes is for one heart-forward human to reflect your fire within,
Your divine breathe within.
Inauthenticity and Unnecessary Suffering.
The return to authenticity can often be seen as climbing the second mountain.
Which by virtue means climbing down from the one we find ourselves upon.
The second mountain is the siren that was softly calling to you this whole time.
The Embodiment Portal: Access your Latent Potential.
Through studying some of the most powerful conscious creatives on earth in my eyes,
I’ve expanded my creative capacity and consciousness exponentially over the past few years.
Here is the most profound thread I discovered,
And what does orgasm have to do with it?
Success wants presence: Prosperity is an inside-out game.
There are two games we can choose to play…
The Art of Receiving: Transcending the Transaction.
Transactional programming has its tentacles in spaces of life that were not designed to accommodate transaction.
I asked God how to be happy…
You don’t have to do anything to be happy.
The very pursuit of happiness is the very thing keeping you separate from happiness.
Freedom: Transcending Triggers and Subconscious Narratives.
Understand the WHY behind your triggers, and then discover freedom.