The Embodiment Portal: Access your Latent Potential.

The Embodiment Portal: Access your Latent Potential.

Through studying some of the most powerful conscious creatives on earth in my eyes,

I’ve expanded my creative capacity and consciousness exponentially over the past few years.


Here is the most profound thread I discovered,

And what does orgasm have to do with it?


By the end of this article you will understand this little mentioned aspect to:

- expand your creative capacity

- deepen your connection to self

- stay grounded

- actualize your potential

- incorporate a new structural design into you life.





Embodiment is the practice of maintaining balance between the mind and the soul.

Embodiment is the ancient way of bringing your awareness back into the senses, and expressed into the physical.


Why is this VITAL to your freedom?


Embodiment balances your inputs with your outputs and serves as your grounding into the here and now.

Here and now only exists only behalf of our relationship to space, which in this iteration is via our relationship to the body.



In the Age of Information (overload),

without embodiment we can quickly become imbalanced and lose our point of reference and relationship to reality which is our body.


When we lose relationship to our body, we become swept up by energies not connected to our sense of belonging.


The Embodiment Portal: Access your Latent Potential.

You are NOT your body, just as you are NOT your mind.

A common contemporary condition is identifying too heavily with body as self, or the mind as self.

They are both aspects of you that were designed to best operate in harmony with your spirit.



Just as we relate to time and space from lack or love,

We relate to our-self, our body, our mind, and our perception through lack and love.


A harsh example I like to use is

“Are you working out because you love your body or hate your body?” 


There is no wrong answer to your perception,


The very question itself dissolves when we embody into our selves fully.

What does this mean?


When we embody, we come into acceptance with all that is so that we can access the here and now and relate to our point of contact with experience.


When we are embodied there is no need to ask if I am coming from lack or love because the pre-requisite default to entering embodiment is love and acceptance.



SO what is the framework for embodiment?

The Embodiment Portal: Access your Latent Potential.

 Embodiment, in this contemporary, is essentially the shift from thinking with the mind to feeling with the mind.

In the practice of feeling with the mind,

The heart takes up thought.

The heart only knows here and now, unlike the mind.

Naturally, full presence equates to love.



Let’s understand feeling with the mind.

Feeling with the mind is constructing an entirely new system of thinking.

It is not thinking new thoughts itself, but rather following a new path.


We all know the power of the mind to create reality(s).

But imagine if we constructed a system of thinking that fully embraced presence, and in fact, heightened our awareness of presence.

We believe that we think our awareness into presence, but we do not.

We feel our awareness, which by default creates presence.


The Embodiment Portal: Access your Latent Potential.

When we feel our awareness, we are in our body.

We are completely integrated into all that we are and connecting to Truth in the here and now.


Feeling with your mind is using your mind to go into your senses,

It is traveling with your mind to the places of sensation that you experience physically

It is experiencing your body in a heightened state with the collaboration of your mind,



This is heart-brain coherence.

The mind drops into the body and feels the wind on your chest

The light on your face

The sand in your toes.


It does not analyze but rather simply experiences the phenomena of the present.


There is one point of reference to articulate the power of this sensation.



In orgasm it impossible to sustain mental constructs.

There is only pure presence, if just for a moment.

You are completely feeling with you mind, heightening your sensation in the body and soul.


A very interested study was done about Orgasm.

It was found that in the point of climax,

A vast majority of people tend utter the name, “God” or the name of their partner.


I think the two names in the moment are actually the same,

Your partner becomes the doorway to the divine.

The Embodiment Portal: Access your Latent Potential.



I mention this because in the moment of pure harmony and expression between the mind and body, we are called into the soul and the presence of the divine, unconsciously or consciously.


This is the power of embodiment,

Accessible always regardless of orgasm.


Embodiment is the vessel to access the power of our true nature.

It is how we take what we know mentally, and truly bring it into the present through the body.


Wisdom is embodied knowledge,

It is becomes your operating system.



When you are embodied, you don’t have to think about accessing the knowledge you acquired.

It is readily available to you through the body.

Instead of reacting hastily, when you are embodied in the wisdom of learning that lesson,

You naturally regulate your nervous system instead and respond differently.


Embodiment is the practice of accessing and expressing the power and the potential of what you have learned.

Without embodiment, your knowledge is simply aether.


For it to truly have impact in your life, it has to be expressed into the body and practiced.

The Embodiment Portal: Access your Latent Potential.


May you turn your knowledge into wisdom with embodiment






The newsletter has deep deep dives into juicy codes like these.


Inauthenticity and Unnecessary Suffering.


Success wants presence: Prosperity is an inside-out game.