The Art of Receiving: Transcending the Transaction.

The Art of Receiving: Transcending the Transaction.

How do you receive?

When the goodwill of another generously offers a helping hand, why is it that often we immediately think in terms of transaction?

Are you aware when you deflect generosity?


Transactional programming has its tentacles in spaces of life that were not designed to accommodate transaction.


If we think in terms of what we can get back when we give, we are already off to an imbalanced start.



The natural flow of giving and receiving is not the inorganic transactional lifestyle that we believe to be the way things should work.

Thinking in terms of the way things SHOULD work is not thinking in terms of the highest good for you, for others, and for all.


“SHOULD” represents an expression of lack.

The Art of Receiving: Transcending the Transaction.

Someone kindly offers to pay the dinner bill, how do you react?


“No, I should pay the bill.”

I should pay for the next one,

I should do something nice

I should

I should

I should.


None of this is bad, but the crucial awareness is this.


Upon receiving,

if you immediately think in terms of what you can give,

are you actually receiving?

Are you trusting yourself enough to receive?

More on trust here.


How can one receive while simultaneously thinking that something should be done to balance the transaction?

What part of you believes there is in fact a transaction occurring?

What if it truly is the pleasure of the giver to simply give without expectation of receiving?


Not receiving somebody else’s generosity, like deflecting a gift or a compliment, is robbing the giver of the fullness and joy of giving and knowing they are contributing intimately to humanity.

It also simultaneously robs you of receiving the simple purity of receiving.

The Art of Receiving: Transcending the Transaction.

Deflecting generosity is an expression of in-genuine humility.

It is a compensation from the part of you that does not feel worthy of receiving and has been programmed to transact.

The tough consequence is that this reinforces the underlying narrative of inadequacy.


Learning to become comfortable in receiving is learning to be comfortable in who you are.

It’s KNOWING that you are enough, and that it is safe to receive without the need to transact back.

Receiving is the pre-requisite to reality creation, more on reality creation here!


The art of receiving is the art of being comfortable in your own skin.

The Art of Receiving: Transcending the Transaction.

Here is the metaphor.

Life is paradox.


If you believe nothing is sacred, you might find that nothing is sacred.

If you believe that everything is sacred, you might find that everything is sacred.


If you look in terms of transaction, you will find transaction.

If you look in terms of inadequacy, you will find inadequacy.


Our perception of reality renders us to continue using our adopted perception.

Confirmation bias has it that we will continue to see more of what we focus on.


High level awareness is the simple periodic check in with self.

Check in with yourself with this article here!


Am I comfortable in my self-worth to receive?

Can I feel worthy if someone else treats me to dinner?

Can I feel safe in my own self if someone wants to help me without expectation?


A very very important distinction to make.


The Art of Receiving: Transcending the Transaction.

Taking < Receiving.


Taking occurs when there is no giver.

Receiving occurs when there is a giver and there is an offering.


To learn to fully receive one must:


-        Accept what is

-        Liberate from transactional thinking

-        Re-wire self-worth and self love

-        Perceive safety in openness

-        Be present with the offering


The art of Receiving is transcending the transaction and coming fully into the energetic presence where there is more than enough.

The Art of Receiving: Transcending the Transaction.


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