I asked God how to be happy…

I asked God how to be happy…

Here’s what was inscribed upon my heart.

+ 500 human words.


You don’t have to do anything to be happy.


The very pursuit of happiness is the very thing keeping you separate from happiness.

This is the process that must dissolve to be free.


And for the record,

Freedom > happiness.


The act of pursuing means that something is not yet found,

So where would the best place to hide then be?


Inside yourSelf I would imagine is the last place most of would check.


Happiness is not found out there,

Happiness is already in here.

I asked God how to be happy…


You don’t have to find anything.

You don’t have to do anything.

You simply have to be.



We have a variety of limitations that prevent us from feeling the happiness and freedom that is inherently already here.

The only real work is the work of deconstructing the illusory stories that lead us to believe that happiness is out there somewhere and that I need to find that something somewhere in order to feel happy.

The Future is not Real, and happiness does not live there.

I asked God how to be happy…


The often very tough truth is that so long as a condition remains between us and what we desire we will never actually embody what we desire.


The amount of people under the spell that happiness will suddenly erotically embrace them sometime off in the future is absolutely absurd.

If you have been to the future and back and have a story to tell of your happiness that only exists there, we need to talk immediately, I would love to hear.



Since I reckon there are very little, if any, who have been to the future and back,

Now is a great time to iterate that you and only you in this moment have the choice to feel free or not.

Is happiness truly the desire you seek? 

This is where I want to draw the ever so important distinction that you are likely not seeking happiness, you are seeking freedom.

We place a lot of pressure on Happiness to provide us the life we want, and I don’t believe happiness asked to be put on a pedestal.


Freedom on the other hand, is a boundless resource not bound to human emotion.

Freedom is a program, a technology, that goes the fluctuations of life that are inevitable.

Freedom is that which you seek, but I assure you that it will only be discovered inside yourself.

I asked God how to be happy…


Eventually, “One Day” must become Right Now for it to actually be.


There are three primary fears that play out when returning to freedom and our Authentic Operating system.

The fear of failure.

The Fear of judgment

THe fear of success.


All of those encourage you to perpetuate the resistance of finally choosing Right Now to be that One day.


Freedom is only found from the inside-out.

It is remembering who you are through fully being in the right here and right now.

The space between the old story and the future fear is the space you must utilize to break the cycle of waiting and seeking.


Freedom is right here, right now.

Ready to discover deeper freedom in your life?

Book a free call below to apply for the Re-Design Reality Workshop. A 6 week live intensive program to help you get free from the inside-out so that you can live your best life now.

I asked God how to be happy…

The Art of Receiving: Transcending the Transaction.


Freedom: Transcending Triggers and Subconscious Narratives.