Seeing YOU beyond you.

you and your authentic self

The realization that nothing needs to be personal is a very beautiful and liberating form of architecture.


It allows the space to re-structure how we interact with the world.


It creates the freedom to be able to put our awareness of emotional maturity into practice so that we may become embodied in what we know.


It allows us to have greater compassion for those we encounter, engage with, and hold space for.


When we detach a layer or two away from the personal, we paradoxically begin to grow more deeply in the way we wish to become because we no longer the tension, anticipation, and resistance of taking things personally.


We are given the time and space, on whatever it may be, to see ourselves more for who we truly are which leads to seeing others more for who they truly are.

a guide to not taking things personally

The Fear of Authenticity


Bridging what is and what could be.