Time and Happiness

How you Relate to time determines your degree of happiness.


Let’s face it,

Have you seen anyone who romanticizes about their past who is actually happy now?

Have you seen anyone who is so eager to live in the future who is actually happy now?


I have not.

 Happiness only exists in the here and now.

Time and Happiness

The agency that you have is inextricably linked to being present.


Without presence, there is no agency nor is there what you truly desire to feel.



Hypothetical mental stories have very real effects on the present.

Our past stories of pain and pleasure create future projections of pain and pleasure.


But a crucial link in the chain is skipped over…


Time kills gravity.

Yet, when we relate to time in the sense that we attempt to escape our present consciousness,

We are pushing and pulling ourselves further from the life we want to live.


We believe our relationship of time is often constant,

But I fully believe it is not constant but rather continuous.


I frequently experience the delta x, the change over change of my perception of time, is never the same.


My perception of time has expanded and contracted just in the time of writing this.

Time and Happiness

This is where the Esoteric Fundamentals come in.


We can spark a memory of past happiness that can elicit the feeling of it and connect us to happiness in the here and now,

but what is the origin from which you access this feeling?

Lack or Love?


One can argue that it doesn’t matter at all, as long as you relate to what you want to relate to.


I wholeheartedly disagree.

Choice Energetics has it that if you choose to connect to your desire from lack, then you experience your desire shaded in lack.


On the contrary,

If you choose to connect to your desire from love, you will experience your desire shaded in love.


Time and Happiness

Lack creates separation from the present; love creates intimacy with the present.


I believe time is represented as lack and love.

Lack repels, love attracts.


When time is represented through lack we say things like,


“I don’t have enough time.”


Think about how irrational that phrase is.

What constitutes enough?

Will you ever have enough?

What if things don’t change, will you forever not have enough time?


Relating to time through lack is akin to relating primarily to the past and to the future.

Relating to time through love is relating to the now.

Time and Happiness


As with All expressions,

There is always space for illusion.

Illusion will inevitably present itself to you, especially through time,

And your goal is to create keen discernment,


And compassion.


Lack will often masquerade as a memory of past love.

The discernment in allocating time and energy to dwell in such mental space is entirely yours.


Simply take note if that thought or feeling is bringing your intimacy or pushing you away from yourself.


Time is neutral.

Time is such a wonderful gift.


Time allows us the free will to be present in our awareness or to be off somewhere else.

It doesn’t ask anything of us other than to be conscious of what changes and what is unchanging, or rather whom is unchanging.

Time and Happiness


The key to collaborating with time is to identify the stories of your past that perpetuate into the present.

These stories are the only barriers between you and freedom, happiness, etc…


In the same light,

When you find yourself leaving this moment to live in the future,

Gently call yourself back to your body.

Your body is what grounds you to the here and now.


Have you ever noticed that people who dwell in the past or in the future are often the most dissociated with their bodies, even to the point of pain and dis-ease?


Relating to time through the past keeps your mind in the past and your body in the now.

This creates distance in self, health complications, and separates you from freedom and happiness.


The present is where wellness is cultivated.

Time and Happiness


Wellness is alignment in mind, body, and soul with the present now.

It is Re-Membering all pasts of yourself into the here and now.

Something magical happens in that alignment.

It is too subtle for distinction yet too profound for words.

I can only speak to what it feels like in my life.




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