Success wants presence: Prosperity is an inside-out game.

But you might be playing the game wrong.


Here’s how to play.

Success wants presence :Prosperity is an inside-out game.


But To preface,


There are two games of life we can choose to play.

Let’s dive into the differences.


The first, and contemporary society’s most popular choice, is the outside-in game.

99.7% of people play this game.


The alternative game to the game of life is the inside-out game.


Success wants presence :Prosperity is an inside-out game.


Common Symptoms of playing the outside-in game :


-        External circumstance dictates internal reality

-        Peace is found through control

-        Happiness depends on expectations being met

-        Thorough exhaustion day-in and day-out

-        The desire of needing more


How many of these apply to you?


The outside-in game is absolutely exhausting.

I’ve tried this plenty of times already in my life.


I’ve found that control is not my love language.

Success wants presence :Prosperity is an inside-out game.



The outside-in game forces us towards futility.

When we play this game, we have to control the whole of our environment around us in order to feel how we want.

I need to be in physical in control to feel safe.

I need to be emotionally in control to feel safe.

I need to be energetically in control to feel safe.


The outside-in game requires an immense amount of energy input.

Its like watering all the gardens in your neighborhood in order to quench your own thirst.


Prosperity in this game is elusive and always one step ahead of you.


There is a different way to play this game.

Games, after all, are supposed to be fun as well as serious.


The inside-out game is the alternative method to true prosperity.

It is the very method that allows you to embrace prosperity and to dwell within it here and now.


I believe it is natural operating system.


The inside-out game is only made aware to us when we question if external circumstance really is the origin of our inner sense of agency to think, to feel, and to create.


The answer to question is what I deem to be Esoteric Fundamental #1.


Esoteric Fundamental #1:

Success wants presence :Prosperity is an inside-out game.


Your inner state of being is not DEPENDENT upon external circumstance.


Life going according as planned is not a pre-requisite to freedom, happiness, and success.

If you spill your coffee

Are late to your meeting

Or miss an opportunity


These do not mean that you are now separate from feeling free, happy, or successful.


Of course,

Circumstances as they occur as fundamental experiences of your life will impact your reality.

But, learning to play the inside-out game is learning that circumstance need not lead your life.


You can lead your life with agency, and circumstance will just occur as it does.

Success wants presence :Prosperity is an inside-out game.


If you are dependent upon things going well in your life, you will likely always find a reason why things may not be going as well as you would like.


It’s beautiful to know where you can grow

where you desire to be better

where you know you want to dwell.


But the trick is not to place your condition of prosperity upon reaching that place.


True prosperity is going forth in the direction you wish to head as if you already have access to what that direction has to offer you, yet remain completely unattached to if and when you will “get there.”


If you bookmark success in the future, you will always push the bookmark further and further back.

Success wants presence :Prosperity is an inside-out game.


Anyone can play the inside-out game,

In fact,


It is much more accessible than the outside-in game.


The outside-in game makes you believe that you need to ante in with




But the inside-out game asks nothing of you other than just to be here.


To play the inside-out game, look to where you are constantly placing your desires in the future.


The game begins when you deconstruct desire to its irreducible form.

The irreducible form of your desire is a state of being.

If your desire is not a state of being, you can peel it back further.


Keep the other layers of the onion around, because they are a part of your journey to, but to begin simply become aware of the end-state.


Example :


I desire a property where I can express myself architecturally and create powerful experiences and resources for my community.

One step deeper.

I desire to be fully resourced to express myself.


I desire to be of the highest service.


I desire to feel aligned with my mission.



So now I can work with that deep desire to feel aligned with my mission.

In my case, I would argue that this actually means to feel tapped into to all the divine whispers around me.


So, I can create space to listen intently to life.

Success wants presence :Prosperity is an inside-out game.


I can create space to do more of the things that genuinely make me feel good and purposeful.

If I only can create space for an hour a day, or a week,

Then I will use that space to listen and to express myself in the direction the divine whispers.


The more I take the idea of myself out of the way,

The more I am able to feel the deepest connection to my mission, my spirit.


The inside-out game is letting go of who you think you are and radically simplifying everything.

It’s choosing to create more space to feel as aligned as I can, regardless of circumstance.


By nature, I will be met gradually with more and more of things that will continually inspire me to feel aligned.


The chicken blurs into the egg, but the knowingness remains as the inner choice being the origin.


This creates what I call the Gracious Cycle.


It is the feedback loop of experiencing more of what you focus on.

The shadow of your focus will still exist, but the inside-out game teaches us to focus more and more deeply on the state we desire, not the state we do not desire.

Success wants presence :Prosperity is an inside-out game.


The inside-out game can begin today if you would like!

A warm welcome to you if today is the day.

If you are ready to play life this way, I would be honored to facilitate this deep transformation.

Book a free call below!



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