The Presence and Reverence of Day.

On average, the human lives for about 28,835 days.

Perhaps you are blessed with more or perhaps less,

But each and every day is sacred.


Here is how to revere the bounty that the day comes to offer us.



Each new day is a gift.

Some fiber of our being knows this full well despite us orchestrating our lives around such blessing or not.


The day is Truth, it is the here and now.


In Celtic tradition,

There is a deep reverence for the day as a new beginning.

The day is understood as time manifest as a blessing for all to enjoy.


The day allows us the agency to use it as we wish.


One day may be filled with joy and laughter,

And the next day may bring hardship or melancholy.

Each day offers us a new bounty for a journey of becoming in the highest of highs and even the lowest of lows.


Birth and Re-birth is a continuous happening both inside of us and outside of us in every moment.

The day fades to night and the night back to day.

Though the poppies may go to slumber, the nightfolk awaken to receive their blessing of “day.”


 It’s not difficult to look around today and ask,

“Where is the reverence for day?”


Most of our days are experienced through the lens of the work we do that is not ultimately the Life we live.


The day has been structured for a life to become easily unlived.


One awakes in the morning and must allocate much of the precious fresh energy of day towards the workplace.

By the end of the workplace “Day” there is little fresh energy for the true desires of the heart to live.



By the numbers,


We spend 33% of our life sleeping,

Another 33% of it working

Which leaves 33% for living.


But these numbers are not equal, they are weighted.


The 33% of our day allocated to the workplace uses up the majority of our life force energy leaving very little to be devoted to our True Life outside of work.


In the esoteric sense,

I am not the identity of my working role.

I may say that I am an architect for certain portions of my day, but who do I then become when I am at home with my lover?


To believe that my career constitutes who I am is extremely limiting.


The most true form of who I am in career’s light is an artist and a servant.

The same holds true for every one of you.


We are all artists and servants of life.

Alas, many of us simply are not afforded the opportunity to create nor take the courage and action required to live the radical life of devotion to the artist within.


Your true nature is creative, whether you believe it or not, and the day is the platform blessing you the time and space to be within your true nature.


Perhaps the dreamy life you desire never quite manifests,

But that doesn’t stop you from being an artist in your way of being.



You don’t need to quit your job and have 24 hours a day to then become a devotee of your true nature as artist.


You can just as well go about your days as you are, with a subtle reverence for truly living each day as a new beginning.


Artistry is the devotion to the day as creative opportunity.


Creativity is the way you


-        Hold space

-        Conversate

-        Laugh

-        Help others

-        Help yourself

-        Ride your bike

-        Think of ideas

-        Take a break

-        Breathe

Everything in life without exception embodies creativity because life by nature is creative.


Life rewards creativity, despite the established opposition to this fact.

Survival is an expression of creativity.

Creativity is not without its risks, but there can only be reward with the balance of risk also present.


The more creatively we can approach life and circumstance, the more creative the potential outcomes.


Creativity is what makes possibility possible.

The day is the space in physical, emotional, and energetic time that gives creativity the very medium to be expressed.


Without reverence for day, there is no presence.

Everything that occurs and has potential to occur must be realized through presence.


The day has so much abundance to bless us with.


Abundance enters through presence.

Presence doesn’t require one to be anything other than how they are.


All one has to do is to be.

To be open to see and to listen,

To be ready to receive the soft subtle gifts of the present.



Without presence, we depend upon yesterday or tomorrow to provide us what we need and what we desire.


This only tends to create more disharmony and separation from how you want to be.

You can work a 9-5

Have many responsibilities

Undergo an existential crisis



Still find presence,

still find that your creative way of being is supporting with you,

and still find that Day is blessing you with time.



Seek not time or freedom, but rather simply presence.

All things come only in the present and the kind and gracious king of the present is Day whom is  eagerly awaiting your reception of the gift that is time.


Reverence for day as a gift creates the presence to live your life as fully lived.


Bridging what is and what could be.


Play and the Inner Child as Artist