Freedom: Transcending Triggers and Subconscious Narratives.

There are really only ever two narratives behind being triggered.


I would even argue they are actually the same thing.

Understand the WHY behind your triggers, and then discover freedom.

Freedom: Transcending Triggers and Subconscious Narratives.


The trigger.


I am triggered by someone else’s world view, opinion, action, or identity that is not aligned to those in which I align with.


What is actually happening?


Subconscious Narrative 1.


I feel unsafe due to the fact that the identity of my subconscious is threatened by outside ideas.

Potential inner conflict arises because the identity of who I think I am is being questioned.

I am insecure about my identity.


Subconscious Narrative 2.


I feel unsafe because I cannot control the environment around me.

I feel safe when I am in control of circumstance and my environment, and I feel threatened otherwise.

I am insecure about my identity.


 The design of our unconscious operating system is oriented towards survival.

Freedom: Transcending Triggers and Subconscious Narratives.

Triggers are survival adaptations.

They represent the unconscious origin from where you are being operated.



Triggers represent where the you that you think you are is actually not in “control” of your life.

I use “control” in this sense to emphasize that control is not the goal, and in fact is the very limitation.



I argue that the two narratives behind being triggered are actually of the same origin because of the concept of control.

To me,

The opposite of control is freedom.

THat is your authentic self. Read more on discovering that self here!

Freedom lives on the other side of your triggers.



But first, let’s understand control.

You only attempt to control something when you know that you are not in control.

Control again is a defense mechanism to minimize potential threat both externally and internally.

Freedom: Transcending Triggers and Subconscious Narratives.


Control is expressed from the inner foundation of who you think you are in regards to your relationship of self-worth.


Low self-worth often begets a high degree of control.

High self-worth often begets a low degree of control.



Be wary of the ego convincing you that you have high self-worth and therefore need to protect it through control.

If you feel that you need to protect your worthiness through control,

then your worthiness is actually subconsciously threatened i.e. you don’t actually feel worthy.


Control is expressed from the inadequate perception of self.

If you truly know your worth, it does not have to be protected because only you are the steward of your of worthiness.


The idea of who you think you are only seeks to be protected if it is at risk.

The shadow of this idea is actually the light.

If identity is at risk, it reveals that there is a greater identity to be discovered.



Triggers are beautiful because they reveal where you are not yet free.


Here is the Radical truth.


When you don’t feel free, you tend to control.

Freedom is being free from the need to control.

But who is the one that does not feel free?

It likely is not your conscious self, but rather your unconscious self.




The biggest dilemma is that you think you are free,

When in reality,

You are only free up to the extent that you know you are limited. 


You may think that the physical freedom you believe to have is a representation of your inner freedom.

Perhaps, but….


If you are not at peace with who you are and how you feel,

No amount of control of objects will truly set you free.

Read all about transcending your subconscious Limitations Here!


True freedom is the freedom that only you can give yourself.

Freedom: Transcending Triggers and Subconscious Narratives.


The narrative behind your trigger is the doorway to free yourself from the idea of who you think you are.


Good point kev!


Freedom is dissolving who you think you are to become at peace with whomever you truly are.


Triggers reveal your limitations so that your conscious self can collaborate with your unconscious self to create freedom.

Freedom is created from the inside-out, from the subconscious to the conscious.



The trigger is the key and the narrative is the lock.

To transcend the momentary need to survive in order to create the conditions to thrive begins with using your triggers to venture inwardly as opposed to outwardly.


Why does this opinion make me feel unsafe?

Why am I threatened by something that is not mine to control?

Is there a belief inside of me that is fighting for survival?


Do I want to survive or do I want to thrive?


Surviving is allowing your triggers to bolster the idea of who you think are.

Thriving is allowing your triggers to deconstruct who you think you are so that who you truly are can be given more space to express its freedom.

Freedom: Transcending Triggers and Subconscious Narratives.


Freedom is your birthright.

If you are ready to commit wholeheartedly to freedom, book a free(dom) call to learn more and apply for a transformative 1:1 Mentorship to get free from the inside-out.




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