The Heart and Soul in the Truth of the Now

The precious resource of the present is all we have.

Yet, unlike all other life, we as humans tend to limit this moment by wishing it otherwise.

Let’s begin to come into the Truth of the Now through understanding the Full Self.


You, me, the person sitting next to me in the ocean all have unique experiences of this very moment.

The nature of our gift of life is that it must by nature be in contrast to the rest of existence.

This is for good purpose.


The architecture of consciousness is designed in a way where consciousness itself can observe more of its unique self through the expressions of all that is through individual parts, us, that create the whole.


Consciousness learns more about itself through us.

We are pure awareness, both a fragment and the whole of consciousness.


Here is where it gets really juicy!


Consciousness does not need the same information twice.


Intimacy seeks contrast.

Everything in life has infinite nuance, depth, and uniqueness by design so that we may participate fully


Perceived identity must succumb to unique expression at some point, for consciousness' sake



It is silly to try to live a life like someone else, because it will only ever reveal your inability to do so.

Yet, this is almost a rite of passage in culture

We want to be like someone else.


Luckily, uniqueness has it that it will create a live beyond our imagination should we listen to the heart.


The yearning of the Heart is the most real quality we experience.

Who put it there?

Why do I feel it?

Why am I never without it?


It’s origins known and unknown transcend far beyond any mental barriers of impossibility.


Your personal reality is your personality.

There are no two personalities alike.

We may share similarities, but I will never know the yearnings of your heart that deeply inform the experience of your perception and reality.



I take this as one of the most delightful gifts of being humans.

I can relate to you only to the extent where I must acknowledge the sweet mystery of the unseen world behind your eyes that I will never know,

and do so with infinite reverence.

I think of those moments of soul gazing through the eyes.

There comes a moment where the uncomfort of the seen is comforted by the unseen.

Where the mystery of me meets the mystery of you.


I’ve seen it many a times where a perceptible change in the eye reveals a deep cosmos of an entirely hidden world, one of mysterious beauty only to blink its way back out of the sphere of the observable plane.


The eye is the soul’s glazier, creating windows for the soul to see our dimension.

The soul sees what your eyes cannot see and feels what your heart softly perceives.


This happens all the while our mind tries to analyze, justify, and define.

A stark contrast to the mystery of the Truth that is within you, but it need not be.


Everything in nature is symbiotic.

The birth with the death,

The birds with the bees,

The grief with the reverence.


All that is can work in harmony; in fact it is your journey to harmonize all parts of the uniqueness of your self into the here and now.


The mind doesn’t need to oppose the soul, nor the soul oppose the mind.

The heart connects the two and completes the holy trinity and brings coherence to all that you are.


The heart and the soul eagerly await your mind’s embrace in the Truth of the Now.

It is lovely to let the mind dance into the Not Yet,

but the practice of dancing in the Here Now is where all the magic occurs.


Being in the Here Now with the mind, heart, and the soul regardless of how deeply you feel connected to them or otherwise is where you access parts of your true nature and your radical authenticity that you didn’t know you had.

How lovely is that?

Coming into the full embrace of the here and now is collaborating to the highest degree with the divine that inside of you and all around you.


The illusory barrier to entry of this embrace immediately dissolves when we inhabit the fullness of our life.


“The divine has such passionate creativity and instinct for the fully inhabited life. If you allow yourself to be the person that you are, then everything will come into rhythm.”


-        John O’ Donohue


The Heart and Soul in the Truth of the Now

Play and the Inner Child as Artist


Living Heart Forward in a Heart Backwards World.