Finding Freedom Through Boredom

What if you have nothing to respond to in your life right now...

For a time, You are not needed by anyone. Nothing is asking for your attention. Your job doesn't need anything more from you. You are given space to completely be.

What would you do?

Would you try to create something to respond to in order to feel needed?

Would you distract yourself by doing instead of simply being?

Would you feel worthy if you did nothing?

This is boredom, and our culture has bastardized the meaning of this state of being. But boredom can reveal to us some deep truths about freedom.

Boredom is not

feeling useless

without direction

sans stimuli.

Boredom is an opportunity that life is presenting you to not respond to anything for once. Boredom is a space of freedom to feel safe enough to let your guard down, to let your persona down. Boredom is a call to drop who you think you are and just sit with life itself.

If you are uncomfortable with this state of being then you are simultaneously in resistance to what is.

Resistance to what is is the root cause of contemporary suffering.

Where in your life are you busying yourself to avoid looking at what you resist?

What do you resist that only the deeper part of you can acknowledge?

If life is asking nothing of you for a moment, why do you feel the need to oppose life?

Here's the truth… We create a way of being in the world that has a sensation of safety and comfort.

This safety is illusory.

But don't worry. We all partake in this illusion of safety. However, if the sense of safety was truthful, there would be no part of you in resistance.

We resist life, what it presents us, and what is reveals within us when we feel unsafe. Resistance is a coping mechanism that operates when our perception of safety is disrupted. Can you see how this plays out in your life?

We all resist change, the process of becoming, and uncertainty in both grandiose and miniscule ways.

The path forward is this :

Resistance reveals to you where you are not yet free.

The illusion of safety is how your deep underlying limitation has learned to see the world. If you are in resistance, then what lives behind resistance is freedom. Use resistance as a doorway to see your underlying limitation. By nature of what resistance is showing us, it is not the truth of who we truly are.

It is very real and has real effects, but it is still an illusory idea. Release the resistance, tap into freedom.


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