A Call to the Ambitious Artist Inside of You.

To the





And all Artists of life,


Your purpose is NOT what you do,

Nor is who you think yourself to be.


It is simply who you ARE.




there is one thing limiting your potential to actualize who you came here to be...


How often do we subtly fall into the trap of a limited identity?

 The trap of how you think the world needs you?


You want to help more people,

Make more money

Deepen your creative expression.


“I am an Architect, and I help align your inner landscape with your outer environment so that you can feel more You...”


Great, fine and dandy,

So what?


How Embodied are you when you say that?

Is that actually what you believe?

Is there not a deeper more mysterious You beckoned to be unfolded for the world to see?


You are an Artist.

And you probably feel like you don’t belong many places,


But I bet you feel a sense of belonging when you create...

Until you have to surrender that creation,

Or put it in a box.


Here’s the contemporary Trap of Being an Artist.


I have to limit my expression in order to be



Invested in

(insert deep personal ideal here)


Indeed this holds gravity, and you do in fact need these things to have more resources to create more of the life that you want to live.


But there is one crucial thing you need to know for your actualization.




If you are not completely safe in who you are,

You cannot actualize your potential.


When you limit yourself,

You are in a paradox of seeking safety.


You believe its more safe to be seen in a limited way,

But in reality it is deeply unsafe to limit who you naturally are, your authentic way of being that is You, the artist.


How do you balance this?

You need to embody what you know in order to be successful because energy precedes matter,


So you need to be deeply connected to how you can help so that you can say it and OWN it,



You need deep discernment to catch where you are trading true Safety for false safety.


You are most safe in the version of you that is so unshakeable on the inside that you CANNOT give a f$ck on the outside.


It might lead to outer circumstances that illuminate insecurities. inadequacies, and scarcities,

But on the inside it is where your artistry, your potential is being liberated.


So how do you want to exist in the world?


If you are reading this,

You are in a very specific group of humanity with the awareness and opportunity to devote yourself to your inner artist.


The world does not need a limited version of you,


The world needs the version of you that feels internally safe enough to live radically in the external world.

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My nod to the highest version of you that lives just beyond who you think you are. Stories, codes, and insights to liberate that version of you.


Psychologically Unemployable : 5 Lessons from a Self-Employed Architect.


The Fear of Authenticity. Part 2 : Liberation