helping you dissolve fear to discover true (creative) freedom from the inside-out.

kevin vanderzel kevin vanderzel

3 ways to overcome the fear of failure.

We can easily become discouraged because of our failures. We experience how failure feels within our own selves, but more so we perceive how the failure affects oneself and others through mental stories. We re-run these stories of failure over and over again, each time created the emotional and somatic response to the failure that has already been lived.

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kevin vanderzel kevin vanderzel

Guide to Self-Mastery and Growth.

Self-mastery is the dance between the logical and the radical across dimensions of our reality.

The bounds of the dance itself evolve dynamically as we self-transcend into deeper levels of awareness and responsibility.

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kevin vanderzel kevin vanderzel

How to Overcome Fear of Judgement

It sounds silly, but the biggest problem most people face in working through their fears is overthinking, and believing that the answers must be more complicated than a simple truth. The approach I teach is quite the opposite, and I have found that it has deeply transformative and sustainable impact because we break down the issue into its most simple parts to where misunderstanding or overlooking the real issue is nearly impossible.

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kevin vanderzel kevin vanderzel

Overcoming limiting beliefs

Lets cut straight to the chase.

Every single human subscribes to limiting beliefs. At some point or another we arrive at the precipice of where we think our reality meets our limiting beliefs. Limiting beliefs serve as a sort of impassable mental landscape that transcends beyond the merely mental belief system to impact our physical, emotional, and even spiritual capacities.

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kevin vanderzel kevin vanderzel

Originality is Not Dead,

We have all an inclination to explore what fascinates us, and share what we discover.

An incredibly simple truth that when deconstructed actually possesses deep insight into how we can best operate at our own frequency as well as to provide an open channel to introduce others to our line of thinking.

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kevin vanderzel kevin vanderzel

Overcoming the Fear of Commitment.

We are experiencing a culture that reward the façade of an individual’s accomplishment’s rather than the true integrity of the individual within the process. We have exchanged growth for glamour, and devotion to the process for whatever the gets the job done in a Instagram worthy fashion.

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kevin vanderzel kevin vanderzel

A ritual to let go of limiting beliefs.

Take today to write each limiting belief that is in your mindspace down on an individual scrap of paper. Be honest with yourself because if you want to consciously create anything meaningful in this life you must shed all that is not true out of your reality.

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kevin vanderzel kevin vanderzel

How to navigate doubt within your creative expression.

Doubt without belief or resonanace is merely a thought that does not dwell within you, but rather is simply passing through your mindscape. Your identification of such things is the invitation for that thought to take dwelling within you.

All things and all energies are ever present in our energetic atmosphere. Likely, we are all learning to redefine our boundaries with certain energies and ideas and until we begin to understand our boundaries we might still belief in these concepts such as doubt and fear

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kevin vanderzel kevin vanderzel

How can design transform my consciousness?

Design surrounds us everywhere we go and everything we do. From the space you wake up in, to to the feeling of the cup you drink out of, design is ever-present, yet unfortunately, most design we experience is bull _s#@t.

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kevin vanderzel kevin vanderzel

How to trust your intuition and get your creative business started.

You do not need to be perfect in order to do amazing for yourself and for other people. You just have to be intentional, and the best part, your intuition gives you your intention so you don’t even have to think about it. If you are thinking about your intention, stop and breathe. Its already there, just start speaking it, start painting it and it will become clearer and clearer.

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kevin vanderzel kevin vanderzel

the conscious guide to knowing your offering for the world.

I believe as creators that we are rewarded for channeling creative energy into something tangible and therefore universe will recognize us as an open and clear channel to serve as a funnel to translate creative source energy into service for humanity. It doesn’t matter how small or grandiose the idea, get it down on paper and stay aware that universe is flowing these ideas through you for a specific purpose. Don’t question it, just go.

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kevin vanderzel kevin vanderzel

Where does our sense of consciousness meet the material world?

In a metaphorical sense, it’s like someone becoming so good at driving a car and immersing oneself constantly in the act of driving that eventually this person identifies as the car rather than the operator. In this light, we are taught to become the car often at the loss of remembering the operator.

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