Using your intuition to cultivate a higher reality.

a better life, a fruitful existence…. Whatever you wish to call it!

At what point did we stray from instinct?

Yes , Yes, we all understand that there are many points that we can look upon to define that divergence, but rather, lets pose the question, “ When did I choose to stray from my instinct?”

As a child, you are the pure manifestation of instinct; this is where intuition meets action. You are in the flow state succumbing to the ebbs and flows of polarity in emotion, in physical need, and awareness.

Now come to think about it, I think I have the answer.

We diverge from instinct when a sense of identity arises within us, or in other words, a quasi-conscious understanding of self. Here we learn to use our minds more heavily than our instinct and emotion, the latter of which are very much still present albeit the mind has a tendency to outweigh other aspects of self.

Where I am heading with this is bi-lateral.

Firstly, is that we choose, and to a large extent we are programmed, to develop the mind skills at the cost of lessening our instinctual intuitive abilities.

Secondly, those intuitive capabilities manifest in our embodied instinct don’t go anywhere or leave us. They are still very deeply a critical function of our human-ness, it is just that we often choose to take what instinct may bring up and tear it to shreds with our analytical minds.

From what I observed, this is not all that bad of an approach for some or most people, although my reference point is likely skewed by my sense of perception and community but nonetheless, a lot of people live by tearing their instincts and intuition to shreds.

For me, this never really yields the fruit that I am reaaaallly after in this life. You might get some scrumptious avocados or nectarines for all you stone fruit lovers out there, come to think about it avocados technically have a stone but that is beside the point. I of course mean these fruits in a metaphorical sense of bearing fruit in this life, but fact of the matter is that we know there is something deeper that we are yearning for.

That is the point in which our intuition speaks, more so is trying to speak.

Intuition is your channel to that higher reality that some notion of your true self knows is possible.

In fact, it is more than possible, it is already in the works and you may not even know it!

While we have been toiling away with our little analyzing noggins, our intuition has been conspiring with the subconscious to steer us into a direction of intended manifestation, a form of manifestation that we awake to at some point in our lives only to realize it was perfect and part of the plan all along.

Your intuition knows the real you and the real needs and desires of your heart much more than you think you do.

The problem is…

We suppress intuition.

Intuition is not celebrated and strengthened as it once was… or so we think. It never went anywhere, it still sings it songs, and some part of our wakeful selves still listen even though the song can be as close to mute as we can possibly imagine.

The world around us places notions of good and bad upon our thought processes, decision making, and actions. Polarities of rational or irrational, sane or insane, nonsensical or sensible are such the lenses we use to bewilder our own instinct and separate ourselves from listening to our intuition.

Your intuition is the radical middle between what makes sense and what can’t be explained. In being that radical middle it actually embodies both extremes.

And why is that is not enough for our minds, our culture, our state of being-ness to authorize personal trust in intuition anymore?

You see,

Your intuition holds the keys to the reality you wish you had access to.

More correctly is your intuition holds the keys to your dreams that your mind can never have.

We have been entrusted via our intuition to awake to this notion at some point in our life when the time is right, and the time will be right in fact. The time is probably right if you are reading this and perhaps has even been right for quite some time.

Nobody teaches us that our intuition can actually be a mechanism to live more of the life our mind desires.

We separate the stories in categories that the intuition will lead you away from the life that a great deal of yourself probably yearns for like creating wealth, living in a beautiful place, owning nice things, etc.. Your intuition is not diametrically opposed to these things, I would argue with the blessing of others as well that it is looking beyond even what you think you desire.

The intuition is not reserved for ideas and “things” we compartmentalize in the basket of spirituality. We believe this fallacy because of the way we have collectively chosen to put our inner sense of self and non-tangible desires in disharmony with the outer sense of self and tangible desires.

This is an old story.

Let’s write the new story shall we?

Your intuition is the voice of your higher self, whom is in contact with the “you” of your past and of your future, radically present with you through your body in this now moment.

You could even say that your intuition lives in your gut hence, “Trust your gut!” There is actually a whole swath of science that explains this understanding as well that is truly fascinating but one in which that we won’t dive into.

The case of the matter is as follows,

Your Intuition will only be as strong as the belief in it.

What this means is that your intuition will only speak as clearly and present you with the caliber of opportunities, wisdom, and divine luck as is congruent with your true belief and trust in your intuition.

The more we give space to our intuition, the more that intuition will give, “something” back. That something will at some point certainly shock you.

Its like the idea of giving your money away sincerely to God, universe, and Creator to use, only to be given back to you in an unexpected way with the only issue being that God’s shovel is bigger than yours…  

Do you see the dilemma through the humor though?

This is the divine dilemma. We know this mode of operating is truth, it is here and now, we have all seen it and felt and know it intimately yet it at times seems so far and we don’t trust in it enough to experience it play out in that joy, humor, and abundance.

The more we place our trust in our intuition the more that we will receive in this life. The only caviat lies in that your intuition often needs to be greeted just past where your openness to life extends beyond the comfort threshold.

We need to exit our comfort zone to fully embrace our intuition. Here and only here will we strengthen that connection and commune with our higher self.

After all, how close can you develop a relationship if always speaking over a fence?


When we embrace our intuition it, entrust it with some of our responsibility and decision making, it will always make good use of its allotment.

Intuition wont always lead you where you think you want to go, but it will always lead you where you truly need to go in order to get what you need to create your highest reality.

Some of these places might be challenging and some of them may be the most bountiful and beautiful places you have ever been. Regardless of what values you place on experiences that intuition points to, you will always receive exactly the medicine you need. No matter how much you agree or disagree with that medicine, it is your learning.

Your mind will harm you far more than your intuition ever will and there will definitely be a challenging circumstance that intuition will face you with, you can certainly count on that.

As the shaman says, “Everything is your ceremony.” This meaning that everything you experience is exactly what you need, and it is your duty to experience it in the rawness of all the resistance, liberation, and triumph of the journey just to receive the learning that takes you one step deeper into the more beautiful world your heart knows is possible.

Your intuition sees more and knows more than your mind could ever imagine. Take what you think your life could look like in your wildest dreams, and your intuition will paint that picture with your reality in colors you have never even seen before, asking only for your trust and collaboration, because…

You need your intuition as much as your intuition needs you.



Overcoming the Fear of Commitment.


Healing, clearing, and collaborating with the Ego.