the conscious guide to knowing your offering for the world.
I know, sounds like a doozy but stay with me, its simple.
This is the beginners guide to taking your first steps down your personal business path. Are you feeling ready to start your own creative business but feel overwhelmed with how to get started, how to know your offering, and what action to take?
We have all been exactly in this place before and it seems much easier to feel overwhelmed with thoughts and ideas than it seems to be clear in thinking and ready for action.
This guide is to help you un-limit yourself so you can pass through all of the barriers that your mind will try to impose on you. Your heart knows where it wants to go, but beginning the journey of claiming your freedom through owning your own business is all too often jaded by the analytical mind.
I am here to help you learn the discipline of translating your heart’s intuition and your soul mission into physical action and to balance the dialogue between your mind and your intuition.
Now just for a quick disclaimer, if you are here to have all the answers given to you about what you should do in your personal business endeavor or if you’re looking for the get rich quick schema then this place may not be the space for you.
You have to be willing to truly discern the elements of your own reality to make your own decisions in order to start creating actions and moving along the path. I can help you start to ask the right questions, provide you insight, and help you separate your mind and emotions from the process but you need to be radically honest with yourself and be willing to do the work it takes to create your own reality.
So how do you know your creative offering, what do you need to be aware of, and how can you get into action and start the journey of freedom and creating your reality?
Here are few simple points to digest that will help you tremendously in your budding journey.
0. Paradox of one.
Know that there is no one thing, no one idea, no one purpose that you are here for. You are here for many a reasons, many a things, and many a purposes and you don’t need to nail every single one of these into a singular creative offering.
1. Ground your ideas.
First things first, get a piece of paper out.
Plain and simple. Ideas are the water of creative source energy and water wishes to be channeled into meaningful places to create life in new forms. Do not let creative ideas fall on forgotten soil.
Write down every darn thing that strikes accord with you, and sketch every concept you see in your imagination.
One of the most powerful tools you have at any moment is the inexplicably unique way your mind and your senses translate momentary sensory inspiration into some shape of an idea. Whether you see something inspiring online, or the divine comedy of clarity strikes you at random, just practice the discipline of grounding your ideas by writing them down or sketching them.
The universe is constantly trying to flow creative energy through you and you need to become a beacon and a well that tells universe “Hey! I am here and I will ground your beautiful create energy into form.”
I channel through the act sketching and I find that the “thing” I finish sketching is much different than the “thing” I thought was coming through me.
This is because once you are in the act of translating you are in the space of intuition and energy will flow through you without the need of your mind completing it’s concept of what the idea should be. Its an act of un-limiting yourself in creation and this is where you want to be at the beginning of the creative process.
2. Let go of the desire to see the whole picture.
The way you become inspired is completely unique to you, and you don’t even need to try to understand it. Sometimes our analytical minds that try to define origins and causality actually inhibit us from accepting the abstraction that breakthrough ideas often first emerge as.
This is your reminder to come back into the present and to follow your breathe and to not dive into tomorrow’s toll on your idea.
Ideas are messy. They come in lopsided, only have the picture is colored, the other half is colored way outside the lines and every fiber of our mind wants more clarity.
This is where we often become frustrated or think we are not inspired enough and truthfully this is where so many people will quit because they try so hard to think up an idea they believe is worthwhile, and that people will like, that can be blue because its their favorite color, and that people will pay $9.95 for, but then what are the downsides of this, and will this answer all of my questions in life, and…. see where I’m going.
The truth is, an idea that chooses to flow through you doesn’t care what you think of it.
It is simply and kindly asking to be seen and if you want to work together. If not, then it will find the next person, but you must resist the urge to chop up the idea into a million pieces trying to find the heart of what you want it to be.
This is like agitating oil and water together into a mixture over and over again while simultaneously trying to remove the water.
Simply let the idea settle, come back to it the next day, and clearly observe the oil and water naturally separated. Give your idea space so it will present to you its opportunity and its challenges.
The goal is to find the idea that has proportion of oil and water that you feel comfortable tackling, and you might find that the challenges are all just additional opportunities wanting to work with you to become something amazing in and of themselves as well.
3. Be a Greenhouse for ideas.
Creating a process that helps you discern between the limiting vision that your mind creates and the subtle expansive feelings within you will give you better understanding of you as a creative incubator.
You are like a greenhouse. Right now, it is not time to devote too much thought to which plants will grow or which plants will die when transplanted.
The grounding phase of your ideation is to welcome into your greenhouse as many seeds that come knocking naturally on your door that you can water and take care of.
I believe as creators that we are rewarded for channeling creative energy into something tangible and therefore universe will recognize us as an open and clear channel to serve as a funnel to translate creative source energy into service for humanity.
It doesn’t matter how small or grandiose the idea, get it down on paper and stay aware that universe is flowing these ideas through you for a specific purpose. Don’t question it, just go.
There’s a fine line between having an organized greenhouse where you can see and take care of all your budding ideas and that of which is having a hoarded mess of ideas whereby neglect shines on even the sunniest of spots.
Only you know how best you operate, but a good rule of thumb is to go back into your notes, which you absolutely must be jotting down, and if you feel like you wouldn’t follow up on the last handful of ideas, or most recent few, then it’s time to close the door and clean house.
Remember that the creative intuition and flow doesn’t stop when you feel it’s time to close the welcoming door of new ideas, but rather it’s time to start coloring the ones that you gravitate towards.
4. How to Choose one Idea when you have a list of good ideas?
There are only two components that must be considered when choosing an idea. Well really just one component and then a rule of thumb. Any other components will filter in later down the line because we live in a day and age where you can throw a dart anywhere, and with a willingness to do the work you can build something successful around it.
But in any case, the only criterion that your path must meet is that it is serving others or providing value to humanity. That’s it. Do not overthink it.
Secondly for the rule of thumb, come back all the way to beginning. Remember the idea of there being only one thing that you can do is an illusion. This is the paradox of one. Yes you need to focus in on just one thing; however, do not fall victim to the illusion that this, “one,” has to be, “the one,” and, “only one.”
This is a trap that our minds play to keep us in indecision and from taking action towards creating the lives we want to create. Part of us knows this is a vulnerable decision and we begin to subconsciously play with our insecurities to try to justify never making a decision.
Analysis Paralysis is a very real thing and in some way shape or form I think it is programmed within us from our contemporary culture to keep us docile, complacent, and separate from our dreams.
Making decisions for yourself and moving forward on your own behalf because you want to do this and you want to design your reality is an extremely powerful belief. Of course we are going to try to get in our own way, but trust me, in order to align with your dreams you have to break down those walls put up around you one by one.
Only you can truly do this, and to liberate yourself away from constantly reacting to life and into being in the act of creating the life around that you desire is the space you know you want to be in. You wouldn’t be here if otherwise.
Running with an idea now doesn’t mean you can’t ever change it or open up a new project along the way. If you stick to following this process, you will be able to do this multiple times over and down the line you will be laughing at yourself thinking the first thing you did was the end all be all of business and life decisions.
Learn to give yourself permission to move forward, and focus on the task at hand and less on the emotional involvement. For men and women alike, this is learning to take the feminine creative energy and balance it with the masculine energy to take action.
Only by taking action can you discover where that path leads.
5. You must surrender.
Choosing your idea that you want to run with is nerve-racking because you feel like your identity is wrapped up in this one thing.
You can choose to believe that or not, but personally, I choose to not root my identity in this decision because this idea will need to change and adapt multiple times along the way, and our emotions can prevent that from happening and keep us stuck in a stagnant half-baked dream reality.
Your ideas are just pathways to your dreams, and the dreams will evolve over time as will your ideas, and you.
The key here is to create a process of growth that we ourselves can grow along with. If you become too attached to a certain way the process should look and feel you will end up short selling yourself form the potential that the creative life force is trying to manifest. You are not your idea; you are not your business.
You are using the creative energy given to you to do something greater than yourself and beyond what your mind can delineate.
To clarify, I do not believe in the idea of chasing your dreams. I believe this is another illusion to trick you into thinking you are separate from your dreams.
You are you dreams. And you have everything you need to manifest and realize your dreams into your current reality. Your journey is not sniffing the trail to chase where you think your dreams are, but rather your journey is realizing your dreams are here with you and your journey is to bring them out into manifestation.
To be successful is to be on the path where you are bringing out more of your dreams everyday into reality and translating them into form and service to humanity.
Your creative energy and the way you channel it into something meaningful and tangible for others is simultaneously the channel that draws out your personal dreams and freedom into your reality.