Healing, clearing, and collaborating with the Ego.

How do we begin to transcend the world our ego has designed into the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible?

How we view ourselves is blurry.

Let’s be honest.

The lenses in which are super-imposed before our very consciousness are not natural. They are programmed into us from the outer environment. You inner-environment naturally is free and pure, untainted and untethered via societal and parental influence.

Our true state is before we consciously or unconsciously consented to these programmatic lenses. We have a series of our own inner conditioning dominated by the ego that dictates and expresses our insecurities, however; it seems as if the world around us has been designed to celebrate and infiltrate the part of our being.

We are not our ego minds, nonetheless, the journey of creating a cooperative and creative experiential life with the ego is exceptionally difficult by todays standards.

We live in a world designed by the ego, experienced by the ego, and triumphed by the ego. The ego is not to blame strangely enough. It can be boiled down to our lack of deep self-awareness where we can access the keys to our own capabilities of balance and learning.

There is no separation between any part of you. You are all there, so to speak. The components have just been perceptually distorted from the overarching illusions of our time. All that we need to access in order to co create our highest reality is present within us and has never been absent from us.

All we need to do is observe what the ego is telling us through our own conditioning and insecurities as well as on the larger scale of our relationships, communities, and constructs.

The ego is an anchor, the goal is to not remove the anchor from the vessel, but rather to discern when it is appropriate to ground ourselves. The ego can work with us, and it us upon us to touch upon our insecurities to transmute them into a substance in which all parts of ourselves can clearly observe. Upon clear observation the distortions fall away and we can objectively heal and create space to co-collaborate with our egoselves in a more balanced and equal way.

Much of the distortions we face are merely imbalances that have gone un-checked. Our sacred duty is to observe our own nature such that we recognize imbalances and have the power and awareness to make them whole.

As one begins to view oneself more clearly, so shall the space be made to clear greater distortions. Only thyslef can clear thyself, but hopefully the space is made within others to take the choice upon themselves to heal, to collaborate, and to clear the distortions of the ego.


Using your intuition to cultivate a higher reality.


How to Thank the Universe: The Ultimate Guide