How can design transform my consciousness?

Glad you asked!

Design surrounds us everywhere we go and everything we do. From the space you wake up in, to the feeling of the cup you drink out of, design is ever-present, yet unfortunately, most design we experience is bull _s#@t.

Design is what creates what I call our “everydayness,” that is… the daily experiences of sensations and energies that we participate within each and every day. Designed spaces, objects, and experiences all hold physical properties as well as energetic and metaphysical properties.

Design is simply a manifestation of energy longing for material.

Now again, as most of our design is bull-shit you can begin to imagine how healthy intentional design that caters to human well being both physically and spiritually can have tremendous transformational impact on our everydayness.

This is precisely why you need intentional design in your life so as to create meaningful experiences and sensations for you at each step of your day; therefore, encouraging your physical and spiritual state to delight in healthy materiality and energetics.


How to navigate doubt within your creative expression.


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