A ritual to let go of limiting beliefs.
How to use ceremony to cultivate positive affirmations for building confidence, trusting your intuition, and surrendering to your higher mission.
This is the opening ceremony to move into a conscious season of cultivating self-inquiry into powerful manifestation.
This is an opening ceremony to direct you deeper into your higher self regardless of where you may on your spiritual journey. For those just beginning their awakening and those intentionally self-reflecting and setting conscious goals, this ritual is to guide you in the direction of surrendering to your intuition and remembering how powerful of a being you are capable of creating anything in this life.
So, you are reading this in this moment; therefore let today be the first day of your expansive season of conscious creation. What better way to ground your awareness than with a cleansing opening ceremony.
So lets lay out the foundation for you. This is all about learning the practice of non-identification with your mind and limiting beliefs.
Take today to write each limiting belief that is in your mindspace down on an individual scrap of paper. Be honest with yourself because if you want to consciously create anything meaningful in this life you must shed all that is not true out of your reality.
A limiting belief can look like anything you feel is preventing you from being the best you, from opening up to the fullness and abundance of life, and from being completely content with who you are.
This can be a very vulnerable act. Vulnerability is the strength you are allowing yourself to embody.
The best way you can serve yourself, is to truly shine a light on the darkest parts of yourself that may be hard draw out onto the main stage of focus.
Dive into these depths if you are ready, or simply grab the lower branches that are always in need of a good pruning. Your level of comfort in self-inquiry will reflect in exactly how deeply and how honestly you can venture within yourself.
Do not compare yourself to anyone else and how deep they may be able to go. Give yourself complete and total permission to dive in at the pace that you feel most comfortable with right now, but recognize that un-comfortability is a gateway into the space where much of your most deeply rooted beliefs dwell.
Put each little scrap of paper in a bowl, or a special container. Give yourself the day to inquire and fill up the bowl with as many or as little scraps as you will.
An example of some limiting beliefs could be,
“I am not good enough to deserve expansive and everlasting love”
“I am worried that I won’t be seen and heard when I fully express myself.”
“I will never make that much money.”
So, with these examples in mind, translate your own limiting beliefs on to pen and paper.
Remember this exercise is to create the power and confidence for you to let go of these so you can open to the light of the shadows they represent.
When you are ready perhaps that evening, create a space that you feel confident as well as loved within, and prepare yourself to read your limiting beliefs aloud. Create a space only where you will be alone or where others are also participating together. Avoid sharing the space with non-participants if possible.
Have a few special items with you if you feel they will encourage your strength and give you the positive presence that you deserve in this space.
Have a lit candle present with a sacred little bowl of water and your bowl of limiting beliefs as well.
Take a few deep breaths, and place any thoughts, distractions, and responsibilities that arise in your mind in a little imaginative box next to you. For this time, know that you do not need these things and should you choose to need them, they will be waiting for you exactly as they are in that little box next to you for when you are finished giving deep space to yourself.
Take a few moments to place any mindspace belongings in that box.
As you become more present with yourself, observe how you are. Observe the feelings in your body, observe the warmth in your heart, and observe the space you are creating.
With this awareness, state your intention in being right here in this place aloud for your own understanding to begin the ceremony. Speak from your heart and intuition rather than trying to think up the perfect words in your mind. This ceremony is not about being a poet, nor about being perfect.
Say anything you wish, but if you have to think too much or you are feeling nervous or shy you can open with this,
“I am here with gratitude and to open this space for truth and for the reflection of my true nature. I am here to honor the beliefs that I have created and to cleanse them in fire, to purify my thoughts, actions, and awareness that I may better become and better align on my path. Thank you space for providing your opportunity to reflect me, here I am.”
Experience the space you have created, feel free to open to the silence and stillness and allow any noises or distractions to simply blend into your environment. You will naturally be distracted in some way and just let that distraction pass as you can cater to it the moment you are finished if you wish.
Then, take one scrap of paper with your written limiting belief on it and hold in your hand. Observe the words on the paper and honor the feeling that they may invoke. Honor them not as who you are, but rather as a form that you cannot and will not embody.
These words are not you, yet these words are not bad. They are here to teach you about yourself and the work that you can do within your heart and mind that will help you become more you! They are not the enemy, rather just the shadow of you know you are who you are becoming.
This time is to honor those shadowy parts that you have gathered and chosen to believe in and to pass them through the all purifying fire.
Say the limiting belief. Say it firmly.
As you read each limiting belief aloud, say thereafter an affirmation that negates this limitation. Let your intuition transmute the limitation into expansion.
IF your limiting belief was, “ I am not good enough to deserve expansive and everlasting love,”
You can negate this by affirming, “ I am enough to deserve expansive and everlasting love. I am unconditional love.”
Observe the energy you feel when you state your affirmation aloud. Bring your full presence into your words and draw your true strength and confidence into your awareness.
Repeat your affirmation and light the limiting belief on fire with the candle and hold on to it until you need to drop it in the water, or simply place in the fire.
This ceremony is to guide you deeper into remembering who you truly are as a beautiful, powerful being on earth. Look at the burnt belief as an honorable closing ceremony of the chapter of limitation. Look at the burnt beliefs as an honoring of parts of yourself that are shedding from you, to make space more beautiful expansive abundance.
Repeat this process for each limiting belief you’ve written down, and allow space for any other expressions to arise and speak them out as well. Let your intuition naturally guide any words you wish to say. Do not place too much thought or energy into creating more affirmations than naturally arisen.
When finished with burning your limiting beliefs, hold space for yourself and if with others, hold space collectively. Just allow yourself the time and space to be amongst the energy and the environment that you’ve created for as long as you need.
Sometimes I do this for 2 minutes other times for an hour. You never quite know what you’re going to feel until you are in that space.
This space that you have lovingly and confidently created is a reflection of who you are. Be within this space for as long you wish, there is nowhere else that you could better give your presence than to yourself in this moment.
When you feel it is time to close the ceremony, take a few deep breaths.
As your purified self now holding much more boundless space to create the life you know you can create, say your gratitudes to the space, to yourself, to anything in that moment.
You can say something like,
“Thank you life for being with me here and now and always. Thank you space for creating this beautiful moment for me that will never fade. Thank you self for being vulnerable to do this work. Thank you.”
Close the space however you wish, with gratitude.
Know that once again you will create such a space, but as a deeper and greater version of yourself than you are today. For each day you are aware of your true nature, you are more beautiful, more powerful, and more gentle and humble than you were before.
You may be feeling many a things at this moment. Perhaps it’s a buzzing sensation, perhaps you are in tears, or perhaps you creatively activated and ready create the life your heart knows best.
Know that you have just done a deep act of self-work and whether you recognize it immediately or later, you have just aligned more of your true nature into your present moment awareness. This is inexplicably powerful. Congratulations. You are allowing yourself to get out of your way, and cultivate the best you that you possibly can.
As serious as it all can be, remember that everything is always exactly as it should be. In all the trials and tribulation of growth and failure there will always remain the true you sometimes revealed through as a sort of divine comedy that our lives often unfold as. What a beautiful reminder to be laborers of earth, as much as children of the soul.