Originality is Not Dead,

You’re just seeking the wrong awareness.

We have all an inclination to explore what fascinates us, and share what we discover.

An incredibly simple truth that when deconstructed actually possesses deep insight into how we can best operate at our own frequency as well as to provide an open channel to introduce others to our line of thinking.

A reasonable enough inference? But lets dive a little bit deeper into how our fascinations can either limit us or encourage us to grow, share, and expand all that we consider to be our purpose.

Naturally we are all called to learn about what we want to learn about.

Yes, it is redundant and that is exactly the truth that cannot be overlooked. We often are preoccupied with discovering more complicated truths or deeper parts of systems that lead us to looking over the nose of the simple truth that is right in front of us that ALWAYS hold much more than at first glance.

I Equate this seeking as the

Quest for originality.

Some part of us desires to dig deeper, and deeper still, to perhaps arrive at some irreducible core that has not yet been observed and articulated back outward into the sphere of learning.

We want so badly to find our “originality” and express that original idea. We want to find something completely new and share it with the world.

Beautiful at first glance this notion, however most of us on our quest for originality realize that truly nothing is original anymore.

Most everything is built on top of previous pillars of ideology and expression. Of course there are always ideas yet to be expressed with the introduction of higher forms of time and space but for sake of this discussion we will leave it at this:

Originality is Dead.

Maybe not dead, but rather originality has been expressed into the materium and into the mental plane to an extent where it is near impossible to channel a completely new to Earth idea, uninformed by context and reference to what is around us.

This is EXTREMELY important to grasp.

Part of our being yearns for originality that we now know may never be discovered.

From this nexus, we have a beautiful opportunity of perception. Many Routes may be drawn from this point but I will outline two here.

The first route is twofold. We can either fight this awareness to dig deeper into finding originality, which perhaps .00000001% of people may discover in their lifetime, or we can simply give up our quest because we realize we will never be “original” in some sense of perception.

Our yearning to discover has been triumphed by the story we decide to place on top of who we can and cannot be and therefore what we can and cannot do.

The second route is a recalibration of what we are seeking and congruently what to do with what we find.

To tie back full circle, am I seeking to find originality in some profoundly new perspective or am I simply learning then yearning to share what I learn in a way that feels right to me, a way that feels aligned to my purpose, and a way that is fresh.

Here the question may arise, “Do I Need to be Original?”

Luckily, we have amazing examples from some of the Greats that addressed this question. The classic Isaac Newton standing on the shoulders of those before him type of example.

You do not need to be original in order to create something meaningful.

My role, your role, our role, is to not to find something that is completely original, rather my role is to imbue the sense of perspective that only uniquely “I” have into the work that only uniquely “I” can do via the nature of that unique sense of perception.

No one will ever be YOU the way that YOU are. So the originality that you seek is inherent within the nature of you. The need for discovering originality outside of the self can dissolve if you so choose in this light.

So here we arrive at the next very important important understanding.

You don’t need to be original you just need to be authentic.

Let’s examine a particularly profound and simple example to drive this baby home.

You have a garden. You are growing tomatoes. You have spent the time nurturing and tending to the simple, complicated if you are me, needs of your tomatoes.

They are ready to be harvested, shared, and prepared with the world, and they look and feel, relatively, how tomatoes are designed to look and feel.

Is then that tomato anything less because it was not the first of its kind? Does that tomato lose value knowing that other tomatos have come and gone before it?

Of course not! That tomato uniquely became what it was to become and it certainly is not original in the sense of being revolutionary, however; that tomato still can and will be damn good!

The tomato is authentic. It doesn’t need to be original in the sense of the first of its kind in order to be valuable and delicious.

This is justified because inherently it will become authentically itself if just left for it to discover and to experience what that little tomato came here to experience.

Each tomato strives to become its version of itself, rather than trying to become like its neighbor. It knows nothing else than authenticity.

Freshness is likely the only quality that people look for; the goal isn’t to be the most original the goal is just to simply be fresh.

So you are like a fresh tomato…

What you share can and will be authentic, if you allow yourself to not be subverted too much into becoming like someone else.

The key point that I am making is this.

You came here to learn about what fascinates you. There of course are other people fascinated by the exact same thing, and you both are likely looking to the same figures to learn from and absorb information and awareness, and those teachers had teachers, and the teacher’s teachers had teachers and so on.

Look to the simplicity rather than the complexity.

What you learn about, you can synthesize into something that has your awareness within it. Learning to synthesize across media and to translate your learning into some fresh offering through your unique perspective that only you possess is truly the only criteria for sharing meaningfully.

Of course, nobody wants an exact re-run of somebody else’s synthesis but that should be universally understood, nor should you want to say exactly what someone else is saying because there is no fun in that and universe rewards you when you are radically you.


Stop seeking originality and focus more intently on authenticity.

Your authentic and fresh perspective is truly one that only you can bring into this world. There is no need to be discouraged if someone is talking about the same expression as you, rather let that be encouraging via the nature that other humans are awakening to what you are awakening to and helping that process of learning among many other people.

Other People sharing similar ideas to you shows that you are a part of something greater.

The quicker we can learn to do away with win/lose metrics, then the sooner we can embody our authentic expression and feel good about sharing it with the world.

We need as many good ideas as we can possibly construe in this day and age to steer our consciousness as a planet deeper into itself.

We can learn to be stoked that somehow collectively many people download the same understanding and feel compelled to share, that’s pretty darn amazing and who cares if one person’s perspective on the understanding resonates a little bit more with a little bit more people.

Listen to your own channel of inquiry that is your longing to discover and to learn, and let that be the guide into how you best can share what you learnt with the rest of the world.

Just start creating from the place that feels aligned for you and you will ever be in the process of going deeper and deeper into what fascinates so you can fascinate other people.



Overcoming limiting beliefs


Overcoming the Fear of Commitment.