Guide to Self-Mastery and Growth.

How to self-actualize so you can capitalize on your human potential in this new-age renaissance.

(yes, this present day is like Florence 2.0)

8 principles you need to embody.

To preface : This is not about using methods of self-transcendence to fuel more of the win / lose metrics of separation that govern most of our culture. 

This is a deep, proven framework to help you amplify your self-mastery so that you can help others amplify their own as well.

 So how do we synthesize ancient awareness and present day resources to optimize our reality?


We will learn:


What is preventing you from your own self-mastery.

How to overcome the self-prescribed limitations.

What you need to focus on to cultivate self-mastery as an identity.

To initiate this, I want to be clear that self-mastery will look and feel different across all humans. 

The goal is not to idolize one such manifestation, 

But rather to simply help you become your best self so that you can uniquely help others become their best selves.

0. The Divine Dance

Self-mastery is the dance between the logical and the radical across dimensions of our reality.


The bounds of the dance itself evolve dynamically as we self-transcend into deeper levels of awareness and responsibility. 

Self-actualization is a tesseract bounded by another tesseract.

 The game is change across space and time.

The strategy is dancing between the radical and the logical.

1.Radical logic.

Radical logic is forging a new foundation of sensibility atop a radical belief in self.


This is full body, committed fuck yes to dwell beyond the standards that we are conditioned to believe are status quo.

Self-mastery is constructing a belief system that condenses the space between you and your best self.

Read the full thread, then discover how to construct such a belief system below.

2.Logically Radical


The truth is, 

Your subconscious mind cannot differentiate between imagination and reality. 

We have all experienced the looping of a story within our conscious mind that prompts the subconscious mind to believe the story as true.

What is consequently created is a psycho-somatic response.


We literally create reality out of non-reality. 

You can use this to your advantage, 

But in order to cultivate the positive form of this expression we need to identify, embrace, and overcome some limitations.


3.Logical awareness

 Let’s take a moment to honor the great Carl Jung

“Make the unconscious conscious.” 

Your unconscious will project your underlying limiting beliefs through an immediate pyscho-somatic response to stimuli through simple phrases like,


“I never….”

“I always…”

"Never" and "always" are logical fallacies because space and time extend in all axes in perpetuity.  

They cannot be truth. 

This is an attempt by the ego to keep its attachment to an identity safe guarded.

The projections from our subconscious allow us a window to observe exactly the part of our self that limits us.

 That aspect of self that we need to target in order to self-actualize.


Get the guide to self-actualize below.


4.Radical Awareness.


When we see clearly what our ego is safe guarding, we become radically aware of what prevents us from becoming our best self. 

How then can we collaborate with the ego to self-actualize?

Let your ego naturally respond to the dynamic landscape of life.


Rather than identifying with the ego, use it as an opportunity to invert your conscious awareness in on the ego’s projection. 

We can use our conscious awareness to view our unconscious programming through our ego.

5.Radical Responsibility.

 We see belief systems that have strongly rooted themselves in an identity that has not been updated hyper-consciously. 

In subtlety, we have consciously chosen to reinforce this identity persistently presented to us from our unconscious programming.

The only way out of this loop is through. By through I mean:


-Taking radical responsibility for ALL the conditions of your life.

-Forgiving and reclaiming when you consented your agency away.

-Grounding your agency hyper-consciously into your present embodiment, in perpetuity.

6.Logical Responsibility.

 As we embody a new sense of hyper consciousness of choice, we embody deeper dimensions of potential.

 These dimensions are revealed from within us. 

It then becomes our logical responsibility to celebrate these revelations through conscious creation.

When we become conscious we become creators. 

The only block to becoming conscious is that which has unconsciously limited you.


Thus, Creation becomes our sole responsibility.


Creation keeps us in hyper-consciousness.

Hyper consciousness is the only logical dimension to dwell within given the awareness that is revealed to us from our quasi-latent potential.


You can learn to access more of your potential here.

7) Identity sans identity 

The only thing real is the right here, right now.

Hyper consciousness is your vessel to being fully in the real.


In this state, you have access to bring aspects from the unreal into the real.

Hyper-consciousness is the creator identity, but more deeply, this is the identity sans identity.


When you are hyper-conscious, you are pure awareness itself.


You become before and beyond constructs of identity, and therefore unlock all potential of self.

8) Un-limiting your Limits

When you gain access to deeper levels of your potential through consciousness, you must embody these three axioms.


a.The only one who can ever limit you is you.

b.A shitty relationship to money serves no one.

c. Resourcefulness cultivates resources.

There truly is nothing stopping you from utilizing the tools of the time to align with a deeper sense of consciousness.


By un-limiting your beliefs, you help yourself, as well as you help others un-limit their beliefs.

A culture of un-limitations will self-actualize together, while a culture of limitations will self-actualize individually.


The new-age renaissance is the spatial transition from the latter to the former.


Learn to cultivate these beliefs here!

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