How to trust your intuition and get your creative business started.
A few quick pillars of lasting wisdom for readying you to kick start your creative offering into business.
Your intuition is alive and well. You are feeling excited to translate your creativity into service for the world because you know that you have something special to share and you know down to the cells of your being that you yourself are special enough to sing it to the world in wild, whacky, and wise poetry no matter what your mind may try to fool you with.
You know you are not your mind, not your ego, and not your body, but you accept all of these as ways you can create beautiful ripples of purpose and light into your home, community, and world
Here you are. And you, like many, are just about ready to launch because your energy is burning with passion and you can visualize what it’s going like to look like, what it’s going to feel like to touch the lives of many and cultivate abundance and freedom through your offering.
YES! You are going to do it, and if you’re right there at that precipices about to jump but for some odd reason you are just standing there visualizing about how everything is going to be instead, let me help you push yourself into full surrender.
Why does it seem much easier and much more natural to just visualize that reality instead of taking that quantum leap?
Well, because it is, in this life at least.
Perhaps we are accustomed to a reality where we in perfect union with our highest self and therefore we have the immediate to manifest anything into our field of creation at a moments notice. I certainly feel this way, but Earth can get a little tricky.
This is so because the rate at which we are remembering who we are and discovering our soul purpose are filling into clarity one drop at a time. We don’t know possess the complete knowingness because this journey is creating spontaneously and presently in each moment.
Your intuition says to do something, so therefore you go do that thing and learn more about yourself. IF you knew exactly how It was going to play out in life, you wouldn’t want to put the effort and there would be a lack of zest. Not to say this world wouldn’t be an awesome place if everybody knew everything about themselves but that’s beside the point.
Earth is a place to get your hands dirty, to do it yourself, and to paint the picture along the way.
There is no such thing as painting the whole picture, then jumping into that reality. We are rewarded for living and breathing the painting itself and given more intuitive knowing, direction, and creative energy.
The truth is, we really only ever know the answer to that which directly comes next. Our intuition works on a first come, first serve basis.
Your intuition knows it time to use your creative gifts, because that’s the step that lies directly in fron of you.
The problem arises because your mind wants to know what happens after, and then after that, and how is it going to work while your intuition is steadfast in ony caring about the first question.
This is first and most important nugget of wisdom.
You can only answer one question at a time.
You can try all you want to knock two birds out with one stone, but you will realize then that they were actually just two parts to the same whole, and you might have spent a long while thinking up the right answer with your mind instead of acting with your intuition.
Intuition is the flip a coin and trust approach, and the best part is you never even have to be aware of the coin flip. Your true self already exactly where to go, what to do, and how to be next.
You are connected to all parts of your past and all parts of your future harmoniously colliding in a colorful mess of the present moment.
My mind hates this. Or at least, used to.
I am learning to un-learn this condition and instead get jazzed by the explosion of color, ether, and chaotic clarity that my soul seems to dwell ever so comfortably in. I find where the soul is at rest, my mind often wanders to find an issue or something to dissect or another question to ask.
Give yourself space.
Your intuition will naturally point the way, one drip at a time. You are painting the picture as you go and the important part is that you ground your communication with your higher self into action.
Start painting!
Its okay to look at what you painting from time to time, but don’t analyze the picture too much because you might fall out of the beautiful flowing space of creative intuition, and it can be difficult to come back to place.
This leads to the next point
You can be both observer and the actor at the same time.
Remember the two parts to the same whole? Well here it is wrapped up in another example for you.
You can dwell in the spaciousness of your soul, observing the observer, while simultaneously doing the actions that you as a human came here to do.
The bird on the third branch observing all of the other little birds also has a life to live to.
There is no distance between your highest self as an observer and your physical self as one who takes action and gets down and dirty with life. You are both of these elements together as one.
IN fact, I believe the more we can program ourselves back into the space of the observer, because nowadays our program default is the personhood and identity based reality, the more we can naturally and beautifully channel our creative energy and wisdom into action through our form.
In other words, the more we dwell in our consciousness, the more we can meaningfully do as a human. When you dwell in the space of your true self, you are aligned and therefore you can become a clear channel to do the work you came here to do.
It is within this space that you become unbounded by your own judgement and where you can allow yourself to create and to do naturally as you intend.
The natural state is the flow state, we just have to remember and to re-program ourselves to return to this natural state because an awful lot goes into keeping us away from here.
When you create a relationship with this place you are in full surrender with the divine and in full creation of your reality. Your authentic self will express the truly impactful ideas and feelings that you have seen and known so clearly but troubled to articulate.
The ultimate translator of your higher purpose into action is your unguarded self, conscious and present.
Intention is everything.
The world doesn’t need any more selfish ideas.
In fact, we need to boil to down everything that exists and see what we are left with. This doesn’t mean that you can’t create in a manner that cultivates a positive outcome for you, this could not be further from the truth.
What this does mean, is that you are here are as a living breathing manifestation of the divine and you see this inside of everyone else and you are going to help people get there no matter how silly or serious the method.
You can have anything you want in this life if you help enough other people get what they want.
This knowledge is your head start in this life. You are here to share who you are and what you can do with the world and people will be impacted.
Think not, how can I get what I want? Nor how can I make money from this? Rather think, how can do the most good? How can I offer the best of myself right here and right now in this moment?
You do not need to be perfect in order to do amazing for yourself and for other people. You just have to be intentional, and the best part, your intuition gives you your intention so you don’t even have to think about it.
If you are thinking about your intention, stop and breathe. Its already there, just start speaking it, start painting it and it will become clearer and clearer.
My intention is to help you realize your highest potential so hopefully you will help others do the same. That is the first thing that ever came through when I decided to start this journey. I dissected that phrase for months to try to come up with something better. And maybe I did come up with better phrases, more marketable demographics, and more specific language, but I came back to this because it was what my intuition gave me and I can build everything else on top of it.
Why limit myself when I can just work drip by drip and keep expanding.
Listen to the most basic whisper of your intention and just start working from there.
Its okay to toss and turn, and pivot and leap.
You’ve never been in this place before and its an entirely different landscape. You might skip across some stones over the creek and find yourself marooned around flowing water.
What are you going to do?
There is no such thing as wastefulness when you observe yourself from a higher perspective.
Didn’t everything have to be exactly as it did in order for you to be here now, in this exact space, with this exact understanding, with these exact feelings, these exact questions?
Your intuition knows only one question at a time and it led you happily ahead to a place where you did not foresee an obstacle. This means you were in the flow state and not worrying about what comes next.
You could not have been better aligned with your intuition in that exact context.
Now, you are marooned on that little rock above flowing water… What next.
There is no wrong answer, take a breathe and make a decision that you feel throughout your body. Often the decisions we feel in our nervous bones are the most powerful ones because our intuition is activated and causing a physical reaction in our body.
You are going to arrive at this place many times where you mind wants to stop and think every possible solution before taking an action. AND you very well can do exactly this. But how is your mind going to get you out of situation that your intuition led to. Thats a tricky dilemma. And that’s where dreams start to fall apart.
Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.
Jump in the river! Swim across! Retrace your steps! Do whatever you need to do and believe yourself.
The universe rewards those who take radical action into trust.
When you make it to the next safe space, ask yourself, “ Was I ever not looked after? Was I ever truly alone? Was I ever truly lost?”
Well, what does your intuition say.
Now here you are, on the other side of that river.
The struggles along your journey are where you can help a lot of people.
The hardships you overcome are the nodes that other people need help with. We are all much more similar, and much more connected than we think. Of course, your journey in extraordinarily unique to you but not without overlaps to other people’s journeys.
Use what you have learned through your hardships to better serve those going through something similar. This can be your greatest offering to the world. Imbue your creative self into designing and building that bridge to help others across, because whether you know it or not you have walked across many bridges built by other’s journeys of struggle and faith.
Get into the business of building bridges.
The best way to build a bridge is to fall straight on your face and to mark that spot. Everywhere you fall down that’s where you build a bridge because I guarantee you that you are not the first nor are you the last, but you can be the first to create a unique and helpful experience for those crossing that spot.
You will receive abundantly when you can thoughtfully help others with their questions, with their struggles, and with their doubt. Whatever your offering may be, assume the role of you yourself serving as the bridge itself.
Be the bridge, understand how you can it make it more experiential for others. What do you want them to feel, what do you want them to see, what do you want them to learn by crossing your bridge. Celebrate such an opportunity as your lasting mark on someone’s life.
Keep painting your own picture. It will become even more beautiful than it is now.
You are learning, and growing, and feeling amazing by understanding how to help other. Do not identify with the bridge you build or the problem you solve. Continue to live as you will, painting your picture now with all of the inspiration from all of your yesterdays.
Your creative offerings will continue to grow only if you let them.
The fruit you pick today can become a new tree tomorrow. View your offering and your business endeavor as an orchard to be. Every tree will be different, no matter even if they are all of the same fruit.
The joy of the journey is planting and caring for each one as if observing a boundless potential of life beginning to grow.
In the analogy of the bridge, it is designing each one intimately with its sense of place. Observing the differing qualities of light, the subtle variations of the material, the differing landscapes.
In the world of creative consciousness there is no such thing as large scale mass production, nor should their ever be. You can get lost in an inch wide and a mile deep.
There will be an innumerate amount of intricacies that you can celebrate and offer to the world. The more care and intention the better.
If you try to transplant a tree from your orchard to the other side of the world without understanding the context of that place your tree won’t bear fruit. The world is littered with too much of this thinking. We don’t need homogeny, we need creativity.
Don’t muddy your own ideas by spreading them onto bad soil.
There is no need to build 1000 bridges in your life. You can celebrate one for your whole life as long as you keep putting love and work into it.
Being authentic to yourself and your expression is the only pre-requisite for you to cultivate abundance by helping others.
Get inspired by those who have gone before you and by what you’ve done in the past, but remember that your picture is not finished yet.