Letting go of self-limiting beliefs.

How do I let go of self limiting beliefs? What causes self limiting beliefs? How do I get rid of negative beliefs about myself? How long does it take to change limiting beliefs?

It is very easy for us to blame the outside world for many of the hardships that we face. To an extent, there a lot of truth to how the implications of culture and society can create limitations on your potential.

The deeper fact of the matter is not that the outside world is limiting us, but rather that we are taking everything that we perceive around us personally in some form or another. This is where we amplify the perceived roadblocks outside of the self into an inner voice that says what you can and cannot do.

In this article you are going to learn exactly what the root cause of self limiting beliefs is, how to overcome these limiting beliefs, and understand the timeline of changing your limiting beliefs into a more positive and expansive system of beliefs.

By the end of the article you wil have a better understanding of how to take control of your mindset and perception to create the reality that you know is possible.

What causes self limiting beliefs?

First and foremost we must start with the foundational awareness of what truly limits us in our lives.

Our limiting beliefs arise from the conditioning that we grew up with coupled with how we have chosen to respond to the conditioning from family, culture, and society at large.

Some of us may have always been rebels, rejecting what other people believe we are not capable of, while some of us may have it found it more useful to accept and align with what other people think of us whether it is expansive or contractive.

We have all experienced someone else saying what we can and cannot do. We can go back to being a child and hearing, “You can’t climb up there, its too high!”

And what do many of us do…

We climb as high as possible to prove to ourselves and others that we are capable of doing feats beyond what others may think is possible.

Now, of course, this is not always the case, many of us may also listen to the call and choose to not climb up the tree. This certainly does not make someone any more or less amazing, but what it does prove is that we have a subtle choice.

This choice may not always be as apparent as our consciousness would like, albeit still apparent.

In the example of climbing the tree, both scenarios contained the choice of whether or not to climb the tree. The first example shows us that someone else’s limiting belief about you may not be a limiting belief that you choose to believe about yourself. The second example shows us that a limiting belief that is told to us can easily become a thought that we choose to believe about ourselves.

Both scenarios deal with limiting beliefs as a choice.

The truth is,

Our limiting beliefs can boil down to the amount of responsibility we take over own our lives.

It doesn’t matter what direction you choose to embody the responsibility, all that matters is the ownership of the responsibility itself. Responsibility must occur with the choices that we make. Even if we choose to believe what someone says about us, we must take responsibility for our choice to believe what someone else may think of us.

It takes the same amount of energy to choose to believe as it does to choose to not believe what the outside may say about us.

Thought we cannot change the past physically in regards to how we have gradually become who we are, what we can change is our present awareness in this moment.


How do I get rid of negative beliefs about myself?

When we realize that we have self-limiting beliefs that are inhibiting our potential, paradoxically we are also given the exact answer we need to overcome them, albeit the answer it hiding in such plain sight that we can be stuck looking for more complicated answers outside of the self.

The reality is this; nothing happens outside of the self.

What this means is that everything that you believe about yourself is an internal structure of thoughts that have become beliefs which then constructed an identity. Ideas have been input into your consciousness, and much of these ideas have consciously or unconsciously been accepted. Into who you believe that you are.

Belief is a choice, though it certainly didn’t feel that way when we were young because our conscious awareness of self had not been formed yet. But realizing in this now moment that we choose to continue to believe certain inhibitions about ourselves is crucial for our positive development.

Coming full circle, when we realize that we are limiting ourselves in a negative sense through self-limiting beliefs, we become conscious of the internal system that dictates these beliefs.

When we become conscious of parts of our self that have been operating unconsciously for quite some time, we gain the power to rewire the unconscious system with our conscious awareness.

When you become conscious, you become a creator.

When you are a creator, you can edit and rewrite the story of you. You can accept the negative beliefs about yourself, forgive yourself for how they may have been harming you or limiting your potential, and slowly start to replace the negative belief with a positive belief.

When the negative belief arises, you can follow the script of applying the equal and opposite force.

For example,

When the feeling of, “I am not good enough arises,”

We can say aloud, “I may not be the best, but I am good enough to try.”

This begins to rewire your belief about the self. If you hollow out the old belief by giving energy to the new belief, you are systematically building a new house as you deconstruct the old house.

We will always fall into patterns of the old self, but becoming aware of what limits us is this first step to positive transformation.

If you are looking for more in-depth guidance on how to overcome limiting beliefs, check out the un-limiting beliefs e-book here.

How do I let go of self limiting beliefs? What causes self limiting beliefs? How do I get rid of negative beliefs about myself? How long does it take to change limiting beliefs?


How do I let go of self limiting beliefs?

Letting go of self-limiting beliefs is the difficult part.

Just because we become aware of what limits us doesn’t mean that we can just drop our identity and create a new one right then and there. Yes, undoubtedly, this is possible and we all do this on varying levels in our lives, however the key is to be graceful with our transformation.

Rome wasn’t built in a day; however, you can make some serious progress in just one day.

Letting go of old limiting-beliefs requires a crucial component to understand.

We feel safer to let go of an identity, when we have awareness of a new identity that we want to construct.

We can become fearful if we drop all that we thought we knew about ourselves without the knowingness that we can and will become something better.

This is where the analogy of building the new house while dismantling the old house comes into play.

You cannot control when you start deconstructing your limiting belief system quite frankly. You become aware of what limits you, and when the time is right within you, it just happens. It could be the same day you become aware of you self-limiting beliefs or it could be a year from that time. It will happen when some fiber of your being is ready.

You begin to question your old belief system, which prompts you to inquire more deeply on who you truly are. The deeper you deconstruct your old identity, the more you design your new identity.

The goal is not to deconstruct your house of an old identity and be left homeless. The goal is deconstruct the façade of who you think you are, and design a new reality of who you are systematically as you go deeper within yourself.

This process helps you let go of your self-limiting beliefs and old identity at the rate that keeps you in tact and relatively balanced.

You may be uncomfortable during the remodel of yourself, but knowing you can and will design a more expansive reality for yourself will keep on the path and even make the process fun, because when is the last time you remodeled yourself?

Letting go of self-limiting beliefs systematically allows you to ask the corresponding question of who you want to become at each step of the way. This is the idea of identity shifting.

When you question your belief about the type of relationship you are worthy of, you can simultaneously ask yourself, “Well, what type of relationship is my best self worthy of.”

Letting go of limiting beliefs is you creating the pathway of becoming your best self.

You can grab the un-limiting beliefs e-book here to guide you into overcoming limiting beliefs.

How do I let go of self limiting beliefs? What causes self limiting beliefs? How do I get rid of negative beliefs about myself? How long does it take to change limiting beliefs?


How long does it take to change limiting beliefs?

Be graceful with your growth and don’t compare.

Some people may change their life very rapidly, others take a slower approach. Listen to what feels right so you can maintain some sense of balance in your life. If you become unbalanced in your transformation, it is easy for you to lose focus of the path that will help you become who you want to become.

You are constructing a new identity of the self, and this can be full of chaos if not stewarded in balance.

Instead of tearing everything down chaos, we create a quasi chaos where we shift instead of deconstruct if that makes sense. By the time you are feeling comfortable in your new identity, the old identity is relatively dismantled.

Old patterns will arise from time to time and let that happen with grace. Remember, when you are conscious you are the creator.

As the creator of your reality, you dictate the timeline.

The process may start slow as the initial energy it takes to commit to the project of remodeling your identity is the biggest upfront investment.

Choosing to redesign your life and committing to that process with action is the greatest expense of your energy. As you get the momentum rolling via the nature of the excitement of creating a new life for yourself, the motivation required to take action becomes less and less.

Objects in motion tend to stay in motion.

Once you start to deconstruct your old reality, you have motion to direct the enrgy in any way you choose.

The question to ask is not, “How long does it take to change my self-limiting beliefs?” but rather the question is,

“How can I best change my self-limiting beliefs?”

We don’t want to cross the finish line as fast as we can, we want to become the type of person that can cross the finish line consistently and with clarity, confidence, and connection to the new reality you are creating and the new you that you are becoming.

The only one who can truly limit you is you.

Therefore, the only one who can truly un-limit you is you.

How do I let go of self limiting beliefs? What causes self limiting beliefs? How do I get rid of negative beliefs about myself? How long does it take to change limiting beliefs?

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