What does it mean to create your reality.

Let’s dive straight in.

In this article we are going dissect the awareness hidden within such concepts of reality creation, reality shifting, and subsequently identity shifting.

You will learn about:

Why the universe is mental and how to turn your thought into reality.

How to change you’re your perception of reality.

How to change your current reality, and understand the blocks that prevent from changing your reality.

Shall we?


What does it mean to create your reality.


We have all heard the phase, “Control your thoughts, control your reality.”

To initiate this framework to help you create the life you know is possible, I would like to first make an extremely important Distinction.

Reality control is not what we should be seeking.

Controlling your Reality is not creating your Reality.

Controlling your reality is grasping on to a fixed set of values, beliefs, and identities in disregard for the dimension of time. Reality control is working within a bounded playing field with a finite set of elements, and resources.

Eventually, one will discover that controlling reality will convert into a certain striving to preserve a static environment which is encapsulated within a larger dynamic environment. At some point, the static environment must surrender to the dynamic wherein that which was controlled is liberated to the dynamic play of life once more.

Control is undesirable for a few reasons.

Control is the negative polarity of power. It is the attachment to power and the overstepping one’s bounds to acquire and maintain power.

Though this initially seems like an efficient way to cultivate your reality, it is rooted in a sense of instability, insecurity, and reactivity. This will never cultivate the true balanced awareness that is required to create your reality.

Think to what you have tried to control in life and at what point did the control need to be liberated?

Control is not a sustainable method to be efficient with you energy and time. At some point you will expend more energy trying to control what you have been controlling rather than creating within what you have controlled.

Does that make sense?

Control requires more control.

IF you control something, you will later have to control the environment around what you already are controlling.

Think of it like the analogy of the little white lie. The bounds of the lie are beckoned to be expanded which then require more lies to control the initial lie. Add multiple dimensions of lies on top of it, and what started as one lie fixed in time and space is now a whole reality desperately seeking to maintain its’ static, barely holding together by the stitching of the newest.

This structure will collapse by universal law. All must succumb to the dynamic environment.

Herein lay the first major principle of reality creation.

We are not to create a fixed reality; rather we are to cultivate a flexible identity.

What this entails is sculpting an identity that can expand and evolve within an evolving and expanding reality.

We cannot control reality around us but we can create an identity within reality that best optimizes the dynamic environment.

Can your thoughts turn into reality

Behind a thought lives a belief, and behind a belief lives an identity. As we begin to question how we can create a reality as opposed to controlling a reality, we arrive at the idea of identity.

What is the difference between one who attempts to control reality and one who chooses to create reality?

Without going into detail, the answer is the fundamental understanding of self upon which all aspects of your life emanate. The central core of how you live your life is determined consciously and unconsciously by what your convictions of self have been constructed to be.

You are what you eat, so to speak in regards to who you believe that you are and who you think you are over time.

This can work in the direction of our betterment just as it can work in the direction of our detriment.

At the top level of the equation we have our thoughts.

The greatest power you have in your life is your conscious awareness. Your conscious awareness is stewarded by where you place your attention.

Look to where you attention goes, and therein it reveals what your conscious awareness has been programmed to focus upon. This happens across a dynamic scale of quasi conscious to full unconscious dependent upon the individual.

The power you have is now. Literally, and metaphorically, this is true.

What you can control is what thoughts you choose to identify with as they are are cycling through your conscious awareness.

The thoughts you choose to identify with create the system of beliefs that you embody and this system beliefs create the identity that you inhabit. The feedback loop is a linear axis flowing in both directions, thought to identity and identity back to thought.

What you are consciously choosing to input into the system is what will start to unconsciously output.

So, if you start to focus on the reality you want to create, begin to bring your awareness onto the pattern of thoughts that you identify with on a daily basis.

When your awareness is placed upon your freedom to choose, you are operating at your full capacity.

Said otherwise…

Your thoughts turn into your reality.

This is relative to time of course, you can learn more about the time lag between your physical reality and your manifestations here, but for the sake of this discussion we will continue onward.

How do our thoughts turn into our realities? 


Change your perspective and the reality changes.

The way in which you align your conscious awareness with your choice to identify is your perception.

The problem is,

We have lived most of our lives without major stimuli to question of our sense of perception. We may be led to question other individuals’ perceptions but not usually our own. We go years, decades even, operating from unchecked conditioning. This is neither good nor bad, it just is the fact of the matter.

Now is the moment we have to ask ourselves questions of perception.

Is viewing my life in this light helping become more of the person that I wish to become?

The moment we begin to conscious question our perception, we begin to create reality. When we place our focus on how we are perceiving, we are looking into where we are perceiving from.

In simple terms, we are looking through the constructs of the self, straight to the core of the self. We are looking through our thoughts and belief systems straight into our identity.

As we view our identity, we can consciously observe the qualities of the identity we inhabit. When we see how we are, we can change who we are.

Changing who you are from the inside-out is how your reality changes.

The vessel to change your reality is the conscious choice to deconstruct your identifying thoughts and your systems of beliefs down the core of who you are, and subsequently who you can now choose to be.

If you are someone who has not been very grateful, in order to practice gratitude you clear out the thoughts that don’t align with gratitude, alter the belief systems that inhibited your gratitude, and arrive at becoming the type of person who is grateful.

As you deconstruct the limiting factors that separate you from becoming who you want to become that live in the mental space, and belief space, you get to rewire the identity that is most desirable for the life that you want to life. Your identity becomes not fixed in time, but rather is the person who can find something to be grateful for across all dimensions of experience. That identity then expresses itself through your belief systems and out through your thoughts into action; thus, creating your reality, albeit it subtle.

When you change your perception, you are changing from where you are perceiving.

Life is not about what you are looking at, but from where you are looking.

How to change my perception of reality

Changing your perception of self consequently changes your perception of the world. Most importantly this includes your beliefs around what is and is not possible.

The best way to change your perception of reality it to look at people that are living outside the bounds of what you thought was possible. Luckily, with the internet it is as not difficult to be flabbergasted as it used to be. Double luckily, there is nothing separating you from living such a life beyond the bounds of your old constructs of what is possible other than your own perception of reality.

IF you can learn to change your perception of self and transform into a new updated identity, then this justifies that you can change your perception of reality and transform into a new dimension of what is possible.

Henry Ford once said, “Whether you think you can or you think you cant, you will be right everytime.”

This touches upon our power to overcome limiting beliefs because our limiting beliefs represent our perception of reality. I have a TON on limiting beliefs and I’ve even written a detailed book on helping you overcome limiting beliefs, you can grab that here as well as you can read some blog posts here.

The truth is,

If your identity is determined by what you believe to be true about yourself, whether or not other people agree with you, then the same must be true about what you believe to possible in your reality, whether or not other people agree with you.

Of course, this is most definitely not a pep talk to get you to believe that you can physically fly. Please do not jump off a rock and try to fly. This is merely to help to cultivate an inner system of beliefs that can be translated into your outer experiences in life.

What all of this woo woo reveals is that at the core of our perception is a choice. That choice is the universal law. At the core of perception there is a choice to perceive, a choice to perceive in a certain direction.

To change your perception of reality, the most pragmatic place to start is to choose to perceive a slightly more expansive reality today than you did yesterday. Don’t overload your nervous system by jumping into the deep end if that is not how you operate, but begin to understand that only you can begin to liberate your perception of reality so that you can create your reality.

An important note,

If you are the only one who can liberate your perception of reality, then you must also be the only one who can limit your perception of reality.

Here again, the universal law of choice strikes again.

Choose according to the life you want to live.


Why can’t I shift realities

Inevitably, we will experience many roadblocks on our journey. Most of these roadblocks are entirely self-prescribed. They may not be self-prescribed from your present awareness, but perhaps they were self-prescribed by a previous identity that is revealing parts of its remaining nature to you now.

There will always be some baggage revealed to us that we didn’t know we were carrying. This is fine and dandy and normal, there is no need to harbor any guilt or shame for seeing it earlier.

Everything presents itself to you in the exact moment that you are available for the learning within it. What is presented to you today that inhibits your journey, may not have been understood or even noticed a year ago had it presented itself. You needed the contextual building blocks of other areas of your life to be firm before becoming ready to work with the lesson of today.

It would be silly to spend time and energy wishing you learned today’s lesson yesterday, because then it would not be today’s lesson. Let that sink in.

The reason many of us can shift realities is that we become more like the one who wants to control reality rather than create reality. In subtlety we transition from creation to control. Again, be graceful and just become aware that you have shifted.

When we seek to control, we are lunging and grasping for something to attach to and exert our control over. We dam up the river to take care of the water right in front of us, only to realize that the water must keep moving in order to stay alive.

Creation is letting the water flow and using the act of the flow to create more life.

What inhibits reality shifting is attachment to an outcome. We have such a clear vision of what we want to create and what we know we can create, yet we don’t allow the space for it grow with our clenching of our dream. We metaphorically block the sunlight from the very thing we want to grow. We must realize that if something is not growing in our lives, it is us that is preventing its growth.

Get extremely clear on the life you want to live if you wish. Write down every stinking detail. Then when you feel like you got it all figured out, let go of it, burn it, un-attach from it. The only way you will align to that reality is by learning to cultivate the belief that it will undoubtedly be so, while letting go of it ever actually becoming. Where there is paradox there is truth.

You will only receive when you let go of the expectation of receiving.

Once more, much of what inhibits us dwells within the limiting beliefs that have been so deeply programmed within us, this e-book will help eradicate limiting beliefs so that you can learn to create your highest reality.

How to change your Reality Instantly

Utilize the wisdom you have learned within this article to begin to choose a slightly different perception each day.

Perhaps your reality will radically change in a moment, perhaps it will take time. Nonetheless, your reality can and will change instantly when you reconstruct your belief systems form a new identity that is more liberated and expanded.

The only one that can truly limit you is you. So get out of your own way and un-limit yourself.


Letting go of self-limiting beliefs.


3 ways to overcome the fear of failure.