How to Make Your Life a Masterpiece.

The ultimate guide to designing and building our life as a masterpiece.

We are all living breathing manifestations of the most high.

Call it as you may.

There is no befuddling the perfection of how we , as humans, are designed physically, emotionally, and psychically. Before awareness of ever strikes us of these, we are already perfection.

How to Make Your Life a Masterpiece.

To preface this, I want to deconstruct the concept of perfection.

We have misconstrued perfection to be congruent with an ideal. Ideal is subject to the subject, while perfection is objective; it is encoded into universal law.

We as humans, objectively, are designed to perfection because the innate operating systems across multiple dimensions of awareness operate simultaneously with an inclination towards transfiguration.

We are designed to evolve perpetually into our best self. We are afforded and encouraged towards this inclination of growth, mastery, and actualization from the inside-out.

That which is programmed for self-actualization has been programmed by perfection itself.

Of course,

We can use our minds to elaborate on our particular subjection of how we would like to see perfection manifest according to our system of perception, but the form, physics, and psychics of the human experience angled towards actualization are immaculate in design and execution.

We don’t even have need to question this.

There is even imperfection built into the perfection because of the nature of our diversity. How groovy is that?

In any case,

In this article you will learn how to re-align your life to the masterpiece that it was designed to be, and in fact already is on some level.

We are going to understand how to design your best life by removing limitations so that they you can make big decisions with clarity, confidence, and connection to live healthier, happier, and more heart forward.


how do i start designing my life

How to Make Your Life a Masterpiece.

Everything is designed.

You are designed just as your shoes, your house, and the rusty bicycle outside your house.

Behind the design, there must also be the designer.

Yes, that means your life too.

The hard question to ask is, “How much of my life has been designed by me?”

The truth that we all have to admit is that much of our lives have not been designed by us. Our lives have been shaped and conditioned by the thoughts and opinions of other’s that we have consciously and unconsciously agreed with over time. Not to mention our early formative years where we were simply a product of our parents programming.

It is more than okay to accept this, it may light a fire in some when it is realized that one has not been living one’s own life. Feel as you may, but rejecting, fighting, or repressing this fact will only add time and hardhsip to your journey. IF that is the medicine you choose to work with, more power to you.

However, if you understand this idea here is the first step to designing you best life.

Forgive yourself for what you did in survival mode.

When we are not the designer of our life, we are reacting to our own life, perhaps reacting to other’s perception of how our life should be in a way that prompts action that is in-authentic to our highest self.

When we are in reaction, we are in survival mode.

Here and now, forgive yourself what you did in survival mode. Forgive yourself for what you did not do in survival mode.

Forgive it all.

The first step in the design process is forgiveness.

When we forgive ourselves, and others accordingly, we reclaim the responsibility over our life. Reclaiming responsibility leads us to now be the ones who make conscious decisions. Check out this blog post for more insight on reclaiming your responsibility.

Everything that is designed had to, by nature, have some level of consciousness within it, even the lack thereof. Here and now, take ownership of your ability to be the author of your life.

Ownership = Authorship.

When you become conscious of the responsibility you have over your life, you are now the designer of your life.

how to design your best life 

How to Make Your Life a Masterpiece.

The process of creating your life into a masterpiece is adding by subtraction rather than addition itself.

Here is the big misconception about designing your highest reality, or your dream life since that phrase is in vogue.

The question I am asked all the time, as well any other expert guides in the self-actualization sphere is,

“What do I need to do in order to create my best life.”

My response is always the correction of the question itself. Asking the right question is how you efficiently align with the path that beholds the life, your life, that you know is possible.

Asking the wrong question can keep you in the loop of seeking outside of yourself.

Here is how the question should read,

“How do I need to be in order to create my best life?”

The problem we face in our culture is that we largely only see what people have done. What we have done is fact and is largely available for people, and the world at large, to see. To focus on the metrics of the doing is to miss out on the heart of issue that drives the ability to do.

The act of doing first originates from a state of being.

Before the action there must be an inhabited state of being. Inhabiting this space is what creates the foundation upon which you can create, take action, and serve.

The second biggest misconception about creating your best life is this…

Not all action is created equal.

Design itself is two fold. It is the selection of parts, and the choice of how to assemble them.

Too many parts, and it becomes complicated to assemble. Too inefficient a method of assembly, and the parts diminish in their value.

The same holds true for articulation of action and intention.

If you are expending your energy creating down all of these avenues of life without cohesiveness, you will likely experience a lack of clarity and an inability to piece the puzzle of your life together. Likewise, if the foundation upon which you are building is unstable, then what you build is already subject to collapse.

The discernment to accept that you need to revisit your foundation take tremendous humility yet holds the most exponential potential. For in-depth guidance on reshaping your foundation, check out this blog post here.

To design your best life, you must create a strong foundation of self, upon which the action you take is articulated with focused intention on who you want to become.

This is why designing your best life is addition by subtraction.

We need to remove the perceptions of self that create a foundation incongruent with who we ultimately want to become. I’ve written extensive amounts on overcoming limiting beliefs and have helped 100’s of people overcome them, check out the blog post here.

Before we can meaningfully add to our life, we must first meaningfully subtract from our life. We need to make space for a new version of you to thrive.

This is entirely about focusing on who you are rather than what you do; how can you choose to be, before you choose what to create.

Here is the cold hard truth.

We are so caught up listening to hustle culture that we consent our authenticity away to how other people say life should be lived. You want to live your dream, not someone else’s right?

how to make your life about you

How to Make Your Life a Masterpiece.

The primary element of embodying the masterpiece that is your life is to truly embody that your life is about you.

You can and should learn from the world around you, but ensure that you are living life from the inside-out and not from the outside-in.

The outside-in approach is largely how all of us operate. We respond from the external environment and make agreements about who we should be based upon what surrounds us, what is acceptable, or even expected of us.

But what the fuck kind of life is that, truly.

I cannot stress enough the idea that so many beautiful humans spend their whole lives building someone else’s dream rather than their own. Once more, if this is your medicine path, respect to you on your journey. However, I firsthand have helped countless people attune to the awareness that your life is your life, and the sooner you learn embody that, the more impact you can have on the world and consequently your reality.

An important note while we are here.

A life of service will cultivate much more than a life of selfish.

Interpret as you will.

In any case, the truth is that the moment you wake up to the fact that you can live your own life in a radically authentic way, you become limitless. You access potent levels of potential while simultaneously reconstructing the essence of your being.

Aligning to who you truly are will yield far more results than hustling to achieve an identity you aren’t.

Aligning and receiving is far more powerful than hustling and achieving.

Hard work is inevitable, but hard work ceases to be hard work when it is directed at the embodiment of how you can best become more of your highest self each day.

Making you life about you is restructuring your life around what connects you more deeply to yourself, what connects you most deeper to your service, and connects you most deeply the masterpiece within you.

The masterpiece of your life is already created, you are simply chiseling away at revealing it from within the core of your being.

The joy is in the awareness that masterpiece is never completely revealed, just when may think to see it all, a new dimension is revealed.

You and only you can give yourself the freedom and permission to life you own life now.

I absolutely love this quote by Garrain Jones, please look into his work because his story is extraordinary.

The quote reads,

“Nobody can take away what only you can give yourself.”


how to make your life the best

How to Make Your Life a Masterpiece.

Creating fail proof systems within yourself is the one-way ticket to creating you best life.

The problem is many people order a round trip ticket by short selling their energetic foundation for immediate change.

The truth is,

Anyone who can promise you overnight transformation is full of shit. Success and transformation do in fact happen overnight but not on the scale of media leads us to believe.

When we have not built up our capacity to receive with a strong foundation, growth is unsustainable; hence the round trip analogy because you may end up right where you started… With a valuable lesson nonetheless, but the key point is as follow.

Sustainable is profitable.

What is enjoyable for you is sustainable for you. What is sustainable for you is profitable for you in mind, body, and spirit.

When we detach away from unsustainable grasping for goals, we awaken to more of the inner potential that we need to use in order to paradoxically cultivate those goals.

Creating you best life is not lunging or striving beyond your reach for some-thing. Creating your best life happens once more from the inside-out.

Todays reality is yesterday’s manifestation.

We are not grasping for tomorrow, rather magnetizing tomorrow today.

What you must get straight are the energetics.

You must embody the version of your best self deeper and deeper everyday. Pay no attention to the part of yourself that says that you need to do x before you can be y.

The exact opposite is true. First you must be y, then you can do x.

This is what I mean about building your capacity to receive. IF you have not laid the foundation of becoming the one is worthy of doing whatever it may be, when you do whatever it may be you are doing so without the necessary infrastructure to sustain itself. The system will need to collapse at some point, as it seek a firm stable foundation.

Your best life is dependent upon your ability to create a foundation that is aligned to the qualities of your future best self.

If your foundation represent qualities that are incongruent to you best self, you will only be able to sustainably create a life related to those qualities.

Build the foundation aligned to the identity of your best self, then what is built upon the foundation will be aligned to your best self.

Build a foundation aligned to an identity that is not your best self, then what is built upon the foundation is the identity that is not your best self.

It ALL happens from the ground-up so to speak, from the inside-out.

All outer manifestations are merely elaborations of the inner.

Making your life the best possible life is magnetizing the person that you want to become, the person that you know you can become, more intimately into this now moment through essence.

Embodying the essence of what you want, lead to receiving the presence of what you want.

Essence precedes presence. Energy precedes material.

Focus on becoming within the essence of whom is capable of dwelling within you best life, and embody that down to your core.

This attracts your best life to you, rather than you chasing you best life.

This is wise and wild way.

how to make a life changing decision

How to Make Your Life a Masterpiece.

This alone is a life changing decision, but when you are on the path of designing and aligning to the masterpiece of your life, you will need to make plenty of life changing decisions.

A fair warning, this is an extremely radical approach, a proven approach but not for everybody.

At this point, you have a better understand of embodiment first, manifestation second.

Our goal is to become so clear about our sense of becoming that there is no other version of reality outside of becoming your best self.

From here, you need the discipline of confidence.

You need to be confident in who you are which means accepting all that you are now, even that which you are not, and accepting the space that still exists between you and your best self.

Confidence creates Commitment. Commitment creates discipline.

This blog post will help you dial in commitment.

Commitment to you new path of becoming your masterpiece will come a set of trials to test your identity. I don’t view this as a test from God to prove to God that you are committed, but rather a test from God to help you commit deeper to yourself at the point you are at in life.

Whenever we face a test in life, it is an opportunity that God is giving us to become more of the person that we know we can become. God already knows what you are capable of, you don’t need to prove that. What you need to prove is your own commitment and worth to yourself.

Commitment to yourself on the path becoming your best self is the litmus test of your ability to create the dream life you desire. IF you are being tested in regards to your commitment to self, you are on your way to revealing more of your life’s masterpiece to yourself.

How does this relate to making life changing decisions?

You are now conscious of who you are in this moment and who you are continually becoming. You are conscious of how your focus creates the path of your reality and how that path reveals many choices.

When you are conscious of your latent potential that comes from your greatest version, and you have the power of focus within you, life changing decision lose their grip over your life.

The place we arrive at is knowing that either direction you choose, you will be well equipped to follow. The subtlety is how much space to leave for your intuition to lead you.

The most capable human disconnected from their intuition will always think they made a wrong decision.

The one is connected to intuition will always know they made the right decision.

Here is the descrepency,

The mind thinks, while the body knows.

Your intuition knows, while your mind thinks to know. This a huge difference.

Where I am steering this ship is that the outcome of the choice is completely beside the fact because will confidence, commitment, and discipline, you will always have the resources that you need to cultivate great things out of your reality.

Intuition is the tool of advanced seekers. It is knowing yourself so deeply and being so committed to who you are, while allowing intuition to override it all.

This is where the radical magic happens. I call it radical logic. The intuition creates such a radical sense of understanding throughout life that there actually is a logic and pattern to it. The caveat is that you have to consciously choose to give your key to your intuition.

If you keep the key to your override within your mind, you will always second guess and doubt yourself. If you give that key, to your intuition, you will have to fight to get it back. The fighting alone should be noteworthy enough ot make you stop and think,

“Is me fighting my intuition helping me become my best self?”

In a decade of these conversations I have never heard a single human say yes in retrospect.

Let that land for a minute.

Don’t steal from yourself now, what your best self is trying to create.

The outcome of a life decision means nothing if you don’t feel aligned the moment after you make the decision. You will feel it in your body immediately that you have separated from yourself on some level.

If you feel butterflies in your stomach when making a decision, that is your intuition working through your parasympathetic nervous system screaming at you to run the other way.

Our programming goes very deep, and the translation of butterflies in the pit of your stomach being a good thing is far from the truth. Your body knows, while your mind thinks. Your body will only react with discomfort if it knows something. It knows you are about to separate from yourself on some level.

The second you separate from yourself, you have lost it all.

You have a brief window to mend the separation and maintain your power, integrity, and clarity, but not long.

I wish not to instill any negativity but rather to shine light on how important it is to listen to your body, to listen to your intuition because it is far more wise than your mind could ever claim to be.

So pragmatically, when you are making big life decision, get out of your own way for a minute.

If you are too deeply in you masculine logic, connect to the feminine intuition. If you are too deeply in your feminine intuition, feeling too much and receiving too much information, step into your masculine logic for a moment.

When we step out of our default operating program, we can much more clearly see and feel what we are working through.

Big life changing decision are not supposed to be difficult, we just tend to paint the entire picture of each scenario then put ourselves through the pain of judging and comparing the pending realities we have just created.

Discernment is your ally. Discernment is what leads you to choose the path you feel most aligned with without needing to paint the whole picture and figure it all out mentally.

Discernment is the act of translating your intuitive knowing into a cohesive thought form that you can reinforce with your belief upon it. With your belief upon it, your identity becomes rooted within it.

Discernment is how your intuition collaborates with your mind.

Discernment is the opposite of judgement.

With these tools you are well equipped to make powerful life changing decisions to align more intimately with the masterpiece of your life.

check out the self-mastery guide here.

Learn more techniques on creating your reality here.

Grab the unlimiting beliefs e-book here to help you eradicate limiting beliefs and operate at 100% you.


self actualization vs transcendence


Letting go of self-limiting beliefs.