Un-limiting Beliefs

HOW TO UNLIMIT your beliefs so that you can create the life that you know you want to live,

the life you know is possible.

This e-book unravels the insight and impact from my DECADE of working to understand the core pattern of these limiting beliefs so that I can help you sustainably overcome these same limiting beliefs, that EVERY SINGLE HUMAN BEING FACES, in a fraction of that time.

Once I understood the principles that I outlined in this e-book,

“I went from fearing romantic relationships, struggling with commitment, and having a shitty relationship to money, to now being in a beautiful conscious relationship (3 years strong!), running 2 of my own successful businesses, and having complete freedom of my time so that I can help people like you change their lives...”

and surf whenever I want…

You will need to be radically honest with yourself and put in the work it takes to transform your belief systems and to redefine your identity, which is not easy, BUT you will become more of the person that you dream to become through the guidance and awareness I can offer you.

Howdy, I’m kev!

I am a dorky cowboy who loves to surf that is devoted to helping people design and build their best lives. I help creative folks who know deep down that there is a way to create a better life actually design and build that better life!

My new e-book Unlimiting beliefs guides you through the process of understanding and identifying where in your life you are limiting your potential and how to gracefully and efficiently transcend these belief systems to create a new identity, with new beliefs of unlimited potential.


In this book, you will learn,

The three main limiting beliefs that are programmed into nearly every human being.

How to identify where in our lives these beliefs show up.

The truth that NOBODY is giving you about how these beliefs are sustained.


How to cultivate new belief systems and a lasting discipline that will sustain your new conscious programming and underlying identity.

ready to dive in?


I tell you the radical truth that everybody else sugar coats. Because the only way that you can create a lasting transformation that will positively alter your life forever, is by diving deep into the hard truths and the deep parts of your mind. Luckily, I can guide you into these truths with gracefulness and a practice that will help you stay balanced through your wild ride of self-mastery.


Becoming your best self takes work, anyone who promises otherwise is full of sh@t. I can guide you into the hard to access parts of your self, but you need to be willing to put in the work to grow, to transform, and to transcend.

Ready for that next step in life?

“Kev has taught me that there is always light and joy to find in life. And even more so that you can be a beacon of light to others, anytime and any day. His work ethic and focus on his path have helped me to hone and improve my own. Without him, I wouldn’t be the man I am today and I am ever grateful for him being in my life!”

-Connor R.



A little more about me!

My name is kev and I started this journey of self-mastery 10 years ago through the world of architectural design strangely enough. What I noticed is that there are so many parallels between designing and building beautiful, thoughtful, and impactful physical spaces as there are to designing and building the inner space of the type of person that you want to become and the life that you want to live. The process is the same for your outer environment and your inner environment.

 I translated my design process into a transformational framework that has helped countless people break free from old programming that was holding them back from living the life they desired to creating a peaceful and abundant life, inside and out.

Today, I am here to teach beautiful humans like you to do the same so that you can positively impact the people that only you can impact, the people you were made to impact!

fun fact

doubt kills more dreams than action ever will.

So perhaps now is your time to take a small action toward the dream that you’ve always wanted.

If you are open and ready to receive the radical truth of what is holding you back, and you are ready to take action,then this a beautiful place to start a new journey of becoming the person that you know you can become.

Still teetering on making a decision?

may your journey be blessed!