how to transcend our own limitations.

To transcend limitations,

You first must befriend your limitations.

Here’s why.

courtesy equator journal


Limitations are programmed into life.

Without limitation to guide our focus, we would be left purposeless.

Limitations impose boundaries so that we may learn to better ourselves.


The process of bettering ourselves, I define as our becoming,

It is the journey of defining the bounds of the game we wish to play, and understanding those bounds so intimately so as to know best how to break beyond them.


IF we do not first bind our reality to certain constraints, we can often feel lost rather than free.

Sometimes seeing boundaries helps us contain ourselves and our energy to better focus our full presence on the task, idea, or project we are directly facing.


Understanding the perceived limitations provides the necessary structure to incite the creativity needed to overcome them and to learn more about yourself.

Without structure, we can left aimless and with under-utilized creativity.


Creativity is directly correlated to your relationship with constraint.

Constraint is not the absence of creativity, nor is creativity the absence of constraint.

They inform an enlighten each other.

courtesy equator journal

 As we dissolve the constraints we face in the season,

Deeper manifestations of fear present themselves to us so we have new content to work with inside of ourselves.


Fear manifests as limitation.

We need limitation to better understand what we truly fear.

Understanding our fears is the first step to transcend them.


Paradox is always afoot where truth exists.

Befriending the limitation you experience is the pathway to transcending the limitation you face.


Use your creativity expressed within the bounds of the limitation to increase the amount of energy kept within those bounds.

Creative expression raises the pressure of the container until at some point the limitation must be broken.

All must rise.


Without the containment of limitation, creative energy would simply disperse into the ether-sphere without compounding itself.

Creativity is your way beyond limitation, but first you must understand the limitation and define it clearly.


IF your limitation deals with financial constraint, define the bounds of the constraint very clearly both physical and non-physical.

Now, introduce creativity.

Use your creativity, unapologetically to fill this container until the limitation must be broken.


IF you never fully define the limitation, you are not in full acceptance of the limitation.

The limitation is simply calling you to focus your energy on a specific parameter for a specific season of life.

We are not designed to face the same limitation our whole lives.

IF you deal with the same pattern of constraint, perhaps you are not fully in acceptance of it.


Without accepting that you are not financially free, how will you set the structure of becoming financially free truthfully?

Without honesty there is neither integrity nor reciprocity in life.

how to transcend our own limitations

courtesy equator journal


We are designed to confront each limitation as it’s own chapter, and to use creativity to understand more of our true nature within the limitation to eventually dissolve the limitation.


Creative expression is the most powerful tool you have.

Understand the context of the limitations your limitations to create within their bounds until the limitation can no longer sustain your expansion.


Befriend your limitations; know them well, so you can best dissolve them with creative expansion.


how to see other solutions to our own limitations


Creativity is your Birthright.