Creativity is your Birthright.

The tension between the ancient and the new, the known and the unknown, is the source of all creativity.


How much space do you allow yourself to collaborate with this tension, as opposed to banishing it or repressing it.


The most profound of all transformation occurs not in succumbing to the bias of illusion that prompts you to a choose a side, be it light or dark or happy or sad.

This transfiguration is birthed through the loving and profound conversation between the seemingly two sides of yourself. Therein, something magic is birthed.

Your life is a conscious co-creation. You literally are a divine collaboration, for without the aid of all that is unseen how would you have come into awareness of what is before you?

Your birthright is creative expression. Creativity by nature is tension.

It is the process of translating something unreal through an incredibly alchemical process until it is birthed in form or frequency.

Tension surrounds the entire process because the energetic bounds of your creativity must be influenced by your human nature as equally as your divine nature.


You are the crossroads between the realm of the manifest and the unmanifest, and creative expression is your way of creating from the uncreated.

Without tension, without the inherent human nature of some degree of error, which is the very cornerstone of aliveness, there would be no meaningful creation.


We live in a realm informed by rhythm. Perfection is not allowed without the touch of the human expression. This plane is not for the full divinity of perfection, but rather the full divinity of perfect human imperfection.

Imagine how dull our world would be without the contrast that derives from human nature embracing the space of the beyond. Without the energetic pressure that inform the alchemy of the creative process, there would be no joy in being able to birth something that would be otherwise perfect.

We seek contrast innately.

courtesy of equator journal

Our world is split into two for the joy of becoming one again.

Nothing is actuality is separate, yet with the beauty of bias that is our perception we gain the extraordinary ability to define self against the contrasting world around it.

To discover intimacy in one-self, the outer offers the perfect opportunity to reflect. If a quality of the world you observe around you can spark a feeling with you that is of beauty, was that feeling given to you or revealed to you?

You see,

Contrast is the magic of life.

Without it, there would be no observation of the beauty and that which reinforces beauty through it’s  opposite.

One of my favorite questions to ask is, “Where does left become right?”

Truly… Are they separate, or merely a contrast of the same one underlying principle.

All of life follows paradox, it is boundless.

Even that exact word boundless uses the contrast of a bound in the word itself to describe the very nature of its opposite would be. The absence of a bound must be nature use the idea of a bound to describe the beyond, what without bound would feel like.

So what is it truly a measure of?

A Bound?

The beyond?

The known?

The unknown?


What creative expression offers us is a vessel to venture into the space beyond names, shapes, and forms so as to create a bridge between the unknown and the known.

The outlet of the expression into the physical is nothing short of magic no matter what degree of your creation that you or culture around you deems extraordinary.


This expression is birthright.

courtesy of equator journal

Remember the magic that is encoded into you that holds the ability to conceive of the unseen and bring it so beautifully imperfect to life.

Let your human-ness be as it is, and let your unriddled self-deep within you play with you through the conscious collaboration of creativity, whatever form it might take and whatever feeling it might awake.

You are magic in the making.





how to transcend our own limitations.


how to radically change your life and create your own reality