how to see other solutions to our own limitations

If you think you have a problem to solve,


You are not seeing the full spectrum of life.

Consider this instead.

courtesy equator journal

 There is always a range of solutions available to us,

Yet we tend to see very linearly.

How often are we inspired by another’s perception of a problem we face?


You see,

Our conditioning informs how we seek to improve our lives, but is our improvement based on preservation of self or expansion of self?

Here is what you need to understand.


Our default programming is reactive based.


It goes as follows.

External stimulus leads to internal reaction.


Trigger prompts a response.


The response derives from the habitual conditioning of creating a story around the need to solve the momentary problem, and thus looking for a solution to the problem.

The analytical mind takes over, and we become convinced that there is in fact a problem and that we need to solve it.


What if there is actually nothing wrong, no problem to solve, but rather that this is merely a habitual response that we choose to carry out.


Here is the alternative.


There are two methods to transcend problems.

I like to define problems as limitation so I will use this language instead.


We can solve the limitation,

Or we can dissolve the limitation.


Lets dive in.

courtesy equator journal


We expel copious amounts of mental, emotional, and even physical energy in attempts to solve any limitation we are confronted with.

It is our default programming, and it is inclined towards a desire to survive, not a desire to thrive.



Do you wish to survive, or do you wish to thrive?


To thrive is to create a new operating system that rewires our trigger-response mechanism as well as alters our perception.

This operating system is one that uses awareness to dissolve limitations, as opposed to using intellect to solve limitations.


Limitations are real.

Let’s get that out of the way.

But that does not mean that they cannot be manipulated via our perception to be more than what they actually are.


All limitations are perceived.

More explicitly, all stories that attach to the limitations you face are self-prescribed narratives, often illusory at best.


Un-Limit your Belief system HERE.

Your default mode will enlarge perceived limitations, which in turn gives the illusion that it is for your best survival to all you can now in order to transcend the problem.

But most of the limitations you face don’t threaten your survival, and I am not speaking towards the one that do.


If your survival is not threatened, why then should we operate from fight or flight mentality?

There is a third way.

It is the middle way.

courtesy equator journal


This perception is neither fixated on the limitation, nor resisting the limitation.

It allies with time and allows space for the limitation to be observed without directly focusing on it.

This is heretical, I know, but it could change your life forever.


When we allow space to enter our thought-scape, we immediately come deeper into awareness.

Awareness knows far more than intellect could ever think.

Why is this helpful?


It is helpful because most problems don’t need to be solved, they simply need to be observed.

The reality is that most limitations are the outermost expressions of the root issue.

To patch a hole in the roof does not fix the structural issue that is causing water to pool there.


So with space between us and the need to solve a pending problem,

We begin to observe how much of the momentary expression of the problem dissolves.


Go for a walk, listen to music, stare at moss on rock.

Anything that you can do that gets you out of the need to take action and rather into a state of being instead will tremendously help your mind, nervous system, and emotional state.

Meanwhile your awareness is deep at work.


Your awareness can deconstruct the mental stories that encapsulate the root limitation, thus potentially dissolving the constraint in and of itself.


 When all stories dissolve, what is left to support the perceived limitation other than one fear and your belief within it.

To work on this aspect of self will solve far more problems that patching the metaphorical hole in the roof.


 So we arrive at paradox. YES!

courtesy equator journal

Only when you release the need to know the answers, the need to solve the problem,

Will the real limitation find resolve.


Release the need to know the answers HERE.


Examine that word for a moment, “resolve.”

The problem is already solved, but we have just momentarily entertained the illusion that there is something wrong.

So when we come back to awareness, we re-solve the problem that didn’t exist.


Of course, there will be moments where you are called to action indefinitely in which this middle path may not be your best ally.

There is a whole different skills for dealing with those responses, but nonetheless I want to reiterate that most limitation are only illusions of threats to survival.


Limitations that do not threaten your survival can be dissolved, rather than solved.

I help guide people like you dissolve these limitations in life so that you can actualize more of your true potential. If interested click HERE.


The only thing preventing you from creating your own reality.


how to transcend our own limitations.