The only thing preventing you from creating your own reality.
(What platitudes cannot teach you.)
equator journal
Most people have come across the “create your reality” section of the internet.
Here, half-truths of reality creation are ever present.
Though it is amazing that this is being talked about,
We need to fill in some crucial gaps left unsaid.
By the end of this article you will:
- Understand how you have been unconsciously creating reality
- Know your limitations to reality creation.
- Be ready to create your best reality.
Let's get that platitude out of the way...
Yes, the only one preventing your from living your best life is you.
Radical responsibility for the conditions of your reality leads you to step into full acceptance.
Acceptance is ownership, and ownership is authorship.
We are always authors of our life, but simply have been letting others ghostwrite most of our reality.
Whether you are conscious or unconscious of this transfer of ownership, it occurs through much of our lives.
Reality creation is not a task you can outsource.
equator journal
So why do we resist acceptance of our reality?
In short, acceptance is often perceived as a threat to the ego.
The ego wants to be right,
And often times “right” means outsourcing personal responsibility onto external factors.
The ego is comforted believing that someone else, or something else, is to blame for your life not going as projected.
Though this keeps the ego nice and cozy, it leaves you significantly less connected to the person you want to become.
My work is to help eradicate this disconnection in culture today.
Here’s what I can point towards within you.
The aspect of our lives where we are fully reflected of our power to create is in regards to our fears.
We often manifest scenarios for our fears to be given form much more frequent than scenarios for our dreams to be given form.
What you focus on intently, is what you create.
equator journal
Fears possess a dense energy and power over our mind. Therefore, fears are very intimately focused upon.
So what happens?
Fears manifest!
Congratulations! You are a master of reality creation, but just of the reality that you don’t want…
Here is the truth,
Your fears will always be reflected into your life,
So what is your reality creation tool to deal with this?
Reality creation is not a place, it is a state of being, an awareness.
If you want the partner, you will never receive.
If you want to become worthy of union, you will become worthy; and thus receive.
You cannot focus on a “thing” because before the thing becomes a thing it is first energy.
All matter is actually energy.
So if you want to create reality, you have to create the energetic conditions for that reality to manifest.
Form follows frequency.
The number one thing that impedes the frequency from becoming form is a hidden motive.
A hidden motive is our quasi-secret attachment to an outcome.
We all have felt what hidden motives are like.
We use a false façade to secretly try and get what we want.
This form of attachment keeps you stuck in more dense energy such as dishonesty.
Dishonesty will never create what you honestly desire.
Double paradox!
The limitations to your reality creation live in primarily two forms.
1. Focusing on what you do not want to create.
2. Holding on to underlying attachments.
Bonus. Using negative expression to cultivate positive expressions.
equator journal
The universe rewards honesty, and authenticity.
If there truly is something physical that you want, just own it.
Find a way to discover the identity within that thing and focus on becoming that person.
The more you try to hide what you truly want behind other forms, the further you will separate yourself from it.
Of course, I hope you are genuine and kind human who wants positivity for self and for all.
When you prove to yourself that you are sincerely and authentically focusing on becoming your ideal self, free from the attachments of any outcomes,
Then and only then will universe reward you with what you desire.
You don’t need to prove anything to God, only to yourself.
You are your own biggest critic and trickster.
Become like water, without attachment to the sea and you flow directly to the sea.
I talk heaps more about reality creation on my newsletter that you can check out below!