how to radically change your life and create your own reality

We live in an intimate universe, not an animate universe.

Intimacy is contrast and co-creation, but life itself only responds to what you ask of her.

Here’s how to ask radical questions.

courtesy equator journal


To preface this,

I want to give you permission to open towards the often complex nature of how we inhabit life.

Feelings like frustration, confusion, and tension can be you greatest allies with the right perception to extract their medicine.


So if you feel jaded from time to time, this will be very helpful.

By the end of this stream of consciousness you will be able

-        To welcome the mystery in your life

-        To design your life more intimately

-        Feel good about who you are


Life is about asking the “right questions.”

The level of depth you experience in your life is corollary to depth of questions you ask to life.

Your life is a feedback loop, and it very well beckons your collaboration in thoughtful design.


Meaningful design is simply a measure of how deeply the parameter of the question itself have been explored.

Designing your life is just as much deconstruction as it is construction.

courtesy equator journal

In fact, I would argue the 90% of the work is deconstruction.


To design your life means you have to make space within the inner landscape that is available for you to re-imagine.

Chances are, much of this landscape is occupied by previous ideals, identities, and beliefs.

Beautiful, normal, and right where you need to be.


So we have to ask questions to our deepest self and to life that will clear some of the space.

This is as energetic as it is emotional and physical.

“How much of this idea I have of what my life should be is authentically mine?”


Often, our lives are underlying supported by old notions of identity that perhaps are no longer aligned with who you are now.

To re-align your identity you must undergo a type of death to be reborn.


Our cultures used to program certain rites of passage into our becoming that ignited this exact response.

It is intimate dialogue with life.

You want to become new, and life can help you find your second mountain.


An Ego death, Identity Crisis, Vision Journey, and whatever it may have been are all design elements that are to ally our highest becoming.

courtesy equator journal

Yeshua literally went on 40 day vision journey.

The problem is that we now have to take the initiative to open to these elements on our own, which we resist naturally because who wants to die willingly, in a sense!


If we go much of our lives without purifying who we are, therein carrying much baggage that is no longer of service, imagine the amount of freedom and intimacy this is preventing of you.

You deserve to live a life of intimacy and impact, but you have to initiate the conversation with life deeply and sincerely.


I emphasize life as series of design elements because life is design.

We choose elements and how to assemble them together which then creates our “life.”

There is tremendous power in this agency, but this agency cannot alone create the life you want to live.


The reason why we feel tension in our lives or confusion is because we begin to believe that we need to know all of the answers in order to live our most meaningful life.


I call bullsh@t on this idea.

Life is a paradox, it is proven time and time again.

Only when you let go of your attachment to a desire do you then paradoxically receive what you desire.


Vulnerability is intimacy.

courtesy equator journal

Our intimacy with life is being in full trust without needing to have it all figure out.

This journey was not designed for you to go about alone, life is your greatest teacher and ally.


Befriend the mystery, and fear dissolves.

Our fears dwell in the liminal space we try to control within the mystery of the not yet defined.

Without the need to control the mystery, you develop deeper trust.


The way you trust life is the way you make love to life.


Trust is designed into your life.

Yet, trust can only exist where fear once lived.

To create trust, you must clear the inner landscape where fear dwelled.

Fear is distrust.


Where fear dissolves, there life calls you to build with trust.

equator journal

Trust is a sort of shrine to the death of the fear that made way for trust to arise.

The fear is not forgotten, but honored as it was perfectly so to make you who you are now.


You can see how the intimacy of life can be broken down into small element.

When we see the elements of the whole, it makes it easier to deconstruct the whole efficiently.

It also helps us gather insight from each little piece of life that we remove.


Life often needs to first be subtractive to then multiply.

Simply adding elements to your life will never amplify your reality to the extent that you truly desire.


Creativity is your Birthright.


How do I build trust in myself? What does it mean to trust myself?