How do I build trust in myself? What does it mean to trust myself?

How much do you trust in yourself?

Trust is the measure of the absence of your fears.

Let’s learn about dissolving fears and cultivating trust instead.

courtesy equator journal


All fears can be traced to the root of distrust.

Trust is the antithesis to fear; therefore, distrust is fear itself.


If I fear judgement, I distrust myself to feel comfortable in my way.

If I fear failure, I distrust myself to persevere.

If I fear inadequacy, I distrust who I truly am.


Distrust creates the mental constructs that fear attaches to.

We reinforce these neural pathways through our belief in the stories of our fears to be the ultimate.

We place our fears on a pedestal high above our reach and shrouded in a holy cloak, never to look them in the eye.

courtesy equator journal


Much of this happens at an unconscious level.

You cannot truly be held accountable for what is unconscious but you can hold yourself accountable to seek to make the unconscious conscious.

Therein you gain your power once more.


When you reveal your unconscious to yourself, you develop trust in a vulnerable part of your being to be strong enough to look behind the glass.

Where trust is created, fear dissolves.


If you struggle with self-sabotaging,

To illuminate the fear that holds together the story of you believing that you are not good enough to receive something beautiful leads you to see how vulnerable the foundation of the story itself truly is.


We are often unaware of the makeshift nature of how our fears and stories of fear are threaded together.

They may be tangled in knots and such, but they are not carved in stone.

Even if you believe that they are stone, if you created it then you can dissolve it.


When we use trust to illuminate the structure of our fears, we are choosing to believe in the best version of ourselves.

Radical trust is a tool belonging to your true nature, your highest becoming.

how do i build trust in myself and what does it mean to trust myself?

courtesy equator journal


The more you access the trust inherent to your being, the more you become more aligned to the person you know you want to become.

Trusting in yourself is like shining a radiant light on your life that naturally disentangles the stories that reinforce your fears.


When you see the structure of your fears for what they truly are, you recognize that the structure is self-created.

It can be daunting to start deconstructing the fear, but you are at the true author of the fear, you are also the owner the fear and can do with it whatever you wish.


Deconstructing your fears is not easy work, but it also need not be difficult.

Inertia works against you initially, but when you reduce the entire equation down to decisions you will find that it takes the same amount of energy to choose yes as it does no so to speak.


Where you observe fear, place trust.

Trust is your ally, even if you feel separate from it now.

If there is anything to keep close, it is that trust is innate to you.

Trust is your way, you just have to remember it.


All that matters is that you trust yourself.


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