self actualization vs transcendence

What is the difference between self-actualization and self-transcendence?

Lets dive straight into dissecting these concepts so that we can better understand them and therefore better embody our unique paths through them.

Self actualization and self transcendence are not the same.

Self actualization can and will be a means to self-transcendence, and they do in fact overlap, but these states of being are separated by a layer of awareness that divides the conscious and the unconscious.

The threshold of where our unconscious awareness brushes against our conscious awareness is always we are given the greatest opportunity for growth and potential for transcendence. This choice that exists within this subtle doorway is the dimension that both connects and pulls apart self-actualization from self-transcendence.

So let’s first understand a few key differences before we celebrate some similarities and learn some practices on how to integrate on path into the other.

Self-actualization is a need.

The term self-actualization has been popularized into collective consciousness through Mazlow’s , “Hiererchy of Needs,” matrix.

This matrix represents at large the unconscious framework of human needs as foundational progression from root chakra based survival needs up into the need of self-actualization represented as the pinnacle of human need.

What this idea expresses, take it as you may, is that the desire to actualize one’s latent potential is to programmed into the human unconscious as a necessity.

Now, importantly, we tap into our latent potential when we become conscious of the path that unravels our potential.

When we become conscious, we become creators.

This post here will help guide you deeper into becoming a creator.

Self actualization and fulfilment are akin.

self actualization vs transcendence

When we fulfill foundations of our personal hierarchy of needs, we are simultaneously pursuing self-actualization. Thought self-actualization is the pinnacle of the hierarchy pyramind, when you become conscious of the hierarchy itself via the nature of what you wish to create within your life, you are within self-actualization ate very step of the way to some degree.

Even if you are only embodying the base layer of foundational human needs, with conscious awareness you are on the path of self-actualization.

To know that you are the conscious creator that is the only one whom can liberate your own potential is to be attuned to the journey of self-actualization.

The unconscious awareness of self-actualization does not remove self-actualization from basic hierarchy of needs.

It is encoded within our DNA and is the very reason that humans are constantly inquiring towards a deeper dimension of reality even through very mundane means.

Self actualization and purpose are linked indefinitely.

There is no awakening to your purpose without revealing a new layer of conscious awareness towards self-actualization.

Self-actualization is inevitable, whether it becomes consciously manifest or unconsciously manifest.

I have an extremely in depth guide on self-actualization that you can use to consciously create your life into a masterpiece here.

There is also a negative polarity to self-actualization.

The anti of self-actualization, which is still a measure of self-actualization itself, is repression.

Repression in its conscious and unconscious form is the opposite of self-actualization. Repression cause a reversion of the human state of awareness into the shadow. The shadow has plenty to teach us, yet the shadow can consume us.

To be within repression is to reject your innate journey of self-actualization.

There would be zero desire to repress the self if there wasn’t some level of awareness of potential to growth, potential to un-limit new aspects of self, and potential to become that which you know is possible. For deep insight on un-limiting you potential check out this blog post.

Repression and self-actualization are, as the Kybalion puts it, measures of the same thing to differing degrees.

self actualization and goals

self actualization vs transcendence

We have a natural yearning to achieving something tomorrow that we do not achieve today.

We have a natural yearning to become better tomorrow than we are today.

The notion of a goal represents self-actualization as need both consciously and unconsciously. This again iterates that is embedded into our human nature to express the fundamental need to actualize.

Every single human innately is goal oriented either in the fixation of, repression of, or ignorance thereof. We can escape higher functions of self, such as enlightenment and transcendence, but we cannot escape innate functions of self such as self-actualization.

So let’s dig a little into self-transcendence.

Self transcendence is a uniquely human capacity.

Yet, self-transcendence is not a need.

Self transcendence comes back to the choice iterated earlier in that small threshold where the unconscious meet the unconscious.

We are the only species on earth with the capacity to bridge the conscious and the unconscious.

Self-actualization is the refinement of making conscious the unconscious natural human ambition to become better today than I was yesterday.

Self-transcendence is utilizing the threshold between the conscious and the unconscious to access space beyond the self.

The self is not separate from the non-self, yet self-actualization bounds one’s life in order to best observe itself to iterate upon itself for growth. Actualization needs bounds in order to become.

Self-transcendence purges beyond the groundings of self into the expansive space of the all. The self belongs to all, but requires a specific form and self-concept in order to manifest.

Self-transcendence goes beyond the form and self-concept to connect to that which is in totality a singular consciousness uniting all paths together.

Self-transcendence is accessed through self-actualization.

self actualization vs transcendence

To transcend, one must become consciously aware of the one’s own path to actualization.

The path of self-actualization is simultaneously your unique path to self-transcendence.

To actualize is to awaken more deeply to you path. Awakening more deeply to your path sparks the inquiry of the space that is the path itself. Learn more about discovering your path here.

Actualization gets you on the path, transcendence is what deconstructs the path into boundless space, the only caveat is that to gain access to the dimension of awareness that lives upon the path, you need to narrow in the doorway to the path that is your life, your conscious creation, your self-actualization.

We arrive at paradox.

We need a path to become pathless.

Self transcendence is a choice and a devotion to higher functions of the human capacity, yet is not a need. Though one is led to self-actualize inevitably either in manifest or lack thereof, one is not innately led to transcend.

Transcending is a question of perception that inhabits a deep sense of personal agency. One can live actualized and never be led to beyond the self.

The human experience only requires that you experience your own self.

Transcendence is using the experience of your own self to go beyond the self so as to experience the ALL in everything.

This is far beyond the bounds of self-actualization yet is a natural gestaly of actualization.


How to achieve self-transcendence?

The truth is,


Not the way most of us look at it.

Self-transcendence is not achieved, it is experienced as an evolving awareness.

One never reaches transcendence, rather one experiences transcendence.

In the human form we must be anchored to earth in some way. We have examples of transcended beings like Yeshua, Maharaji, and many other’s, yet transcendence still is a state of awareness that needs to be balanced somehow in the third dimension.

Our baseline reality can and will evolve to higher planes of awareness, but we are dynamic beings. You can read this post to learn more about reality creation.

Our perception is not steadfast. Even if the fluctuations of our perception and awareness are subtle they are still vibrating on a plane of high and low.

Transcendence is all around, yet not entirely consciously participated within. The joy of the matter is that we can experience mystical magical moments in life and then we are brought back to a more grounded sense of self so we can embody that mystical magical awareness more deeply to our baseline reality, our human form, and our contextual life.

This is a remarkably beautiful image.

We are constantly kissing God, then grounding that kiss into the context our of life building the foundation closer and closer to the pure source.

With each kiss we bring our consciousness closer and closer to source and we are taking our body along with it. We are grounded in this human body to create meaningfully, and with this awareness we are creating a higher reality for self and for the world.

Self-actualization is what builds your capacity to kiss God. Self-transcendence is you choosing to kiss God.


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How to Make Your Life a Masterpiece.