How do I make myself free and overcome limitations and fears?

Fear is limitation.

To liberate your limitation, you must dissolve the fears that create your limitation.

Here’s your intro to freedom that not guru will ever tell you.

 We are all limited to the extent of the fears that we embody.

Yet, what is embodied is not always conscious.

Much of our limitation is beneath the surface of consciousness.


We often are not aware of the constraints that hold us back via the nature of their unconscious origins.

This is both beautiful and revealing for the opposite of constraint is freedom.

To discover freedom we must dissolve constraint.


Freedom balances your being.

The freedom we choose to perceive now is in congruence with our level of awareness now.


We can feel free, yet still discover revelations of where we are not free.

Freedom is with you now, but amplifies to a deeper dimension as we make our unconscious constraints conscious.


Freedom does not inhabit us, rather we inhabit freedom.

Freedom never leaves you, you simply have the choice to be within freedom to the degree that you wish to be.


You are always free, yet you can always be more free as you evaporate the layers of constraint that inhibit the intimacy with you and freedom.


Freedom is intimate because we live in an intimate universe.

The more we commune with the intimacy that is all around us, the more our limitations strip away.


When we see into the intimate universe, false constructs burn away.


This burning is your birthright.

As human beings, we are constantly made new each and every moment.

Even the cells in your body constantly turnover to physically make you anew.


You are different in this moment in comparison to before you began reading this.

This evolution is designed to work with your becoming. Design your life here!


We often carry baggage from the past in our minds and heart as the rest of our body is being made new.

This causes disharmony and constraint because the body, the mind, and soul work best together.


Of course, it is not realistic to start each day completely present always.

We carry over constraint from yesterday into today very habitually.

But it is important to ask, “Why.”


Much of the time we carry past limitation purely through the mental constructs that we have established. Overcome limiting beliefs here!

If we carry undesirable energy from yesterday into today, are we really free?

Rather than feeling guilty about our habits, or our unfulfilled desires, let’s simply acknowledge that you have done the best that you could have done given what you knew.

Now that you see the doorway to freedom is through dissolving your conscious constraints, you can feel more free now simply having a process.


If you would like to learn more about discovering freedom, I am creating a transformative program to help you get free from the inside out in 6 weeks. Link below!

Re-Design Reality Program!


How do I build trust in myself? What does it mean to trust myself?


You don’t need to know all the answers in life.