You don’t need to know all the answers in life.

Today, I am questioning the desire to need to know the answers in life.

We all seek,

And often we find.

Not always what we were looking for, but some something nonetheless.

But in the finding we find our desire to know the answers is many a times greater than the reception of an answer itself.


We are driven by a burning fire to understand the mystery. We deeply want the answers of tomorrow as we still exist within today.

The cycle can be as vicious as it could be expansive; however I would argue it ultimately is deconstructive in the end.


The thirst for understanding never quenches if we are still seeking. This thirst can as aimless as any endeavor and go largely unobserved and unquestioned.

Today, I am questioning the desire to need to know the answers in life.


How much space and energy is consumed by our quest to illuminate the mystery of our uncertainty. Our tomorrow, our potential, our hopes, all of which succumb to our yearning to figure it all out and feel damn good about figuring it all out.

But do we ever figure it all out?


It is an uncomfortably common theme for people to praise me for their perception of my seemingly figured it all out lifestyle.

Though I gracefully accept these compliments with a smile and gratitude, I recognize the illusory nature of what is perceived of me.


Certainly, I may have much of what others desire, but in the same light that I desire much of what others seemingly have.

The nature of this scenario is a juxtaposition of ideals. As I have devoted my life to creative expression, the mystery, and the actualization of potential, the freedom I dwell within is magnetic to the ones who have not structured their lives in this way.


Those who are magnetized by their perception of my life often have gotten proficient at a different game of life, one which of which is more stable and predictable in the sense of perhaps minimizing risk and maximizing profitability.


This, via the nature of its contrast to my life, is curious to me. Part of me desires some of those aspects, of which I am actively trying to lean into, but I can just as well view them as having life all figured out but simply in a different fashion.


This nature of the cliché always holds truth. We simply desire what we don’t have.

Many desire the freedom and creativity that I have, and I desire the stability that they possess.


I can easily be led to desire passionately how do I get what they have, and vice versa. But we can see the futility in this.


So what then does it truly mean in needing to know the answers in life if it all simply circles around and around?

My conviction through many experiences is this,

Only when you release the need to know the answers, will you fully receive the answer that you didn’t even know you were looking for.

I say it this way for the nature of the answer that is received far exceeds the parameters in which we were looking for it.

This perfectly shines light on the comedy of trying to figure it all out in the first place.

When we become honest that we don’t know the answers, then we open space in ourselves to release the need to even know in the first place.

By some great act of alchemy, we then and only then paradoxically receive.


With attachment to finding something, we will find many somethings but not the one thing we have tricked ourselves into looking for.

Without the attachment sincerely, you will be given all that and a bag of chips.


Paradox is always the answer.

When you arrive at paradox, you get down on your knees and laugh and cry a little bit. Trust me it is very liberating and hilarious.


Paradox is the doorway into the great beyond of what you view to be your life. When it strikes you, you know immediately that you have found, without seeking, your entry point to deeper dimensions of self and of life.


Only when you release the need to know all the answers, will full clarity of all the answers you thought you were seeking be given to you.


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